Airport Lounge Discussion



  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,811 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain So sorry that Joe ended up in the ER but sounds like it was a wise move.
    @LindieMaeP I used to get regular mani/pedi's but that ended when hubs had his stroke 7 yrs ago.
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,960 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Friday. It is suppose to be date night however we will probably be sitting at home doing nothing. Maybe hit the fair. That would be nice. Not sure how Joe will feel about that. We will see. We do have free passes since we helped Joe's dad with set up of the fair. His dad is an electrician and sponsors the fair by setting up the generators for the fair every year.

    @LindieMaeP - Joe is doing decent. Still threw up yesterday, but it was a lot less and he for the most part is doing a bit better today. I am hoping today he is able to not throw up at all today. I was just telling Joe the states should be sending fire fighters to help. I did not even think that they needed to be specially trained for wild fires versus building fires.
    @mkksemail - We made it through most the wedding dance and he got his dance with his Mom. It is hard to believe that tomorrow we will have been married a week. Wow how time flies.
    @CSEGUIN2 - Glad you are on the mend. Sorry you got sick. I hope physio is helping.

    Well it is time to get some food. I hope you all have a great day.

    Tabatha Nash
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,354 Member
    edited June 2023
    @mkksemail ,, lol 8 is funny. But yeah it's been MOTS for Weeks! The summer that was,,, WAIT when was it summer? " I'm all for Wintah instead. Fall us pretty as we well know. Most years. Gr8ters is a very good team. You'll enjoy it. If course each team is very good. Starting tomorrow we start with the practice week. Ceri and the other leaders will be happy to answer any questions you have. If others are also new please reach out to your team leaders. We remember being new and having questions also. Plus we enjoy being helpful.
    @Catwmncat, I've never enjoyed having my nails etc done, however!! A massage oh YEAH! A good haircut is of course always good too! Thinking I may want(not need) another one soon though hmmm it's not been long. I'm so fortunate a friend cuts hair. Instead of at a salon as she used to do she's semi retired and will either come to your place or you go to hers. She usually comes here. Lolol I think it's for Oscar. Oh OSCAR!
    @Tabatha_Cain hope Joe feels better. Woohoo the weekend. As time goes by I don't say all mind being home now. When I was young it was rare. As we know time flies by so quickly. Hope work is well.

  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 5,160 Member
    Good morning, everyone! It's a mostly cloudy day here today. My daughter says hello to all. She had a great time at her prom on Wednesday. Today is the graduation ceremony. She's so excited about it! I'll be there and so will my parents. Both budgie birds are doing well and say cheep, cheep! I did my strength training workout a while ago and I enjoyed it. I'll be going for a walk in a while. Later on I'll be doing some dancing. Have a great day, everyone! Take care and stay safe.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,354 Member
    @cormierannie , it's such an exciting and yet sad time. It runs through my head "where did the time go?" At my GDs graduation so many emotions! Many here know from the age of 11 up she was mostly with me. Enjoy Mom! Oh they may be older, but they'll always need and want YOU! I long for the easier days with helping her. It was simpler. Lol cheaper too!! Did I say that? Lololol. Of course when she has kids you'll be so excited!! Even more fun! It sure is. All the fun, hopefully no real responsibility. Load them up with "Grandma" stories! But the funny tee shirts!
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 6,124 Member
    It’s 77 feels like 77 with a high of 98 but gonna feel like 105 by this afternoon. Insight Timer Quote: Sometimes the right path is not the easiest.—Brian D’ Angelo I AM: I feel joy, love, and abundance. Action for Happiness: Make a list of the joys in your life (and keep adding to it) Closed all ❤ on my Samsung Active 4 and had 15,699 steps yesterday. Training plan: Day 122/305 mile a day, WHD Glutes/Shoulders + Core in the gym after breakfast and 45 min on Slim Cycle later this afternoon.
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 5,009 Member
    Good morning everyone, it's an early day here and checking in early before I get ready for the Exercise Patience Convention which I am streaming from home today and tomorrow. Sunday I will be going to the arena in Abbotsford and attend in person. I just can't do 3 days due to the nerve issues I have, so I make the best of it. I got a new back pack yesterday, I hovered over 2 and decided on 1 a sales rep thought the other would be better but then the "pockets" sold the pastal green one - oh it's so cute ! There are times I just do not want to take a purse so the back pack will do nicely. Gene is happy he got his paint, he will be working on his car all weekend, and maybe even his plants, they are coming along, some slower then others. I got a ton of cooking done so I can have heat and eat meals this weekend, and that will help me get exercise in too. It should be a nice evening so I'll do evening walks.
    @Tabatha_Cain Nash - i am sure you can come up with a fabulous at home date night that can accommodate both of you and have a good time. Put on a movie, or just have hot chocolate and chat with nice music in the background, I am sure you will think of a way to do something nice.
    @Catwmncat if I could do my own nails, I would save the 50.00 and not get a pedi but alas I can not at this time. One day just not today. AND I usually don't get colour so I can get in and out fast - I can't sit that long, but this time I saved the massage chair for waiting for the paint to dry - and brought my sandles to wear home, which really affected my knees and back - no inserts in them. Tylenol helped nicley with that.
    @everyone oh enjoy your team and the practise week !!
  • mkksemail
    mkksemail Posts: 1,528 Member
    Good morning world trekkers 🙋‍♀️ 🗺️🌐

