New Mom looking for other Mom's on their weight loss journey postpartum!

Hi everyone!

I am looking to meet other motivated moms who are working towards losing weight after having their baby!

My little one is 4 months old now and I feel ready to get back to working out and eating healthy so I can return to my prepregnancy weight and then some. Need motivation to keep up with this...lack of sleep, lack of energy and grabbing to eat the quickest junk food / unhealthy meals make my weight loss goal that much harder.

Looking forward to meeting some of you! Let's work at this together! :)


  • moonangel12
    moonangel12 Posts: 971 Member
    Does 6.5 years postpartum count?? :D

    I started C25K after my third was born - it was good “me time” after a day filled with babies and toddlers! One day I passed my husband with a wave in the driveway as he was pulling in from work - I was DONE for the day and needed that break! (He understood, thankfully). Just listen to your body, I had some pain and spotting early on because i evidently wasn’t fully healed.

    And the quick grabs for food (or clean up duty once they get older) can add up fast! Keeping healthier options on hand is definitely a good plan.
  • chai_latte
    chai_latte Posts: 94 Member
    Thank you for your advice! I have issues trying to be gentle with myself. I find myself being very critical with this weight gain and feeling ugly/unattractive. Feeling this way doesn't help the exercise and eating clean, I just go back to eating unhealthy. I don't like this cycle that I am in and want to change it. I will add you if you don't mind! :)
    Does 6.5 years postpartum count?? :D

    I started C25K after my third was born - it was good “me time” after a day filled with babies and toddlers! One day I passed my husband with a wave in the driveway as he was pulling in from work - I was DONE for the day and needed that break! (He understood, thankfully). Just listen to your body, I had some pain and spotting early on because i evidently wasn’t fully healed.

    And the quick grabs for food (or clean up duty once they get older) can add up fast! Keeping healthier options on hand is definitely a good plan.

  • moonangel12
    moonangel12 Posts: 971 Member
    edited October 2019
    chai_latte wrote: »
    Thank you for your advice! I have issues trying to be gentle with myself. I find myself being very critical with this weight gain and feeling ugly/unattractive. Feeling this way doesn't help the exercise and eating clean, I just go back to eating unhealthy. I don't like this cycle that I am in and want to change it. I will add you if you don't mind! :)

    I can totally understand the frustration - you want to be back to normal! But take a step back and remind yourself of the incredible feat your body just did - it grew a baby! An entire tiny human, starting from just two cells! And it took 9 months to do it...

    In that time skin, muscles and ligaments have stretched, your body stored up extras for you and the baby, your hormones have been through one heck of a roller coaster... that’s a LOT in a short amount of time, and it will take time to fully recover (if you are nursing some of those physical and hormonal changes will still be shifting around to accommodate for what you and baby need).

    It’s great you are ready to get started! And you will be setting a good example for your child in the process as they get older - cheers to you mama!

