
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,987 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member
    edited June 11

    🤗🤗🤗 and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    edited June 11
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Hi Gals,

    I think I am more like Machka then some of you, of course it is too bad that someone passes and it is hard on friends and family. But the celebrities we “know” from books, movies, TV, podcasts are not knowing the whole person just their public facing bit and they don’t know us at all. I have never felt that attached to a celebrity from which ever genre unless I actually knew them in real life. But then it is not the celebrity you are missing but a friend or family member.

    Sometimes it is amazing how different folks look at things. I wrote about my neighbor and was so excited about having help dealing with my tree and the vines, and mostly I just listened to the girl problems, and you all picked that out as the important piece. A new point of view. I was glad to help him and to listen, but I was all about me getting that darn tree/vine job done. I so appreciate this group as it helps me look at an event from different sides.

    Thinking of you all,
    Kim in N. California

    That's exactly right ... most celebrities I see on TV live in another country. I've never met them and most likely won't.

    My whole contact with them is in a show I watch now and then where they are acting a part. Even if the show is billed as "reality", like Lego Masters or a house restoration show or a morning chat show or whatever, the people on the show are acting. We have no idea what they are really like.

    So for me, there's no point wasting any energy on them. They are just there to amuse me. And I'm just there to provide them with a data point for their ratings.

    Also exactly right that you provided a listening ear and different point of view.

    My work colleagues and I do that ... we talk or listen to each other and it is usually the one talking, describing the situation, who ends up solving their own situation. Being able to say it all out loud sorts it out. :smiley:

    M in Oz
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member

    Back from craft. We had several absentees. People tend to go off on holidays this month to take advantage of the lower costs in June. I have no formal activities until Friday after lunch. Plenty to keep me occupied at home 😝

    🤗🤗🤗 and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    Back to work today to give my poor little arms a rest.

    But I was also back to stair climbing. I think all the stair climbing helped me on the weekend with the painting because I was up and down and up and down the step ladder all weekend, with no ill effects.

    Rainy, windy day today - it's winter. But it's nice to have the rain. There's been enough to turn the grass green again!

    Machka in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,056 Member
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,517 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) There are a lot of emotions like fear, anxiety, empathy, guilt, shame, pride that are useful in small measure but to excess are huge interferences in our ability to be useful to ourselves and others. Many people make use of therapy, the Twelve Steps, or spiritual practices to find balance in these emotions.

    :)Allie, when Bernie, the cat, woke me in the middle of the night, I hugged him and reminded myself of how much I love him and how much joy he brought to my life. He has been gone for almost two years and I still miss him. No one says get rid of your children if they wake you up and I say don't get rid of your cat just because she wakes you up. When I lose sleep in the middle of the night, I am grateful that I don't have to go to work as a surgeon or operating heavy machinery in the morning.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

    Yes to both paragraphs.

    Emotions take a lot of energy. I find I have very limited energy so I have to choose what I spend my energy on.

    Many of you are in the enviable position of being able to sleep whenever you want throughout the 24 hours of the day! So if a cat or dog wakes you in the middle of night ... go back to sleep or sleep later.

    I'm fortunate that Rhody pretty much sleeps through the night. I don't hear him at all with my sleeping zone of silence, but my husband occasionally hears Rhody come into the room. He'll give Rhody a pat which makes Rhody happy and he goes to one of his sleep locations.

    Machka's sleeping zone of silence?

    - room with almost no light
    - separate beds for my husband and me so we can sleep how we like, with which pillows we like (me = lots of pillows, him = hardly any), with the mattresses we like, with blankets we like
    - eye mask so that I can't see any light at all or any light changes
    - ear plugs so I can't hear anything

    By morning, I can hear my alarm because my ear plugs shift in the night. But just in case I turn it off, which I do sometimes, my husband wakes me. He's my back-up alarm.

    Machka in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    Yes Siri jumps on the bed and knocks her head on mine and starts purring up a storm so I can't really get to mad ,i give her a few pets and then if she starts knocking things of the table i squirt her with the water bottle..but alas she comes back.. yoyr right I sleep in a little later is all.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,189 Member
    Today is Yarn bombing day! Cover a tree with yarn!
    RVRita in New Mexico