Costume Changers Forum (Week 2)



  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    this is the link to the spreadsheet I also sent you a message with the link:wink:
    I totally forgot about the recording miles. I bike 31.4 miles according to my odometer. Not the best week of the summer, but not bad given the weather is changing.
    I lost 3 lb, which is so far the highest amount I have lost per a week since I have started. YAY. I have my goal set to 1.5 lb per week for a few weeks an I realized I am loosing much more.
    When my goal was set to 1 lb, I usually lost between 0.5 and 1 lb. Since I have changed it to 1.5 lb per week less then a month ago, i am on fire and started to loose 2 lb a week.
    It is definetely harder to keep the food intake this level, but is sooo much more rewarding tooo :)
  • jvinmill
    jvinmill Posts: 279 Member
    In response to some of the recent posters it should be noted that a 1-2 pound weight loss is a NORMAL weight loss. Anything more than other than the ~ first 5 pounds of water weight is considered too fast. You will be burning muscle along with fat and working towards a "fat skinny" look. Be happy with your great success!
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,374 Member
    Unfortunately, week 1 was a bust in the weight loss department. I did horrible with the eating and seriously fell off the wagon. I ended up almost 2 pounds from last Monday. In the positive department, I walked a total of 22 miles, which did make me feel great. I love having a pedometer and I make sure that it is on me every waking minute. It really puts a gauge on how much I'm walking throughout the day as opposed to just my daily organized walks.

    I have to say...I have tried two difference challenges before and when I had a bad week I quit. This time I still feel like I can do it. The amount of support that I have in this group and in finding my "twin" has really made me feel like I can do this.

    I'm really hoping that next Monday brings better results as losing 5% is going to be quite a challenge for me based on the 2 pound a week configuration that this system allows. Failure is not an option though. I'm so tired of being fat!!!

    Thanks again Elana for setting up this challenge! Your organization and leadership is greatly appreciated!
  • Well, I did manage to get 9 miles in but this week as far as food goes, was not great...Big 50 birthday for me so, lots of celebrating. back on track tomorrow and will get more miles in this week! good luck everyone! happy walking/jogging! :ohwell:
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    Well grrrrrr. I was up a pound, even after 21 plus miles of walking. jogging and trikking. Phooey!

    I have to go back to what a nutritionist told me about plateaus and realize I'm probably standing square in the middle of one. I've been meaning to write a blog or start a forum on what she shared with me. Now's the time to do it....while I'm pissed off!

    Weight gain aside, I'm not giving up! It would be too easy to do so. I'll keep going. There were some of us on the Google spreadsheet that gained too, so I'm not alone. I know we all are trying. I'll keep trying.

    Now, off to walk/jog my dog!
  • Well grrrrrr. I was up a pound, even after 21 plus miles of walking. jogging and trikking. Phooey!

    I have to go back to what a nutritionist told me about plateaus and realize I'm probably standing square in the middle of one. I've been meaning to write a blog or start a forum on what she shared with me. Now's the time to do it....while I'm pissed off!

    Weight gain aside, I'm not giving up! It would be too easy to do so. I'll keep going. There were some of us on the Google spreadsheet that gained too, so I'm not alone. I know we all are trying. I'll keep trying.

    Now, off to walk/jog my dog!

    I would love to the the info on plateaus! It seems after every 5 lbs. I go on at least a 2 week plateau before the scales moves down again.
  • I lost 3 lbs last week and biked 32 miles walked/jogged 3.14 miles.

    I'm not tracking my everyday walking, just above and beyond stuff.

    Congrats to all. even if you didn't lose, you are still in the game!

  • AParker1974
    AParker1974 Posts: 89 Member
    Have done 14.04 miles run/walk and down 2 lbs.
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    put on 1 lb and didn't get in as many miles as i wouold've liked. I'm not off to a reat start this week either. But a sick child will do that to you.
  • 2011_4mygirls
    2011_4mygirls Posts: 298 Member
    This challenge is really helping my motivation. Maybe because I feel like I am being held accountable with reporting every Monday morning. I weighed 192.8 yesterday which was down 4.6 pounds from my SW of this challenge. This week I want out of the 190s!!!!

