Weight Loss Plateau

OK, I come to you MyFitnessPal friends. I have been on a strict diet, working out on the bike, especially this week for 5 days straight, tomorrow will be my 6th day, my totals better than the day before. I have been doing this since the 21st of Jan. At first the weight came off quickly, and I know most of it was water weight and the change of diet. WHY can't I break this 260 barrier?? For the past week, I have wavered back and forth between 261 and 260, never to go below 260. I've been recording my food intake, and i have been under on every stat (Calories, sodium are the two i really watch) and I have been bettering my stats on the bike each day. I change up classes from Low Impact (lighter ride) to a regular class (a lot harder) and I have been getting better, but no matter what, it's there, cannot drop below 260 🙁 Also, as for water, I drink at least 5-6 16oz bottles a day because of the medication I am on, dries me out, so i average 5-6 16oz bottles a day


  • MsCzar
    MsCzar Posts: 1,069 Member
    Plateaus are the WORST! :# At least know that you've got lots of company. I've gotten used to the scale becoming frozen fairly regularly and don't sweat it anymore. I know it will shift eventually. But is is disheartening.

    What's your daily calorie intake? I know it's the most annoying question to ask on these forums, but are you diligent about weighing and measuring all of your food?
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    if it has not been at LEAST 6 weeks, it is not a plateau.



  • FitAgainBy55
    FitAgainBy55 Posts: 179 Member
    Laducatigg wrote: »
    OK, I come to you MyFitnessPal friends. I have been on a strict diet, working out on the bike, especially this week for 5 days straight, tomorrow will be my 6th day, my totals better than the day before. I have been doing this since the 21st of Jan. At first the weight came off quickly, and I know most of it was water weight and the change of diet. WHY can't I break this 260 barrier?? For the past week, I have wavered back and forth between 261 and 260, never to go below 260.

    Weight loss isn't linear, no one loses precisely .214 lbs per day on a 1.5 lb per week plan. Our weight fluctuates every day and when you first start a new exercise routine you typically gain some temporary water weight.

    You don't need to change anything except your expectations. Keep doing what you are doing and if you are in a calorie deficit the weight will continually to come off -- but you might lose 1 lb this week, no weight next week, 3 lbs the next, 0 lbs the next.

  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    Nice! You've been at it for 3 weeks!

    I know it sucks when the scale doesn't go down every time you get on it. Sucks sucks sucks! But, I still think you need to weigh every day (in the morning, after toilet, in the same clothes each time). It will bounce around by several pounds, and you will, if you stay consistent, lose 1-2 lbs per week at most. This means you have to consider the trend, not the daily value.

    It's hard, but you have to shrug it off and stay consistent. The results will come!

    (And, with all the work on the bike, you're getting really fit!)

    Best of luck!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Laducatigg wrote: »
    OK, I come to you MyFitnessPal friends. I have been on a strict diet, working out on the bike, especially this week for 5 days straight, tomorrow will be my 6th day, my totals better than the day before. I have been doing this since the 21st of Jan. At first the weight came off quickly, and I know most of it was water weight and the change of diet. WHY can't I break this 260 barrier?? For the past week, I have wavered back and forth between 261 and 260, never to go below 260. I've been recording my food intake, and i have been under on every stat (Calories, sodium are the two i really watch) and I have been bettering my stats on the bike each day. I change up classes from Low Impact (lighter ride) to a regular class (a lot harder) and I have been getting better, but no matter what, it's there, cannot drop below 260 🙁 Also, as for water, I drink at least 5-6 16oz bottles a day because of the medication I am on, dries me out, so i average 5-6 16oz bottles a day

    A plateau in weight loss is 6 weeks or more of no weight movement IF (and that's a big if) one has been totally consistent in food/drink intake, exercise, and recovery. Any deviation during that time interferes with the consistency and disrupts it NOT making it a plateau. It could be drinking alcohol one time or exercising HARDER than usual or losing sleep a day or two. Plateaus are RARE. What people usually refer to is a STALL and it's because of the reasons I mentioned.

    So disregarding the first week, it's actually only been 2 weeks. Weight loss IS NOT linear. You can do something one week and lose and then do the same exact thing the next week and not lose. There are variables you aren't in control of and small things can make the difference (hormones, a little extra sodium, not enough water, lack of sleep to name a few).

