
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Thanks everyone hugs 🤗 my back finally almost better if I keep from lifting JR too much for the night I should be better by morning.Hubby helped out did some work from home.Takes teamwork at our age with a 2yr old. JRs turning 2 1/2 September already tantrums are tearing their ugly heads...was hoping we would skip this milestone lol 😆 Mothers hope is always a pipe dream.
    Got my new special K bars in the mail had 3 flavors the cinnamon was great! Tastes like pop tarts .100 calories per package their 2 per package so if I want 1 more 1/2 is 50 calories put the other one in a Tupperware. 18 packages with 2 bars in each. Ordered more Walden Chipotle salad dressing.
    Used the last face mask up so no more at last! This one didn’t make my face red y itchy like the other 2.
    Amber Tx
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Heather thank you for your kind thoughts. The updates today have not been encouraging.

    Janetr OKC
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,989 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Oh - and come to find out that my dentist visit had to be cancelled because, once you've had a joint replaced, you're supposed to be on prophylactic antibiotics ordered by your surgeon. No one mentioned this... until I got there. So, after all the fuss last week, I'll be on a course of antibiotics this week and try again with the dentist next Friday. *sigh* Life is weird, and irony is not my friend.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    I also have to be on prophylactic antibiotics before dental appointments because I had rheumatic fever as a child which resulted in a heart murmur. Some dentists don't bother, but most do. So last week, when I was feeling quite awful, my mouth was infected but I was pretty sure I was generally battling an infection. I could have gone to my Dr and asked for antibiotics with about a 50/50 chance of getting some, but I knew I could go to my dentist and they would prescribe some. They did and I'm feeling much better. :)

    M in Oz
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    My Day with a 2 yr old. So tired forgot to exercise. Went over by 100calories so not bad.
    Amber Tx
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did Jillian Michaels Killer Buns and Thighs DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to ride the recumbent bike

    Barbie – thanks for posting that pic of SW and the dwarfs. Those are the same as my molds! From what I understand (and this makes sense) TECHNICALLY these are illegal molds. Disney SUPPOSEDLY doesn’t allow them. But it’s nice to see how SW looks among them

    Don’t really know what to do: Jess was talking to one of the neighbors and she invited them today. Jess said that they’d come, but I have a feeling that they won’t. I wanted to invite either the entire neighborhood or just the people on our street. These people don’t live on our street. One of the ladies was the person I spoke to asking if she’d help me and she said that she just wanted to enjoy herself. I honestly thought she’d at least for the first time help me out. According to Jess she said we’ve invited selective people before, which we never did. I suspect things got misinterpreted. I never said anything to another lady she spoke to and invited because she doesn’t live on our street. She’s a really sweet person, but I didn’t want her to feel like she was invited as an afterthought. I feel I really should at least tell her (the sweet neighbor) the reason I didn’t say anything was that we just invited the people on our street. I guess when I see her out walking or something I’ll say something to her. Vince is quite upset

    Katla – (((HUGS)))

    Well, as I expected, not one person came. To me, this says that we invite the entire neighborhood, it’s really questionable how many will come. Probably not many. But Colby came down and the four of us had a good time in the pool and spa, so there was a silver lining. It’s interesting, one of the sons next door was out playing soccer while we were in the pool, but never came over.

    Rebecca – I never thought to add a liqueur to canned frosting. Vince absolutely loves amaretto, maybe I’ll try adding it to the frosting next time. Interesting…..

    Tracey – I’d love some of Rebecca’s budgeting skills, too. So you can’t have them all…..lol   :):)

    Cheri – how wonderful for your daughter and you!

    Katie – that recipe for the mint chocolate chip “ice cream” sounds delish….but can I use almond milk instead of coconut? Jess is so allergic to coconut that I don’t want it in the house. I’m thinking that you can probably use mint extract in place of the mint leaves. How many calories are in the cacao nibs? I remember at one time using dutch chocolate and banana to make chocolate “ice cream”. Just never thought of adding mint.

