Second Round

Well here I go again... this is not the first time Ive done this.... I fell off the wagon and I'm trying to get back on. I was doing so good, lost 12lbs and then I was gonna move, well that never happened- now I was jobless and with out structure- so I decided to wait it out until I found a new job. Well that took longer then expected. I still don't start until Halloween, but I thought I should start now and not have to adjust to 2 new things... well I know I'm not a first-timer but in some ways I feel like one. My goal is to loose 100lbs. I know this is a lot, but I also know this can be done. I don't want to rely on medication to bring me these numbers. I wasn't to do it the honest way. Please help me on my journey of being a more healthier me. I like when people give good tips, strategies, recipes ( because I'm a foodie LOL) and can be a help on this struggle... And I can help you- by doing the same thing. I hope to be able to add a few new friends along the way and getting to our goal weight together ! Happy Loosing :)


  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    We all fall off
    This is my second time too.
    Im here if you need a motivator :flowerforyou:
  • Hello! Good for you for jumping back on the wagon. You can do this!!! This is a great place to stay motivated.
    I've lost 92 lbs over the course of 3 years, so yes it can be done!
    Start by watching your portions and track everything you eat. Watch your sugar intake and stick to whole grains, lean protein.
    Try to eat 5-6 times a day, small meals. Feel free to check out my diary for ideas!
  • Southernsister
    Southernsister Posts: 198 Member
    You came back and that i what matters....let do this =)
  • ajm07
    ajm07 Posts: 32 Member
    I jumped ship from another website so that no one here knows it's about my 6th time back into it :)

    I generally go about 3 months, then spend 6 months or so reverting before I need to get back on the wagon. I think for some people it's inevitable, although I wish it could be permanent.

    Either way - while we're here - lets go for it!
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    Its my belief that the majority of folks who get off the track do so because of mental road blocks instead of physical ones. If you believe you are in that boat, consider the exercise in my will power blog below.

    hope things go well for you this time around.