    Just keep being consistent. Sometimes it takes a week or 2 to get back on track.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • Laducatigg
    Laducatigg Posts: 2 Member
    MsCzar wrote: »
    Plateaus are the WORST! :# At least know that you've got lots of company. I've gotten used to the scale becoming frozen fairly regularly and don't sweat it anymore. I know it will shift eventually. But is is disheartening.

    What's your daily calorie intake? I know it's the most annoying question to ask on these forums, but are you diligent about weighing and measuring all of your food?

    I'm sticky on keeping my intake under what the Dr has told me. Needed to watch my calorie intake a sodium. Once a month I do a cheat day, but very small amounts to keep it somewhat within my limits, but if I go over on that day, it's fine.

    My level is set to 1400 calories a day and 1500 for my sodium, and I'm always under, especially, lately, me burning around 300 calories a day on my Pelton bike. So, my intake is no higher than 1k on calories.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Laducatigg wrote: »
    MsCzar wrote: »
    Plateaus are the WORST! :# At least know that you've got lots of company. I've gotten used to the scale becoming frozen fairly regularly and don't sweat it anymore. I know it will shift eventually. But is is disheartening.

    What's your daily calorie intake? I know it's the most annoying question to ask on these forums, but are you diligent about weighing and measuring all of your food?

    I'm sticky on keeping my intake under what the Dr has told me. Needed to watch my calorie intake a sodium. Once a month I do a cheat day, but very small amounts to keep it somewhat within my limits, but if I go over on that day, it's fine.

    My level is set to 1400 calories a day and 1500 for my sodium, and I'm always under, especially, lately, me burning around 300 calories a day on my Pelton bike. So, my intake is no higher than 1k on calories.
    This ALONE would denote why it's NOT a plateau.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,703 Member
    Laducatigg wrote: »
    MsCzar wrote: »
    Plateaus are the WORST! :# At least know that you've got lots of company. I've gotten used to the scale becoming frozen fairly regularly and don't sweat it anymore. I know it will shift eventually. But is is disheartening.

    What's your daily calorie intake? I know it's the most annoying question to ask on these forums, but are you diligent about weighing and measuring all of your food?

    I'm sticky on keeping my intake under what the Dr has told me. Needed to watch my calorie intake a sodium. Once a month I do a cheat day, but very small amounts to keep it somewhat within my limits, but if I go over on that day, it's fine.

    My level is set to 1400 calories a day and 1500 for my sodium, and I'm always under, especially, lately, me burning around 300 calories a day on my Pelton bike. So, my intake is no higher than 1k on calories.

    Your intake is low for someone your weight. I lost weight eating 1700 calories PLUS exercise calories when I weighed 205lbs.
    I know you're following the amount of calories your doctor told you, but did he know you're exercising on top of that?

    In any case: you are stressing your body with exercise and stressing it even more on top of that by eating only 1000 net calories. And stress often causes water retention weirdness.

    Aside from that, weight loss simply isn't linear, as others have mentioned.
  • mpkpbk2015
    mpkpbk2015 Posts: 766 Member
    Plateaus are part of the journey and the process. When I am in a plateau I use my back up success indicator which is my tape measure. Because even if your not losing weight your probably losing inches and the weight will catch up to the inches. For instance last week I actually expected to reach goal, instead I gained 6 oz instead. But I lost 2 inches off my chest 1 off my flabby arm 1.5 off my waist and 2 inches off my hips. So even though the scale didnt reflect any weight lost I am actually smaller. Do your clothes still fit the same. A true plateau is 6 weeks or more of no movement. So hang in there and get a tape measure to use along side your scale .Good luck and hang it it will come.😍😍😍
  • joyanna2016
    joyanna2016 Posts: 323 Member
    That amount of calories is pretty low even without exercise so rest assured that you ARE in a deep deficit for sure. Maybe too deep? Anyway, there is a phenomenon called the "woosh" that happens to a lot of us. Sometimes I won't have any loss to show on the scale for several days...even a week... and the then all of a sudden I'll lose 2 lbs. Weight loss is weird. 🤷‍♀️