Question for the ladies: TOTM and exercise

Excuse the TMI in advance…

I am coming up to that TOTM and starting to worry about it breaking my momentum exercise-wise. I know many women power on through theirs and find it helps with cramps and such, but I have severe endometriosis and while I've tried to stay active in the past, I've come to accept it's simply not possible. I have extreme pain for the first 2-3 days and it's usually accompanied by vomiting and stomach upsets. When it's at its worst I take very strong painkillers which leave me in a daze. Finally, I don't use tampons (they can be a contributing factor to endometriosis so I only use pads) and as you can imagine, this can feel very uncomfortable and gross when moving around a lot. So I'm certain this will mean a break in my exercise routine. In the past I have found that it affects my progress and motivation by the time I feel ready to get back into it. To make matters worse, I have a 23-25 day cycle so I'm down for the count just over every three weeks.

Should I just accept I won't be able to exercise for at least those three days, probably for the full five, and make sure I get back onto it as soon as I can - and also accept it may slow down my progress? Just concentrate on arms and legs strength training when I can leave the bed/not vomit for a few hours?

My main concern is that I'm doing the couch to 5k running program to try and turn myself into a runner, and if I let even an extra day go by between runs I find it really difficult to move onto the next stage when I'm supposed to.


  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    For me, it's not really a big deal - I'm so so lucky to just have a bit of weight gain during TOM.

    BUT I think you could definitely make two of those days strength days and have a rest day in between so no heavy cardio. It's only three days after all. You could always repeat the last session of C25K when you get back to it so that you still get a workout in but because you've had the time off you don't HAVE to move on as quickly as they suggest. Remember it's a GUIDE, not a GIVEN. You can repeat all you like and you'll still get there in the end!!
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    i'm sure someone will come along and give more sound advice, but as i'm not a sufferer i don't know if this would work for you or not, but i think i would try and switch to some light yoga or pilates type exercise, the stretching will help with muscle conditioning and the meditative (is that a word) qualities of the exercise may help relieve some of the pain and stress caused. keep your chin up, but remember if you aint well you aint well, sometimes it just aint possible to exercise, you know your body. one thing i would say though and please don't take this the wrong way, but sometimes its easy to find an excuse not to exercise rather than find something that works for you, just be aware of this as its going keep coming round every month, and once you stop exercising it can be hard to start again x
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    That sounds awful, you poor thing!

    Remember that results are more from nutrition than exercise, so if you DO have to skip a few days it's no big deal, just be extra choosy about what you eat.

    Could you go for a nice long walk?
  • Oh that's gotta suck!!! I really feel for you. I've been crampy the last 2 days and have skipped running, but really, I could have done it if I'd just gotten off my *kitten* and DONE it. You on the other hand, maybe not, eh? I've had a couple of months with worse-than-usual cramps since I started dieting and exercising and I actually found that I felt better during and after going for a walk or doing a zumba class. It was tough to drag myself there, but I told myself that it was an experiment and if I felt worse after, then I wouldn't have to go next time. But I did feel better. You know your own body best though. If you can manage it, try an 'experiment' and go for a walk and see if it helps. Then you'll know for sure. If it doesn't work, then give yourself a break and don't push too hard. If it does work for a walk, then the next day try a run, but maybe go back a week in your c25k and do an easier week.

    I really do feel for ya babe, especially that you get nailed with it even more often than most!!! Totally unfair! Oh, and maybe try a heating pad/electric blanket for the cramps. I used towels warmed up in the dryer once and I think it helped a bit, if nothing else, it was kinda relaxing.

    Good luck sweetie! And if you want some friends, feel free to add me, I'm doing c25k as well and may need some encouragement this week!
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    i always used to use it as an excuce as well as every other thing too! but if you are one of the "excuse for everything person" you wont be doing anything i also have bad cramp and all that i just fit the exersice in around it BUT i still do it...EVERYDAY!
    sorry if you guys dont like my answer but when you have lost alot of weight your mind set changes and you can see the very overweight ones doing it ALL the time!
  • I say your focus should be heal endometriosis. I wish I remembered what I read years ago about how certain foods exacerbate endo. Was it wheat and gluten? I can't remember, but all the same, be gentle with yourself. Noone here knows exactly how much you suffer, and you're trying to put together a plan that you can live with for the rest of your life.

    If you can exercise, do it. If the pain and stress on the body is overwhelming, be gentle with yourself and do what you need to do for a couple days. Too much stress is bad for you, too.

    You could also compromise and do an old lady version of exercise, keeping it really mild and light on your painful days.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    It does sound like you suffer really badly, poor you. Is there anything you feel you can do within your limits, even if it's a gentle walk round the block after some painkillers? Just keeping up that exercise momentum might help.

    As far as the tampons/pads go, can you use a keeper (also known as a moon cup or diva cup)? I use one, as do friends with heavy period and endometriosis.

    As far as C25K goes, there is no problem in repeating a day or a week if you need to before you move on. In fact it can be advantageous as it reinforces that certain level of fitness before you move on and reduces the risk of burn-out or injury.

    Hope you can find some relief! :flowerforyou:
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I know how you feel, and I'm embarrassed to say TOM throws me completely. Even with strength exercise, I can't do anywhere near as much. I have recently developed anaemia and I feel really washed out when it's my TOM.

    I don't have an answer myself, yet, but wish you the best in your attempts.
  • jumcadam
    jumcadam Posts: 95 Member
    I get really bad cramps and always have done - the amount of hardcore painkillers I require each month is irritating, not to mention expensive!

    But I have found recently that when I exercise solidly for the week BEFORE everything starts and then stick to very light exercise for TOTM the pain is nothing like as bad. I also try and go for lots of walks and stick to Pilates as the breathing patterns really help to ease the tension.
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    All cotton tampons are fine to use.
    If you can sort the pain a little maybe these would help?
  • I have recently developed anaemia and I feel really washed out when it's my TOM.

    Is all anemia associated with low iron? If so... A local naturopath says you get a lot of iron uptake if you use cast-iron pots and pans. Might be worth getting one if that's the kind of anemia you have.