Covid Silver lining?

Is anyone taking advantage of the time away from coworkers, the daily hustle and bustle, and people in general, to reset your fitness goals?

Last July, I left a somewhat toxic job for a better job but definitely faster paced. Before leaving my previous job the stress was getting so bad I'd pretty much abandoned my healthy ways and I'd gained about 20lbs. I was trying to get back on track but it was so hard. I've been taking advantage of this time at home to focus on myself. I've started running and even meet with a trainer twice a week in my backyard (social distance of course!). I'm really trying to be close to where I was before my previous job took all my joy lol. Kinda like a Covid revenge body. 🤣🤣


  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,996 Member
    No chg for me.

    Was living & exercing @ home alone b4 the crisis and still doing the same now.

    Daily routine involves rowing 5k meters/day on my C2 rower w/some lifting in the garage and circuit training type exercises (like battle ropes, tire flipping, sledge hammers and sled push/pulls) in the backyard, when I have the extra energy to do them.

    Still cal counting w/MFP and weighing myself daily and maintaining my wt at 155 +/- 5# BMI 22-24) and BF bet 10-15% as measured by DEXA and hydro.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,308 Member
    I just wanted to say congrats for taking back your life! I've been walking a lot out in Nature and it's a pretty healing thing for the soul. I get it about leaving a job that had sucked the joy out of life.

    Never again on that, right? Good for you. :)
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,979 Member
    Jackie9003 wrote: »
    It's had the opposite affect for me, I used to walk to work and now that I'm at home and don't need to walk anywhere I haven't been doing so and I regained weight as a consequence. I also did a weekly aerobics class which had to stop.
    I've tried doing different things but exercising on my own doesn't work and I just can't get motivated.

    This. I didn't walk to work but did take spin classes 3x a week, walk with a friend during lunch break, etc. I have a spin bike but without the instructor pushing and the class for motivation it just isn't the same. My gym has no plans to reopen any time soon. :( But even if it did, since it's near my office (also closed) I probably wouldn't go there for a 5:30 AM class just to turn around and drive back home.
  • Geneveremfp
    Geneveremfp Posts: 504 Member
    It's not massively affected exercise however it has had a positive impact on food. It's so much easier to eat well without social pressures cake in the staffroom etc.
  • age_is_just_a_number
    age_is_just_a_number Posts: 630 Member
    Early on I was exercising more. But now I’m exercising about the same amount as I did before. Getting steps is difficult.
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,464 Member
    I’m still looking😜😜😜
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    No, I've actually been super busy at work, just having to do it mostly at home, isolated. I wish this meant more free time.
  • hrod215
    hrod215 Posts: 163 Member
    cerad2 wrote: »
    All you can eat buffets were always my biggest weakness. Always had to eat my money's worth. Even limiting visits to once or twice a month could easily destroy my fitness plans. Having buffets removed as an option has really helped me to stay on track. Thank you Covid-19.

    Yes, the office freebies were always tough to pass up! I have kids and still get tempted but I make my husband hide the snacks so I dont go foraging lol!
  • hrod215
    hrod215 Posts: 163 Member
    I was going in the wrong direction before Covid started. But working from home, going out for a walk once a day to avoid cabin fever turned into 2 walks and 3 walks turned into longer walks (now 6-8 miles a day). Eating all meals at home as opposed to out has meant smaller portions and more precision since I can use the food scale. Down 20 lbs as of today.

    Love the self-care! Congrats to you.
  • hrod215
    hrod215 Posts: 163 Member
    Jackie9003 wrote: »
    It's had the opposite affect for me, I used to walk to work and now that I'm at home and don't need to walk anywhere I haven't been doing so and I regained weight as a consequence. I also did a weekly aerobics class which had to stop.
    I've tried doing different things but exercising on my own doesn't work and I just can't get motivated.

    I'm definitely missing my lifting sessions at the gym. I never got around to getting my home gym up to date and now I'm just trying to make due with body weight and lower weight/higher rep exercises. I also need a swift kick in the pants and luckily my old trainer took me on as a client again. It helped me get focused again.
  • hrod215
    hrod215 Posts: 163 Member
    mkculs13 wrote: »
    Not having to commute and having more flexibility in my work hours has allowed me to exercise more--more than I can probably sustain whenever I go back to a classroom, but great for now. I was able to add a 2nd walk to my usual workout of running and walking after work. I've enjoyed the time and love being home; I'm a natural hermit. I know this time has been very difficult for others, so I don't talk about my opposite experience very much. It does make me look forward to retirement a lot more than before, too; I didn't know what I'd do with myself. Now I do--outside a LOT, kayaking, walking/hiking/running, training my dogs. I'll be ok.

    It's perfectly okay to be able to find the silver lining in all of this craziness. I know there's a bit of "survivor's guilt" involved but for one's mental health, everyone should be proud of being able find something positive. Good on you for being able to do that!
  • Jacq_qui
    Jacq_qui Posts: 443 Member
    hrod215 wrote: »
    make my husband hide the snacks so I dont go foraging lol!

    We have very few naughty things, but they go in the fridge in the garage. Out of sight, out of mind! It's also amazing how lazy I am when it comes to retrieving food :D