    I walked 6 miles yesterday and biked 8 today! Trying to stay focused!
  • MegSommer
    MegSommer Posts: 522 Member
    Last week was full of several dinners out to celebrate my birthday. SO needless to say my workouts weren't all that and my loss was 1.4 lbs. No complaints and definitely going to make up for it this week! Woop!
  • I am so excited to be here. the motivation is keeping me on track except for the weekend when I was so busy and just ate anything i could find. I will not let that happen next weekend.
  • sfalk1977
    sfalk1977 Posts: 142 Member
    Really pleased with my 2lb loss this week. Walked 5 miles today plus I did level 3 30 shred 1 1/2 times (daughter pressed the rewind button while i was doing it and it went back to the beginning again!)

  • ruthie3110
    ruthie3110 Posts: 160 Member
    Was set to lose 3lb, but then had a really bad weekend. At rubbish.
    1lb still though, and lots mroe miles than usual.

    Also, eaten pretty bad today too, had some bad news that then turned out to be not so bad but the damage was done!!!
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    Ok, much better day today.

    Although had a blimp with a Firehouse Sub that bugged me. My mom went by to get lunch and offered to bring me one.
    She got white, with cheese, and mayo.

    It was my first and it was really good until.....I looked it up and found it had 700 calories! YIKES! If I would have realized, I would have eaten half for lunch and half for dinner. But, now I know.

    On the other side, I completed Level 2, Day 6 of the 30DS AND Week 9, Day 1 of Couch to 5K!

    I feel great right now!
  • jepo27
    jepo27 Posts: 56 Member
    Was naughty and weighed myself this morning instead of waiting til the end of the week and i have gained a lb :( right mega Tae Bo workout tonight then...
  • knkmfp
    knkmfp Posts: 295 Member
    I've gained this week, almost half a pound. I'm feeling bloated so I hope it's temporary. I did go over one day, but I didn't think it had been enough to result in a gain.

    I haven't walked at all in the first part of the week, but got the Wii out tonight and did 2.6m, plus cycled the school run today.
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    Last week was great because I was going to the gym and riding the bike about 10 miles a day. I am now on vacation in Nevada and there is no exercise equipment here. I am walking (golfing and hiking) and swimming to make up my miles. Yesterday Zion National Park with 5.5 miles hiking (most up hill) and today was golfing. You pay to rent a cart, then it is cart path only. I don't hit the ball very far and it usually is on the other side of the fairway from them cart path so back and forth I go. Tomorrow is off to Bryce Canyon so expect another 5 miles or so. I lost 4 pounds last week, but that is probably not really truthful as I had been down and had put on about 3 pounds just before the challenge started, so probably really only lost 1. i even had to go to the Walmart and find a scale to weigh myself. Good thing nobody was watching. I am not sure how accurate the weight is at this point and probably won't until I actually get home on October 22nd. Hope you all have a great week. :love: :love:
  • jepo27
    jepo27 Posts: 56 Member
    Well I feel much better today, did my Tae Bo last night, 45 mins extra lb is gone this morning :-) Hoping after an active weekend i'll have lost at least one more pound before weigh in. Can live with 1lb weight loss a week (even though I would like it to be more). Feeling full of energy today and it feels great to feel that way.
  • LilysMom28
    LilysMom28 Posts: 236 Member
    This group has really helped motivate me into staying positive and continuing with my workouts. Knowing that there are others going thu what I'm doing and counting on you to keep up your end of the deal really help push you thru the week. I've gone to the gym three times so far this week and this morning I got my first taste of a Jillian Michaels dvd. And surprisingly enough I don't feel tired...I feel energized and ready to go on with my day. I can feel that my muscles are sore but I love it!!! :smile:

    Keep up the good work everyone!!! Week 2 is almost over!! We can do this! :flowerforyou: