
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,129 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    Sunday Highlights
    -- staying at our other home for the weekend
    -- making significant progress on my drystream border
    -- getting another job application in

    Machka in Oz
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,575 Member
    Happy US Mother's Day to all you moms of kids, grandkids, pets, livestock, spouses, etc. :D

    Carol - I grew up with breakfast, dinner for the noon meal and supper for the evening meal. :p Now, it's breakfast, lunch and supper for just me or dinner with others if that makes sense. Also, where I grew up, sweet carbonated drinks like Pepsi were "pop." My DH grew up calling them "soda" which I thought was odd. To me soda was "pop" with ice cream added. They say American English is a confusing language. I'll say - even confusing to Americans. :p

    Sounds like a nice Mother's Day. :) Your DGS is shooting up like a weed, wow.

    Heather - so happy to hear you are writing again. Your trip up and down the stairs reminded me of the Mother's Day dinner I went to yesterday.

    Lovely home built on a hillside, a "split level" here in the US. Lots of stairs - there's no level entry to the house from the front or back that doesn't involve at least ten steps, a landing, then more steps. Great for a younger person who needs to keep in shape. Hip, knee or foot problems or surgery....not sure how a person would negotiate that.

    Debbie - glad the sales were great and the items were a hit. Beautiful assortment!

    Rebecca - very nice photos of your DMS and family. I too remember when Athena was born - your grands are growing up so fast. Crossing fingers the dishwasher is plumbed correctly. I know you are very anxious to get your kitchen back, don't blame you for being tired of the disruption.

    Lisa - you are spot on with your observation about being set in our ways - our routines and habits developed for a purpose. I still have moments of questioning why I do this or that and realize - it's the way DH and I did it. So I decide to do some things "my way" and realize, in most cases, the old way is best. If and when I get a different house, then it will be all my way.

    I decided to subscribe to PBS Masterpiece for a month and found a French series called "The Mountain Detective" set in the French Alps. The series focuses on a detective Alex Hugo, who is part of a small rural police agency. The scenery is stunning, plots and characters engaging. Even though they are speaking French, there are subtitles and it's easy to follow. I'm hooked.

    Yesterday was so hot and windy. Much better today, will be on the mower this afternoon.

    **Weekly Check-in Reminder to get info to me today or by noon tomorrow. :) **

    Make it a lovely day! <3

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
    1948CWB wrote: »
    Question: How many of you call the evening meal supper. I grew up calling lunch dinner and the evening meal supper. All through my marriage I called the evening meal dinner but lately am thinking of it as supper.

    Son and grandson came today and brought me roses and champagne! DIL and granddaughter are in another part of town doing soccer tournaments. I made the men folks fried ham, scrambled eggs, biscuits, and grits (brunch for lunch I guess). Anyway, they ate every bit. Grandson (aged 14) is now 6'2" and weighs 215 and boy can he put away the food. And, he still lets me kiss the back of his neck goodbye. Win, Win! :)

    Love to you all,
    Carol in GA

    Kirby calls it supper (from Indiana). Me at home was cena (Spanish from California). When I left home, in English it was dinner
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
    Happy mom’s day to all, whether you celebrate it or not.

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,575 Member
    edited May 12
    Well, I'm still grumpy. My mother died last December and my daughter won't speak to me. My dad won't even wish me a happy mother's day. He bought flowers and put them on the table next to his picture of mom.

    So I bought myself two books and a tee shirt from Amazon. 😊

    Annie in Delaware

    Annie- don't forget, Teddy wishes you a Happy Mother's Day and appreciates you and thanks you for being his momma every day of the year! <3

    Several years ago my friend T starting giving me "Happy Mother's Day from the Dog" cards with some flowers. This year the card was from the dog, the cat and the hens. So why not?

    And we wish you a Happy Mother's Day even if none of your relatives do. :p

    Debbie - same for you. Your son and your kitties appreciate and thank you. <3 And wish you a Happy Mother's Day every day of the year!

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,517 Member