help fast food has me

chrisf200941 Posts: 3 Member
anyone know how to beat the cravings dunkins wnedys and such .I need help bad


  • jogetsgains
    jogetsgains Posts: 341 Member
    If your goal is to lose weight IMO you have 2 choices.
    1.Cold turkey quitting. Eventually the cravings will go.
    2.meticulously track your calories and fit the junk in your goals. You can check out ideas in the volume eaters thread for stuff that is low calorie and will fill you up so you can get by on one donut or one cheeseburger or whatever it is you love about fast food.

    If your goal is to eat healthier, then consult a dietitian on options from those places or substitutes.

    Really sit down and do a root cause analysis on why you eat fast food and why you want to stop. Habit? Binging? Convenience? Weight? Health? Emotional eating? Then you can formulate a plan to fix the root problem.

    When you are clear on your problem and your goals then people can give you specific and effective help.