Family Issues...

Does anyone else have family that don't see the point in why you are trying to lose weight and get back down to pre pregnancy weight? I can't seem to find really good encouragement from family other than my husband. It makes me so frustrated when I talk to anyone in my family about what I have done with exercising daily and eating less. I get a little down on myself when talking to certain people because they think I am starving myself by cutting back so much, but really 1600 calories a day isn't bad and the exercise on top of that is great for my energy level... I guess I am just looking for some others who might have the same problem.


  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    They are intimidated by you trying to get in shape. Makes them feel less of themselves. They need you to stay where you are to make themselves feel better. Stick with those that support what you are trying to do and don't discuss it with the ones that don't!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    If people don't want to talk about things with me, I usually change the subject. You cannot expect everyone to be as enthusiastic about this as you are.

    At least you have your husband and people on this site to support you, right? :flowerforyou:
  • jbeauchamp1
    jbeauchamp1 Posts: 195 Member
    1. They may feel threatened by your discipline...may make them feel guilty and they don't like that feeling.
    2. They may be very insecure themselves and don't like your new found confidence.
    3. Maybe you are constantly talking about eating & fitness to where they feel that is all you are consumed happens to alot of people.
    4. The one person that cares most is your husband.....that is awesome because alot of women do not even have that at home.

    All in all just try not to discuss it with them unless they approach it so they do not take the opportunity to discourage you. You are doing this for you alone and not them. There are always people that will not be a big support system but you need to surround yourself with people that will do that for you.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I can't seem to find really good encouragement from family other than my husband. It makes me so frustrated when I talk to anyone in my family about what I have done with exercising daily and eating less.

    Then don't talk to THEM--talk to somebody else like your MFP friends. Remember that you share DNA with your family-- not a brain.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    It might be best not to bring it up in conversation, only answer questions. They could just be perceiving it as passive aggressive criticism. The best way to talk to someone about it is to just keep making healthy choices around them and let them come to you. If they say something negative, just smile and say you're so glad your husband supports you in your efforts to be healthier. Really, his support is the most important, since he is your spouse and the one you share a home with. :-)
  • Then don't talk to THEM--talk to somebody else like your MFP friends. Remember that you share DNA with your family-- not a brain.

    This is too funny and something I will definitely remember the next time I go to my grandma's house. lol. Thanks :)
  • Thanks :) I feel like I do have much more support online here than I do in the everyday real world... It is great to have some people to encourage me and let me know I am not crazy for wanting to not be over two hundred pounds. lol. It seems like once you hit your twenties in my family you aren't suppose to go under that weight. Very bad for my health and I don't want problems like that when I am with my grandkids. Thanks for the responses :)
  • Chika85
    Chika85 Posts: 92 Member
    I feel your pain. I just talked to my parents on skype for the first time since August and the first thing my dad said was that I looked fat. Bahaha. My parents are always the only ones to tell me that I've gained weight but when I lose it they're all like "oh my you are getting too skinny." Now I just ignore their weight comments. My husband loves me with or without those extra pounds. :)