Do you ever put off eating????



  • GouchisGirl
    GouchisGirl Posts: 321 Member
    Oh, and just a side note. I am already back to my prepregnancy weight as of today.... just working on losing a few more pounds. :)
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I don't have anything except a cup of coffee until at least noon. I know I am a night eater so if I'm not hungry until then I am not going to eat just to eat.
  • GouchisGirl
    GouchisGirl Posts: 321 Member
    Yes, I do make the choices on what we eat. And up until a couple of days ago the house was full of really healthy stuff. Had to cut back a bit on the grocery bill therefore the items in the house may not be as figure friendly. I just eat less when I eat whatever I make the rest of the family. To me it is just easier when I can have fruits and veggies, and slimmer snacks to fill up on in the house, then eating smaller portions of my family's regular meals which don't seem to be as filling. :)
  • GouchisGirl
    GouchisGirl Posts: 321 Member
    I don't have anything except a cup of coffee until at least noon. I know I am a night eater so if I'm not hungry until then I am not going to eat just to eat.

    WOW! Look at the massive amount of weight you have lost. WTG! If it is working for you stick with it! :)
  • Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Research has shown that eating a larger percent of your daily calorie intake during breakfast gives you the fuel to workout and to start your day, and keeps your metabolism engine going. By having a bigger portion for dinner isn't recommended.

    Also, 150 calories for breakfast is too little, especially if you're going to work out. You NEED the fuel. :)

    As for your question, do I put off eating?

    Nope. Especially on days I hit the gym. I make sure I have enough for breakfast or pre-workout and I'll make sure I eat post workout when my metabolism rate has been piked up.

    I snack very regularly on fruits and no-fat, <1% sugar yoghurt or any other low GI foods. All these are taken within my calorie requirement. No problem so far. So don't be afraid to eat. :)
  • Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Research has shown that eating a larger percent of your daily calorie intake during breakfast gives you the fuel to workout and to start your day, and keeps your metabolism engine going. By having a bigger portion for dinner isn't recommended.

    Also, 150 calories for breakfast is too little, especially if you're going to work out. You NEED the fuel. :)

    As for your question, do I put off eating?

    Nope. Especially on days I hit the gym. I make sure I have enough for breakfast or pre-workout and I'll make sure I eat post workout when my metabolism rate has been piked up.

    I snack very regularly on fruits and no-fat, <1% sugar yoghurt or any other low GI foods. All these are taken within my calorie requirement. No problem so far. So don't be afraid to eat. :)

    I know that "they" say that having a larger breakfast is important - but I still think that it is up to everyone to figure out what works best for them. I tried to eat more in the morning - what ended up happening was that I was MORE hungry as the day went on and it was harder for me to stick to the calorie plan so I would go over, feel bad and then keep on eating! What works for me is to eat a small breakfast, small snack, then a good lunch, good snack in the afternoon and a reasonable dinner. I can't eat more for just makes me eat more all day long. So everyone has to figure out what works for them. HOWEVER, I would never suggest NOT eating at all. There's got to be some fuel in there - just know what is appropriate for you!
  • I have put off eating many times. It usually isn't on intentional, it is just i get too busy and forget to eat. But then I feel good that I didn't eat and now I can eat a bigger meal and the calories are so worth it...hahaha
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    OH NO! YOU'RE WORKING OUT ON AN EMPTY STOMACH? ..... Seriously people, this isn't what she was asking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    She asked if we put off eating, or try to find things that are worth the calories! If you don't like the post then just ignore it & move on. Sheesh!

    Anyway to answer the question you DID ask:
    I'm not a breakfast person, never have been. I'd rather have a tiny breakfast, or no breakfast, and have something I enjoy for lunch & dinner. If I eat breakfast, that's less calories for lunch/dinner. I'm never that hungry in the morning.

    Another reason I don't like to eat breakfast, is because as soon as I start eating for the day, I want to eat the rest of the day after that. So I'm rather wait until later to eat so I eat less. If that makes sense.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Research has shown that eating a larger percent of your daily calorie intake during breakfast gives you the fuel to workout and to start your day, and keeps your metabolism engine going. By having a bigger portion for dinner isn't recommended.

  • GouchisGirl
    GouchisGirl Posts: 321 Member
    OH NO! YOU'RE WORKING OUT ON AN EMPTY STOMACH? ..... Seriously people, this isn't what she was asking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    She asked if we put off eating, or try to find things that are worth the calories! If you don't like the post then just ignore it & move on. Sheesh!

    Anyway to answer the question you DID ask:
    I'm not a breakfast person, never have been. I'd rather have a tiny breakfast, or no breakfast, and have something I enjoy for lunch & dinner. If I eat breakfast, that's less calories for lunch/dinner. I'm never that hungry in the morning.

    Another reason I don't like to eat breakfast, is because as soon as I start eating for the day, I want to eat the rest of the day after that. So I'm rather wait until later to eat so I eat less. If that makes sense.

    Makes sense to me :)