
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 404 Member
    Good morning, ladies.

    Thank you all for your comments about my floor. Finally moved everything back into the living room this morning and so nice to be back to normal.

    Barbie, Annie looks adorable. I thought there was some lab in her when I first saw the pic. I'm sure she will bring a lot of joy to your lives.

    Heather thank you for the D-Mannose comment. Never heard of that but see I can get it on Amazon. Get UTI's occasionally and like an alternative to antibiotics. This forum is a wealth of information.

    Enjoying my Ninja Speedi Rapid Cooker and have used it a few times. Put a 3 pound frozen chicken in it and it was done in 50 minutes....browned nicely and moist.


  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,202 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    Annie- Bless you my friend..
    Sounds like dads slipping into mental decline quicker than you thought..
    This is where you really need to put the pedal to the metal in finding help for both your parents..without your mom there ,your dads mental capacity is worse,same thing happened to my FIL.
    I know you have your sister.
    But like me your in the thick of it.
    If you can.contact any of the social services for elderly in your county.. and start asking questions... Facebook Marketplace for raised toilet seat,walkers.etc...
    I wish you all the luck you can get.. but don't give up..
    You got this.
    Picked up my bedroom,did hip stretches,put grounding pad on bed,did a load of laundry and will go put it in the dryer.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,689 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) Jake's daughter left today. It was a wonderful visit and we'll miss her. There has been so much activity with her and the puppy that it will be nice for a quieter day tomorrow. We'll put Annie in the back seat tomorrow and take her with us to the grocery store.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

    Your dog looks like quite a people pleaser, and their eyes are amazing!
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,575 Member
    Kim - great tips, thank you, we are continually learning from you. <3

    Heather - what a nice photo. Glad the grand's visit turned out so nicely. That cake looked delicious.

    Betsy - we neighbors have also made a pact with each other - no one leaves. :p Unless there's NO alternative, lol. Glad you are making some headway in deciding about the implant. Good luck with the extraction tomorrow.

    Tina - wow, what an ordeal getting back from Indy. We used to entertain guests for a few days. I finally drew a line when one of my DH's childhood friends came to stay and forgot to go home. He'd visited before - was a wonderful guest and I enjoyed hearing them reminisce and laugh. The last time he came.... he was here for a week and not making noise about leaving. I finally pulled DH aside and asked what's up - apparently his wife kicked him out of the house for drinking too much, and DH didn't have the heart to tell him to go home until I pressed it. So Hank left the next day. Since then, friends and acquaintances who were coming to our area and looking for a place to stay were told, "we'd love to see you but we're not set up for overnight guests. We can help you find a nice motel." Strangely, the visiting stopped. And it was true, we only had 2 beds and DH slept in one and me in the other - his snoring bothered me, my snoring bothered him. It was a good solution.

    Annie - hope your dad is OK. I think Allie has good observations. Good luck and sending big hugs!

    **Reminder for those who want their info included in tomorrow's weekly Check-In, please get me your info no later than tomorrow morning. ;)

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
  • CarolGaGal
    CarolGaGal Posts: 103 Member
    Annie ~ I feel so sorry for the situation you are in with your parents. It sounds like your father is going down hill quicker than your mom. Would there be any possibility for them to move into a memory care facility? We are in the process of thinking to move our brother-in-law from the assisted living facility he is in to the memory care facility at the same place.

    Lanette ~ Your chicken crust pizza looks appetizing.

    Michelle ~ Setting up a trust for PJ sounds like a good thing to do.

    Lisa ~ You and Cory have such strong work ethics and building the sun room will create even more value for your property.

    Kim ~ Can't imagine a 16 yr old having their own business but it must be a successful one. Will love to see the photo of the jacket.

    Betsy ~ I hope your tooth extraction goes well. I had to have a tooth pulled last summer and I regret not paying for the in-plant as the whole there seems so large and it is difficult to chew on that side.

    Michelle ~ Your parrot is cute!

    Quiet Day Here in GA

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    Carol- if the implant feels weird, then go bad to where you had it done and they can shave a bit off,it could have settled wrong.. remember I worked in the field and if its still annoying you,it should be taken care of free of charge..
    Laundry done and made up the bed with fresh sheets,with the grounding mat underneath.. hoping it works well..
    And ran the Roomba,had to stop and dump the thing 4 times for 2 rooms and the hallway lol
    But it looks great..Dan just stopped to take out my garbage.At least I see
    him once a week...
    Today was a good day.. got quite a bit done..yipee..
    Had my winter coat dry cleaned have to remember to pick it up tomorrow
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    ginnytez wrote: »
    Betsy-I have lost some teeth before implants came into being so nothing there (dentist wasn't someone we saw unless we needed a tooth pulled). One upper molar I lost a couple of years ago I am not getting implant because I don't have a corresponding lower tooth for contact. I recently had an upper extraction on the other side (also upper). Due to its location it is a bit more visible and there is a lower molar for contact. I want to have good chewing ability on one side. They are having me give it 4 months healing before starting the implant process. Evidently the whole implant process can take up to a year but I will learn more at my December appointment. I am not yet certain of final cost-I have heard they can run up to $6,000.

