October Day by Day Challenge--OPEN GROUP



  • Shanaedunn
    Shanaedunn Posts: 171 Member
    October 4, 2011 Goals

    1. JM 30 day shred in the AM and PM - AM yes PM no
    2. Water of 12 glasses in both water and tea - Close but no cigar
    3. Calories and carbs under required totals -YES
    4. LOG everything -YES

    Have a blessed day and good luck on your goals!


    October 5, 2011
    1. JM 30 day shred in the AM and the PM
    3. Calories and Carbs under required numbers

    I AM 191.4 GUYS LOWEST NUMBERS EVER WHOOO HOOOO I am actually going to get out of these dogon 190's and AWAAAAAAYYYY FROM 200!!!! Thank you Lord for all the help and thank you all for your support! I am actually on Level 3 on the Shred and I made it on holding my self up on the ab rows with the weights for the whole time. I am so excited.Today is a good day I was losing my focus while I was not feeling good.

    Have a blessed day and good luck on your goals!

  • Hi Everyone!

    I'm Kimberly and I've been using MFP for about a week now. I live in Minnesota and have been married for 7 yrs. We have a 5 yr old, 3 yr old, and 4 month old (the little cutie pie being the main reason I'm here!) It's time to get serious about losing the baby weight and get back in shape. I've had three children, but I don't want to look like I've had three children!

    My Goals for Today (10/5) are:

    1. Actually drink 8 glasses of water- better for breastfeeding, too!
    2. To not eat my emotions!
    3. Catch up on laundry! I always feel calmer, healthier, and more focused when the house is clean and in order.

    Good luck today! :)
  • Hello All,

    This looks like just the kind of group I need =) I am a mother of 3 looking to find my figure again. Would love to join your group and make some new friends.

    My Goals Today
    ~ Stay within my calorie goals
    ~Exercise, even though its raining
    ~More Water

    Hope you all have a great day
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    ok.. i had to hunt this down... well not really since you posted it at the end of the other one, but i'm still trying to get in on this everyday. so hard to right now with everyhting else going one.

    Leela still misses y'all and says hi
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for October 5:
    1. WATER!--Yes.
    2. Stay in 1800 calories. --Closer but no.
    3. Day 4 Week 3 of the ACE plan.--Yes.

    Ravyn--I sure hope you are better soon. Strep is not fun at all! Take care of yourself!

    Shanae--YAY!!! Good for you!

    Welcome Kimberly and Butterfly! Glad to have you here.

    Bratty--nice to see you!

    I need to get on the ball and SERIOUSLY make healthier choices. I let the old Carb Monster get me and now I am fighting him off. I WILL win!

    Goals for October 6:
    1. WATER!
    2. Stay in 1800 calories.
    3. Day 5 Week 3 of the ACE plan.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Leela still misses y'all and says hi

    Tell Leela hi back, k? I miss her, too!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Good morning everyone!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    It's October and I'm back (Hopefully for good!) No more distractions! I'm ready to rock this month. Last month was not so good, I was MIA for more than half of it.

    Goals for Oct 3

    1.AB circle-Nope
    2. Healthy choices-Nope
    3. Log everything-Yes

    Hey everyone! My name is Barb. I'm happily married to y husband, been together for 8 and married for 5. We have 2 kids, our 7 year old daughter who has adhd and our 17 month old son. They all keep me pretty busy, so sometimes I'm not always here, but I do my best. I'm a SAHM, but it seems like there's never enough time in the day.

    Goals for Oct. 6

    1 Clean out shed/garage
    2. Ab Circle
    3. Water
  • Today's Goals: 10/6 4:37 pm (better late than never, right?)

    1. Dye my hair and take a real shower. (Not a Frankie Heck shower.)
    2. Find out why, if carbs are so bad, grapes have so many of them.
    3. Walk to the school and back.
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Hi everyone! Welcome back to those who have been here and welcome to all the newbies:) My name is Beth(most on here call me Ravyn or Rav) I'm a happily married(just celebrated 5 years) mother of 2. Son 8 and daughter 5. I've been a part of this group for over a year now and I love this group:) Sometimes people fall off and we don't see them for awhile but they find their way back here and that's what is so great about this group. We don't condem you for falling off, we just welcome you back with open arms.

