Zumba and vipr

Anyone know roughly how many calories are burned in 50 mins zumba and 40 mins vipr classes?


  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member

    My Zumba class is very intense. I logged my Zumba burn and it's on my list to select from so that way I'm logging it correctly each week. Don't log it as something it is not.
  • Ok may be a silly question But how do u know how intense it is? I get my heart rate up and sweat a lot!!!! Cheers forthe web site
  • I burn 508 in a 45 min class........
  • I should kinda explain the difference between intensities. =-.)
  • MANDYG4400
    MANDYG4400 Posts: 4 Member
    I use a Bodybugg and it said that I burned a little over 650 in my 50 minute class
  • Hello! I have no idea what vipr is but I can speak to Zumba (I've been instructing for 3yrs)....I wear a HRM and average 400-425 cal per hour, so 5/6 of that (50min of 60) would be 333-354. I am 5'5, weigh 133lbs (I give that info for frame of reference, because of course a person's build greatly affects number of cal burned. It is also worth mentioning that, as the instructor, I am always really giving it 100% throughout the class....Zumba is s/t that one can really push themselves or take it a little easier and still do the class. I hope this helps!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Hello! I have no idea what vipr is but I can speak to Zumba (I've been instructing for 3yrs)....I wear a HRM and average 400-425 cal per hour, so 5/6 of that (50min of 60) would be 333-354. I am 5'5, weigh 133lbs (I give that info for frame of reference, because of course a person's build greatly affects number of cal burned. It is also worth mentioning that, as the instructor, I am always really giving it 100% throughout the class....Zumba is s/t that one can really push themselves or take it a little easier and still do the class. I hope this helps!

    Good explanation! My Zumba class also does not have any breaks during the 60 minutes (I do stop now and again to keep sipping water).

    I guess the only way to tell for sure what you burn is to wear a heart rate monitor with the chest strap (Polar makes the best ones out there, I used to work with them at my last job).
  • Thanks guys :) as i am 155lbs and tend to give it my all and really let loose and sweat heaps i have put it at 400. Think i need to buy one of those machines that tell u!! I try not to eat my exercise cals but kind of nosey to know x
  • peaches71
    peaches71 Posts: 1 Member
  • Oh yes, good mention about water breaks, I didn't think of that...I do not do water breaks in my class either, just grap a sip of water between songs.

    That seems pretty high, but again, it is very much going to fluctuate based on your height/weight, intensity, etc.
  • HealthyIsMyNewNormal
    HealthyIsMyNewNormal Posts: 5 Member
    I am 6 feet and 210, I burn just under 800 calories at maximum intensity in a one-hour zumba class.
  • CRenaeB
    CRenaeB Posts: 66
    I'm 5'2 196 pounds. I use the polar ft4 w/ strap. I burn around 650 calories average in 60 min class.