    Machka-public transportation isn't readily available in many parts of U.S. The town where I live has a bus service but only within city limits and coverage is spotty. Nothing goes out to surrounding areas. So where I live (even though same city name) there is no way here and into town other than own vehicle.

    Take care all,
    Ginny in Ohio

    I've had a number of teeth removed, and have gaps on both sides on the molar side of my eyeteeth, but have never had implants. I have debated about them, but even the dentists figured I could get by without. However, if I have one more removed on the right side, I might have to consider an implant.

    I would have a lot of difficulty living long-term in a place where I couldn't walk, cycle or use public transportation. I have done it short-term, and tolerated it ... but was glad when I went back to getting about on my own.

    Machka in Oz

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,130 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,689 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Heather – I hate when my phone doesn’t work, either. Good for you getting it working

    Annie – the only thing is...what in the meantime before your mom gets strong enough to do the stairs?

    Lisa – thanks for the warning. To be honest, I didn’t look at the pic. I DO NOT like snakes.

    Rosemarie – and now flip phones are back in style!!!!

    Did Beachbody’s 10 Minute Trainer DVD today, then walked the neighborhood, then Food Lion to get more of the soda for Vince (this is the last day of the sale) then WalMart. Then we put out the rest of the Halloween decorations. Personally, it doesn’t bother me too much if we don’t do a lot for Halloween, that’s not my holiday. Now Christmas is another story……

    Tomorrow is bowling and then ceramics. Picked up my toucan the other day and had to bring it home to put it on the stand.

    Remember the reaction I had to the red ant bites? The itching, the swelling. Well, the other day we were cutting the weeds and I must have disturbed some because they came out in full force. I sprayed some weed killer (that seems to work) but somehow, and I have no idea how, I got bit on the ankle of my right foot. It’s itchy and swollen. The swelling is going down and it’s less and less itchy. But I do wonder how that ant got in my sock

    Lanette – so glad your neighbor will be back permanently eventually and you know that you’ll have a good neighbor. Speaking of neighbors – Lisa, how are yours doing?

    Bought this beet crust pizza. It’s pretty good. They also have a pumpkin crust pizza I think I’d like to try. My neighbor is selling their wood fired pizzas (I’m not a pizza eater but these are beyond delicious). Got one with pineapple and ham for Vince (on ¾ of it) and the other ¼ will be plain for me. I am going to make up a plate of veges for myself to have with the pizza

    Lisa – hey, maybe take your pottery instructor some of your bread as a “thank you” for giving the private lesson.

    Annie – hope your dad didn’t do any permanent damage.

    Vince looked up some information about trusts. We want to set one up for PJ. Really, he doesn’t need any more toys. And it’s not like they have a whole lot of room for toys. They’ve probably given away clothes that he’s never worn, he has so many. So I’m thinking we should set up a trust fund for him and I’ll send him some snacks for Christmas and probably an ornament. We’re going to talk to our financial advisor as to what is the best way to set it up. In a CD? Like a bank account? I know that we don’t want Denise to be the sole trustee. We’ll probably designate that at a certain age (35 maybe?) he can have access to the full trust but can use a certain percentage for things like college, a house, perhaps a car. We want to run it by our financial advisor first, tho.

    Barbie – so glad you had a good visit. Annie is adorable. How big is she? Will she get any bigger?

    Making more yogurt in the IP. Should be ready tonight so I’ll let it drain overnight. Lately I’ve been having a craving for yogurt with honey.

    Kim – can’t wait to see the jacket done

    Michele NCtv946bpir75a.jpg

    Michele, beautiful bird! Great job!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,056 Member
    Yesterday’s stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 2hrs 2min 40sec, 35elev, 2.97ap, 6.10mi= 612c
    Strava app= 747c
    Zwift home bike trainer- strava stats- 18.50min, 75aw, 16.4amph, 5.15mi= 114c
    Strava app= 80c
    Zwift stats- 18.52nin, 42elev, 75aw, 53arpm= 81c

    Total cal 712