    Reading and smiling at the posts. Just wanted to say hello ☺️

    - mk :) (Maine)

    PS - I read yesterday, that the Canadian authorities do not expect the fires to go out before the snow flies 😱😯🫣😞. Stay safe this summer, all y'all!
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,862 Member
    edited June 2023
    Happy Friday, have tried 3 times to post but they just disappear work. This was a test, I must be doing something MyPal doesn't like.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a busy and rough day. Didn't sleep very well last night due to Hubby constantly moving and also waking up in a puddle of sweat. Still feeling off due to being under the weather and my shoulder is still tender from physio yesterday. Today was payday. Ran errands with Hubby and then had to do the grocery shopping all by myself. Lifting all the groceries including a 14 kg bag of dog food was not helpful. Hoping tonight I get better sleep and feel well enough to go to the Canada Day parade and my friends for our Canada Day BBQ. It will suck if I have to stay home this year. I am so tired of these walls.
  • jeanhickokhaley1
    jeanhickokhaley1 Posts: 4,460 Member
    @Kurtize ... It worked this time. Happy Friday back.

    Hope everyone has a good week-end. Happy 1st day of July!
  • DNjoys
    DNjoys Posts: 8,453 Member
    edited July 2023
    Ceri ( @Ceriusly1 ) has asked me to post my screen shot instructions for how to find your team invitation.

    When you are invited to join a group (or 5% Team), you need to go look for your invitation, (there are NO email notifications to indicate invitations have been sent). Your invitation will be found in "My Groups", the Community page that shows a list of the MFP teams you have joined. To find My Groups, go to your Home page. At the top of the screen are 2 blue lines with links. Click on "Community" on the top blue line, then "Groups" (OR access My Groups from the Quick Links menu on the right). The screen that comes up will show you "My Groups" and your invitation should be there with accept or decline buttons.




    If you have access to the team link, you can also go directly to the team, and if an invitation has been sent, there should be both a Join and Decline button. Click on join and you're in.
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,960 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Saturday. The air conditioner repair man is coming again today. So we are going to see what is going on with the central air. I hope they can fix it. That would be nice. Joe is doing a lot better today. He said he at this point feels normal with a small knot in his stomach still so we are ready to move forward with some other foods. We are going to be trying them today.

    @Dianedoessmiles1 - This weekend is going to be a good weekend. Joe is doing better. I am hoping he will stay that way.
    @LindieMaeP - We actually went to the air show. Joe is feeling a lot better so we went.
    @CSEGUIN2 - I hope you get better sleep tonight. Sorry you had to do the grocery shopping alone.

    Well it is time to get some food. I hope you all have a great day.

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 6,124 Member
    It’s 71 feels like 71 with a high of 86 and rainy now. Finally a break from the heat here. Insight Timer Quote: Because you’re alive, everything is possible.—Thich Nhat Hanh I AM: I have real inner happiness now. Action for Happiness: Take a small step to help overcome a problem or worry. Closed all ❤ on my Samsung Active 4 and had 13,444 steps yesterday. Training plan: 45 min on Slim Cycle this morning and Day 123/305 mile a day before breakfast.
  • anyvar21
    anyvar21 Posts: 746 Member
    I am not sure I am at the right place? I want to be in the Shape Shifters Summer 2023 thread. Can someone please help me? Thanks
  • anyvar21
    anyvar21 Posts: 746 Member
    By the way what does BBCode mean and do?
  • mkksemail
    mkksemail Posts: 1,528 Member
    edited July 2023
    anyvar21 wrote: »
    I am not sure I am at the right place? I want to be in the Shape Shifters Summer 2023 thread. Can someone please help me? Thanks
    @anyvar21 , @Ceriusly1 or @Dianedoessmiles1 I'm sure can help you find your team for takeoff. Just a few posts up another summer 5%er ( @DNjoys ) put a very helpful post with screenshots of how to find your team's group, as well.

    BBCode is the software these forums use to add flair and character to your posts, if you want them. ie bold type, italics, pictures, etc..

    - mk :)
  • mkksemail
    mkksemail Posts: 1,528 Member
    edited July 2023
    Happy Saturday, flyers!! Happy Canada Day, northern neighbors!

    I am pondering, tinkering, and deciding on a new organization method. I have a few challenges on, and I need to an overview to keep it simple. I didn't make one last week, and it felt chaotic lol.

    The reason I didn't make one last week was because I was checking out and considering new apps to manage lists. I've been using ridiculously clunky methods like texting myself, or using basic Notepad app lists for years. There are some fabulously robust and easy to use productivity apps out there - I decided it's time to use one.

    But which one? LOL I've spent a week clicking around, researching, reading, looking at, but not committing, to a few. I think I've narrowed it down to ToDoist, To Do List, Slack, Habit Tracker, and I forget the name of another one right now.

    What do all y'all use for productivity apps?

    This is a copy/paste of a post I made in another group. I hope that's ok. As I bring my week of considering which way to go to a close, I thought I'd like to cast a wide net and seek opinions far and wide, on what To Do List / Productivity apps you all use. As I type this, I'm remembering that in the past, I've also used a custom built (but basic, lol) spreadsheet, for larger projects. But, I feel in my gut, it's time to move to a solution built for this, instead of always building my own lists or sheets from scratch each time. heh.

    - mk :)
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,862 Member