    I know I stress/comfort eat when I don’t feel good so it is a vicious cycle. Apples and carrots are NOT what I want when the going gets tough! I am finding that the beauty of the CICO approach that I have never had before - you can eat whatever you want, just make sure it fits your daily “budget” of calories. And if you go over one day? Start fresh tomorrow. It’s day one of the rest of your life :smile:
  • chai_latte
    chai_latte Posts: 94 Member
    Thank you!!1 :)
  • peekaboo
    peekaboo Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 37 weeks pregnant still, but I will definitely in need of motivation and support after she's born. So here I am, until then. I used to be pretty active but that first trimester fatigue knocked me on my butt. Then in the second trimester when I got my energy back, I wasn't in a habit/routine. Getting into one was daunting, especially with my growing belly. Suffice it to say, I have not been very active at all through this entire pregnancy. Didn't help either that I didn't get nausea or food aversions so I was lazy and ate everything. lol
  • Carbs_are_why_im_here
    4 years postpartum lol I have fallen off the wagon in the past but I’m determined now more than ever to be the best I can be for my tot. Any of you can friend me ❤️
  • h0neyboop
    h0neyboop Posts: 1 Member
    I am another new mom (my son is almost 10 months) looking to get healthier after baby. I sent you a request 🙂
  • cjones229
    cjones229 Posts: 1 Member
    I have a 10 week old and almost two years old. I am breastfeeding and find it very difficult to lose the weight. I actually gained 10 lbs with my first baby and then as soon as I stopped nursing I lost 25lbs In 3 months with minimal effort. I totally understand not liking the way you look and wanting to get back at it; and I understand grabbing whatever you can (I’m also a nurse in a busy Trauma ICU so usually have to grab and go there too). I feel like there is such a rush in our society to get back to looking like you never had a baby as quick as possible and that just doesn’t happen for a lot of people. Just try to be conscientious of what you eat, be active where you can... I also like to run and my babies enjoy going too... most of all cut yourself some slack 😊 life it too short! And being healthy is more than just physical characteristics
  • coffeesunrise
    coffeesunrise Posts: 12 Member
    I am trying to lose baby weight too, number 4 is 12 months. Sent request.
  • lizziefoster0128
    lizziefoster0128 Posts: 6 Member
    FTM here! About 14 weeks post-partum so I'm trying to figure out all my macros, etc. and a legit calorie intake that won't make my milk supply tank but I can also lose weight. I'm currently moving because we have an hour commute each way to and from work so I'm hoping that I can utilize that extra time (once we move) to get some sort of a workout in while also working on my nutrition!
  • kmsimmons402
    kmsimmons402 Posts: 19 Member
    Second time mom- twins are 15 months and newborn is 6 weeks! 2 under 2 is no joke. I have just been cleared for exercise and am starting my journey to lose the weight from the back to back pregnancies! Sending request :)
  • Rjazzz
    Rjazzz Posts: 6 Member
    Hey there all gorgeous women's.
    .hope you find a little motivation in it.
    Hope everyone is doing good.. my daughter turned 1 the last month. It was a C-section so definitely took a little longer to get back on routine. After 4 months of trashy eating I finally realized I'd gained too much in the process..I learned about calculating macro and calorie deficit . I implemented it and made little bit changes in my diet here and there with some workout plans. After 5 month's of hard work and motivation and consistency I'm proud to say that, i lost 20kgs.. I weigh 67kgs now still not not too close to my targeted goal weight but trying my best to work for it.
    If I can do it. You can all do it also.🙌
  • patricechavon
    patricechavon Posts: 11 Member
    Lol 2 years postpartum. Feel free to add me. I have 50+lbs to get rid of.
  • stacie917
    stacie917 Posts: 557 Member
    I'm a mom of two now, a 2 year old and a 6 week old. Trying to lose what I have gained getting married and having bebes. Want to be my best for them. My goal is strong and healthy rather than thin, which I have never been. Ever. In my life. If I could just be overwieght on a bmi scale and not obese, that'd be peachy. (But also, screw the bmi scale and it's role in shaming people.) I have about 50 lbs to lose to do that. 80 if I am aiming for "normal".
  • stacie917
    stacie917 Posts: 557 Member
    Also, this can help you figure out what your calories needs are to lose/maintain and not lose supply while breastfeeding. It seems to be working for me, so far.
  • jocelynserrano88
    Hi! I am a mom of a 2 year old. I was 130 lbs before my pregnancy and even after. It wasn't until my son was 6-7 months old that i let myself go. I gained 50 lbs. I started my weight loss journey 06/2019 weighing in at 180 lbs , i now weigh 155.7 lbs. :smile:
  • swathicbr
    swathicbr Posts: 2 Member
    I have a 6 month old baby and I have 45 pounds to get rid of; all of that wasn't gained because of pregnancy but due to my grab and eat whatever I find attitude even before pregnancy.

    Looking forward to get healthier as it takes lot of strength and fitness to tackle the baby when he grows up. I don't want be a tired and lazy mom for my kid.
  • rachelcalsbeek
    rachelcalsbeek Posts: 185 Member
    Hi everyone! I am only 10 days pp, so I'm not exercising yet, but I am hoping to get some light activity soon. I wish I lived somewhere warmer, so I could take walks outside! I actually feel okay with my body at this point, but I started tracking food on Monday, just to feel more like myself. I would like to lose about 40 lbs from where I am now (I weighed myself Monday when I was 1 week pp, and I was down 18 lbs so far). I gained 35 lbs during pregnancy, and I had gained some weight before getting pregnant too.