100 to go

just looking to see if there's anybody out there looking to lose some serious poundage :) if I lose 100lbs I'll be happy with myself. Any other 100+ losers out there? It won't be easy but at least we'll have a support system :)


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    You can do this. I did it---finally! Make your commitment and stick with it. Feel the want every day!.
  • alexandradeyl
    alexandradeyl Posts: 67 Member
    yeah, im down 38 pounds and would love to lose 100 more. maybe a bit less, depending on how i feel as i go... add me :)
  • tonyaroseprewitt
    tonyaroseprewitt Posts: 25 Member
    My origian goal was a hunderd pounds. I am down 24 so far. Still a long way to go. I hit a big plateu and gave up for about 6 weeks but just started again and have already lost 3 lbs and 4 inches my first week so I am thinking the break may have been good for me. Maybe not a six week break but I think when I plateu again I will give it a break for a week and start again. Good luck to you and just a word of advise go by inches and how your clothes fit and not so much by weight. I would get discouraged by the scale not moving but would still lose inches so I am trying to not put to much into the scale this time around.
  • Kellbellftw
    Kellbellftw Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks! I have the motivation now, but I'm worried down the line I'll just lose intrest lol I've been on the recipe message boards too, so I can make some healthier foods to bring along to thanksgiving/Christmas dinners. So hopefully I'll be good til the end of the year.

    I've heard about losing inches but no weight before, I guess I'll have to buy a measuring tape :) lol I've lost 15lbs so far and went down to the next belt hole (Which is awesome because I always used the very last belt hole haha)