    Now I'm sick right now so I have no goals cause I have strep. :( It is rather unpleasant right now. I should be up for moving around and doing things again in a few days. Right now I'm sitting on my couch and feel like my butt has grown roots here because of this sickness. It really sucks cause its absolutely gorgeous outside too! I just wanna go for long walks to enjoy the weather and I wanna get in a few more bike rides before it gets too cold again.

    Well I'm gonna get off of here before I just ramble away about nothing..lol Hope you all have a good day!!

    Well what a difference today for me! I feel tons better and feel like getting out there again!! YAY!!! Too bad my schedule today is not working for that one:( But its gorgeous out and Its gonna stay that way so I am going for a bike ride tomorrow.

    Bratty, make sure you tell Lee that we said HI and that we miss her too!!

    Welcome again to the newbies since we've had more join:flowerforyou:

    Kathy, thank you. I'm feeling much better now!

    So since I'm here rather late in the day for me I'm just gonna skip today and post my goals for tomorrow.

    1. Bike ride as long as I can handle and I'll make sure to go as fast as I can handle. Should be interesting since I haven't done that in a long time...
    2. Laundry and make good use of my clothes line since we are supposed to be clear and sunny for the next like week still LOL I'm so not complaining after all the rain we had before this!!!
    3. Up early to make sure I can get my daughter ready for school easily since its Picture Day. I hope she doesn't cheese it too much in the picture and I'm gonna make sure to do something with her hair that she can't mess up before they head down for pictures...I just hope she gets the pictures done before lunch or she'll have food on her face. Gotta love 5 yr olds and their eating habits... lol

    Well I'm off to see what I can do around here to keep myself busy and outside:love: Laters!!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Barb. I'm happily married to y husband, been together for 8 and married for 5. We have 2 kids, our 7 year old daughter who has adhd and our 17 month old son. They all keep me pretty busy, so sometimes I'm not always here, but I do my best. I'm a SAHM, but it seems like there's never enough time in the day.

    Goals for Oct. 6

    1 Clean out shed/garage-Done!
    2. Ab Circle-No
    3. Water-No

    Goals for Oct. 7

    1. Walk with Beth in the morning
    2. Make better choices
    3. Water
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member

    1. Bike ride as long as I can handle and I'll make sure to go as fast as I can handle. Should be interesting since I haven't done that in a long time...
    2. Laundry and make good use of my clothes line since we are supposed to be clear and sunny for the next like week still LOL I'm so not complaining after all the rain we had before this!!!
    3. Up early to make sure I can get my daughter ready for school easily since its Picture Day. I hope she doesn't cheese it too much in the picture and I'm gonna make sure to do something with her hair that she can't mess up before they head down for pictures...I just hope she gets the pictures done before lunch or she'll have food on her face. Gotta love 5 yr olds and their eating habits... lol

    Well I'm off to see what I can do around here to keep myself busy and outside:love: Laters!!

    Change of plans, Bike ride out and did a walk with Barb (which I was gonna do anyways) but my day is going to be too hetic cause I got a lead on a job and I'm going to put an application in for it! Please pray I get this I really need one right now!!

    Already got 2 of my goals though with that one but you should see my to do list for today its really long!!! lol

    Hope you have a great day everyone!! ITS FRIDAY!!! YAY FOR THE WEEKEND!!!:drinker:
  • Good morning everyone! Hope you did better than I did yesterday. :(

    Today's Goals: 10/7
    1. Water, Water, Water!
    2. Crank the tunes and get some major cleaning done today!
    3. Stay under my calorie goal. I am only cheating myself!!

    Focus on what you want MOST, not what you want in the moment!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member

    Goals for Oct. 7

    1. Walk with Beth in the morning-Yes!
    2. Make better choices-Not so much
    3. Water-nope, can't stop that craving for Soda, ugh!

    My day went pretty good. Went walking with Beth, paid bills, ate some lunch, picked up little one from daycare after the older one got home from school, ate some dinner, and then went on a short bike ride with another friend. Overall, pretty busy day and I'm pooped.

    Not sure about my goals for this weekend, as I have a hard time keeping them.....I'm off for now. Have a good night and great weekend!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for October 6:
    1. WATER!--Yes.
    2. Stay in 1800 calories.--Yes
    3. Day 5 Week 3 of the ACE plan.--Yes.

