Looking for Low Carb Buddies and Recipes



  • VP2000
    VP2000 Posts: 1 Member
    I just started keto and would love to share recipes and meal planning ideas. Please feel free to add me. Thanks
  • tenishak34
    tenishak34 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi I would like to join the low carb movement. I am going to try to do 20g but I'm starting out and I notice when I try to restrict myself I end up binging on carbs. How do you deal with your urges and temptations? How do you stay committed to reach your goal? I need to be successful. Please include me in the group and thanks for all of you who post and encourage each other. I have read a lot of the posts and I'm going to commit to doing this way of eating. Thanks fir your time!
  • Rachelschoene5559
    Rachelschoene5559 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm on day 3 of keto. I'll add you.
  • Illy_Mooncat
    Illy_Mooncat Posts: 159 Member
    agrube1968 wrote: »
    Back at it today after being off low carb for several days while visiting my son and daughter in law and so far so good today! How are you all doing?

    Same; yesterday was husband’s beeday and I am back on the keto train today... I already feel sooo much better!!
  • gingersnappss
    gingersnappss Posts: 7 Member
    Hi @agrube1968, feel free to add me as friend. I’m doing Keto trying to keep carbs 20g or less. It would be nice to have support.
  • PacerGal2014
    PacerGal2014 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been doing Keto for 4 months now and lost 30 lbs! I love it
  • stacyhyoung1
    stacyhyoung1 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi all. I started a low carb diet about 6 months ago. Lost 20lbs. I am happy about that. Now my next goal is another 20 in 6months. With the holidays though I fell off. I could use some new recipes and friends.
  • ruffneckred
    ruffneckred Posts: 69 Member
    Great thread, I stumbled into low card via scary glucose test. I don't want diabetes, insulin or the expense. That was in may, i am down about 90lbs Hope i can join your group