    Michele in NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    Machka's Exercise Tips :) ... this is just how I fit it into my day YMMV.

    I work full time at a desk job and attend university part time getting my Master's degree.

    I walk as part of my commute.
    I take the stairs and I often climb extra stairs throughout the day when I get up to stretch and get another coffee.
    I walk at lunch.
    My husband and I often walk, cycle or exercise indoors after work.
    We also do the same on weekends.

    I also walk to get places ... I rarely drive. So I walk between the university and work. I walk to the bus, and around here, sometimes that can be a couple km. I walk to the shops, to medical appointments, to run errands, etc.

    And in the evenings, I'm up and doing housework things quite often during commercial breaks.

    My project in my current course is to create something based on the theme "Get Moving At Work". The first step (submitted on Friday) was a sketch and a 1500 word description of the something along with research about other similar somethings and why something is needed, etc.

    The research was really interesting. There isn't a lot of research about the harmful effects of extended sitting, but what research there is is quite revealing ... sitting for long periods of time is harmful!

    I developed DVT in 2009 and I've got a genetic predisposition toward developing blood clots so my doctors have warned me against sitting for long periods of time. I'm to get up at least once an hour, preferably even once every 30 minutes.

    Turns out ... that's good advice for everyone. Even just standing up for a few minutes every 30 minutes is beneficial. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    Machka - I read an article or something not long ago that states that sitting is worse than smoking.

    Tracey In Edmonton

    From one of the articles I read for the assignment ...

    "The link between excessive sitting time and adverse health outcomes, including CVD, type 2
    diabetes and premature mortality, has been well recognised even after accounting for the influence of
    moderate to vigorous physical activity [8,9]. Persons who sit 8 to 11 hours per day have an estimated
    15% increased risk of death over the next three years compared to those who sit less than 4 hours per
    day [10]. Too much sitting has become a key public health concern [11], since sedentary behaviour
    occupies more than half of adults’ waking hours [12]. In office workers, workplace sitting is the
    single biggest contributor to daily sitting time [13]. Further, as office-based workers constitute the
    largest occupational sector and the proportion of industrial work that involves sedentary activity is
    increasing [14], the office workplace has been identified as a key setting in which to reduce prolonged
    sitting time [15].

    In contrast to the detrimental effects of prolonged sitting, large scale prospective observational
    studies have reported that time spent standing is linked to a reduction in all-cause mortality risk in a
    dose-response manner [16,17]. Furthermore, analyses using isotemporal substitution modelling have
    shown that replacing sitting time with equal amounts of standing is linked to substantial mortality risk
    reduction in Australian adults [18]."

    Gao, L, Nguyen, P, Dunstan, D & Moodie, M 2019, ‘Are Office-Based Workplace Interventions Designed to Reduce Sitting Time Cost-Effective Primary Prevention Measures for Cardiovascular Disease? A Systematic Review and Modelled Economic Evaluation’, International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health, vol. 16, no. 5, viewed 4 August 2019, <http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=mdc&AN=30866495&site=eds-live>.

    That was even a bit startling to me, and I knew that sitting wasn't good.

    M in Oz

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Morning, afternoon and evening, all...

    Carol - what a terrific picture! None of you look like you're 71, not to me anyway. I don't think anyone on this site looks their age in the pics I see, though. :)

    In my happy place, rattling on the computer, washer going, kitchen clean, Egg (the cat) on my lap purring (which won't last long unless I stop typing).

    Pat in OH - good to see you posting!

    Mia - hope your kitty made it home... thinking about you.

    If my husband sleeps in, I may head for the gym, do my aerobics at 7 a.m., and then come back and mow. He's canning pickles and more salsa today... so I said I'd mow. He works in an un-airconditioned shop all day every weekday. He could use two days in a row of staying inside where it's cool.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Almost caught up yeay! Having to dash to the shop for my mum, I'll try and get back later this aftrnoon.
    Take care <3
    Viv UK