I'm new here!

I have been lacking self motivation, so here I am ~ looking for support to begin this weight loss journey yet again! :o)


  • This tool has worked extremely well for me at keeping me motivated and on-track! I don't think I have had any huge plunges so far, however slowly and steadily its dropping a little here a little there!
  • JaredBergeron
    JaredBergeron Posts: 379 Member
  • packerfan1
    packerfan1 Posts: 93 Member
  • kirs10stevens
    kirs10stevens Posts: 2 Member
    I have, too! I made this choice just today to make this a priority for myself but also for my clients. I am a personal trainer and ALWAYS lecture about better accountability! Here I am! So? How does this work, really? I get the logging and what-not, but I just don't know ALL the ways to utilize this site! Any pointers?