Nike Run Club App

Vodkha Posts: 352 Member
I recently got this app and it looks good but is there an actual couch to 5k type program on it? I cannot see a way to search for things and all I see are follow along beginners runs, not a specific program.


  • dreamer12151
    dreamer12151 Posts: 1,031 Member
    I like the Nike running app. I like the challenges, badges and run levels.

    To get to the running plans, pull up the menu, the go to "Run", then "Guided Runs".There you will find many different ones to go through (personal fave: "I Don't Wanna Run Run"). Scroll to the bottom & the Half Marathon Guided Plan, and "click" on the "Learn more at". There you will see 5K, 10K, HM and Marathon plans to download.

    While I've not used these guided plans, I have used random guided runs and enjoy them. Really nice to have a virtual coach in your ear motivate you. Good luck!