How to lose 4 pounds per week for 6 weeks?



  • eatyogarun
    eatyogarun Posts: 59 Member
    You might get lucky and have an initial big loss but it won't last. I am a bit taller than you. I am on week 4 of my current weight loss effort and I have lost 16 pounds so far. Will I lose nine more over the next 2.5 weeks? I highly doubt it. I already see it slowing down. My weight steadily declined until last week when it "stalled" until I dropped 2 more pounds today and I imagine that will be my pattern from here on out. I'd chalk the $500 up as a loss (unless you have some way to get it back) but don't give up on your efforts!
  • ximenavictoriaxo
    ximenavictoriaxo Posts: 113 Member
    Oof. This challenge I’ve accepted from a kickboxing gym. So they’ll require that I attend 3 sessions per week and meet with a nutritionist/coach my 3rd and 6th week for the weigh-in. So it’s whatever comes first the 25lbs or 6% body fat, I’m focusing on building muscle instead so I hope to meet the body fat percentage. I actually forgot what my body was but I believe it was prob around 34-35%. I’m 27 and I hope I at least come close to losing 15 pounds. I was 165lbs a few months ago before quarantine, so I hope to bounce back to that weight and start weight lifting.

    I didn’t think it was gonna be that bad, considering that years ago (when I was at 150 lbs), I did an all-liquid diet under the supervision of a doctor. They called it “medical weight loss”, they charge $1,500 to put you on 500 calorie plan 🤦🏻‍♀️

    My 3rd day of the challenge and I’m already down 4.4 lbs. I have no pre-existing health condition so I hope to keep it that way. Of course I don’t want to keep this up in the long run. 😭 Thanks for the advise everyone.

  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    That 500 cal diet has been around for some time but many people were taken to the cleaners using HCG drops to go along with it. It was quackery.

    This one is rigged as others have said. It's not going to happen and they know it. It's crooked.
  • cgvet37
    cgvet37 Posts: 1,189 Member
    This gym doesn't sound like it has your best interests in mind like a good gym should. Maybe I'm wrong, but they seem to get all of the upside to this deal. At best, they get a $500 payment from you for no services rendered. At worst they get an interest free loan from you for the period of this seemingly impossible challenge. This has all the hallmarks of a racket.

    As as there are gaulable people, others will take advantage.