    Sorry I didn't get here the last 2 days--VERY busy! Getting ready for a political rally/march next week and it is taking a lot of my time. I also need to finish the jewelry for the charity auction and some Christmas gifts I am working on. Needless to say, I just don't always have the time to get here!
    I am still working on making healthier food choices. Not always easy when fresh produce is so high in price and you have a small freezer! Not always room for all the frozen veggies and also meat, etc. I am doing my best, though.

    kwoodgate--Loved the Frankie Heck shower reference! I remember days like that.
    Fruit has a lot of natural sugar and sugars are carbs. Just go easy on the fruit and try to stay away from simple/processed carbs--those are the really bad ones!

    Rayvn--Lots of prayers that you get that job! I know they are few and far between, I'll be looking soon, too.

    Goals for October 1:
    1. WATER!
    2. Stay in 1800 calories.
    3. Day 5 Week 4 of the ACE plan.
  • Shanaedunn
    Shanaedunn Posts: 171 Member


    I have been missing the last few days! But I had a great weekend found out I am in a size 12 for the FIRST TIME EVER IN MY LIFE!

    Goals for October 10
    1. Two workouts AM and PM
    3. Log everything
    4. Calorie count and Carb count in required numbers

    So I am amped to push hard this week and get my double workouts back in......

    Have a blessed day and good luck on your goals!

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for October 9:
    1. WATER!--No.
    2. Stay in 1800 calories.--Yes, barely.
    3. Day 1 Week 4 of the ACE plan.--Sort of.

    Messed up on the ACE plan--did Week 2 again somehow! So I am going to do Week 3 over again and this time remember to look at the plan before doing it!

    Goals for October 10:
    1. Water.
    2. Stay in 1800 calories.
    3. Day 1 Week 3 of the ACE plan.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for October 9:
    1. WATER!--No.
    2. Stay in 1800 calories.--Yes, barely.
    3. Day 1 Week 4 of the ACE plan.--Sort of.

    Messed up on the ACE plan--did Week 2 again somehow! So I am going to do Week 3 over again and this time remember to look at the plan before doing it!

    Goals for October 10:
    1. Water.
    2. Stay in 1800 calories.
    3. Day 1 Week 3 of the ACE plan.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for October 9:
    1. WATER!--No.
    2. Stay in 1800 calories.--Yes, barely.
    3. Day 1 Week 4 of the ACE plan.--Sort of.

    Messed up on the ACE plan--did Week 2 again somehow! So I am going to do Week 3 over again and this time remember to look at the plan before doing it!

    Goals for October 10:
    1. Water.
    2. Stay in 1800 calories.
    3. Day 1 Week 3 of the ACE plan.
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    SO did pretty good all weekend:happy: Saturday was spent out at a piece of property owned by my BIL's family and we were shooting. Found out my son is a heck of a shot actually!! :happy: He had a blast laying there on the ground shooting the little .22 rifle. I on the other hand was happy to shoot both the AR and the AK :love: Then we had a bonfire later in the night there too. They are an actual licensed firing range too. But now we are thinking of getting my son and daughter a youth sized .22 rifle so we don't have to always have them with us to go shooting.

    Then on Sunday we went down to the local State park and hiked a trail. It was different than we usually do because they had cut a maze out in the prairie. We let my son lead the way which means he had to answer the questions on the signs to get us thru it the right way. He did very well:smile: We never got lost once! But it was really hard to walk in there. Tunneling animals left really nasty ruts in the ground and the grasses are really tall and some people had obviously fallen or something on the edges of the pathway. It took us almost 2 hours though walking around in there and it was hot!! No shade from the sun since it was midday...But the kids had a blast and so did me and the hubby:smile: Just glad we did it. We learned alot about prairies while we were there too.

    So I'm taking a rest day which I usually take over the weekend but this weekend was so busy that I didn't get to. I have no goals today except to enjoy the day and maybe get some cleaning done if I feel up to it. My hip hurts after all that walking yesterday! lol

    Hope you all have a great day!!
  • Shanaedunn
    Shanaedunn Posts: 171 Member


    I have been missing the last few days! But I had a great weekend found out I am in a size 12 for the FIRST TIME EVER IN MY LIFE!

    Goals for October 10
    1. Two workouts AM and PM- YES YES YES
    3. Log everything -YES
    4. Calorie count and Carb count in required numbers -YES

    October 11, 2011
    1. Two workouts AM and PM
    3. Log everything
    4. Calorie count and Carb count within the required numbers

    Have a blessed day and good luck on your goals!
