Any nursing or pre-nursing students out there?

buffjess Posts: 382
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
Ok i am starting my pre-nursing courses May 28, 2009 and my lpn program this fall.. I was wondering if there may be any other nursing students out there who wanted to start a group challenge..We could share experiances, and motivate each other to eat right and exercise during this stressfull time.. Anyone interested?


  • buffjess
    buffjess Posts: 382
    Ok i am starting my pre-nursing courses May 28, 2009 and my lpn program this fall.. I was wondering if there may be any other nursing students out there who wanted to start a group challenge..We could share experiances, and motivate each other to eat right and exercise during this stressfull time.. Anyone interested?
  • mburke88
    mburke88 Posts: 9
    Hi there, I am a nursing student in Ontario, Canada.....i would love to make a challenge thing and definitely share experiences, so what is your program like ? just curious to see the differences and that between both regions....good luck with your weigh loss!
  • littleluvbug
    littleluvbug Posts: 137 Member
    I'm in, I just finished my pre-req's and am waiting to hear if I got into the RN program, I should with a 3.92 GPA ! :wink: Anyways, I too am SO worried about losing focus during a strenuous program, so let's encourage each other!
  • buffjess
    buffjess Posts: 382
    Well I havent started yet but will on may 28.. But I will go 3 days a week untill august then start my full time nursing program..Where are you at in your program? When did you start? Oh and I live in Bastrop Louisiana
  • mburke88
    mburke88 Posts: 9
    I am in my 3rd year of the Registered Nurse program in Ontario, which leaves me with 1 year left and then im off to the workforce haha......Nursing is definitely a busy and strenuous program and does not always leave alot of time for losing weight, but I have found that with support like this website, it makes it alot easier to meet your goals!
  • buffjess
    buffjess Posts: 382
    Do you think it will be impossible for me since I have 3 small children and a husband who acts like a child?? lol..But seriously..I am very nervous..And as far as getting into the nursing program its a shew in cause i live in a very small town..What was the hardest part for you? And is it doable to loose weight, keep house, raise kids/husband, and pass nursing??
  • mburke88
    mburke88 Posts: 9
    I definitely think its doable, i have a friend who has kids in my program and she has made it as far as i have with not too much difficulty, you will just need alot of support from the family and i think it would be doable. exercise might be difficult to get at times, but maybe try to do stuff at home for exercise, play outside with the kids....then your shooting two birds with one stone, you get to spend time with your children and also exercise. Other things to think of is doing some exercise videos or things like that or even if you could find a gym that has a section that takes care of your kids while you are exercising. I know the Goodlife fitness gym that i go to has it, and its included in the membership, so no extra theres alot of options for you, and even if exercise does become difficult to manage....just watch your eating and stuff and you should still do worries you can definitely do it girl!
  • Charilee7
    Charilee7 Posts: 18
    I am a nursing student and need to get my behind in gear or I am going to be a hot mess in my white dress at pinning LOL. I graduate my RN program in December of this year, and I have gained at least 20 pounds since I started my nursing classes 3 semesters ago. It's so easy to binge on Big Macs while we do our care plans. I have a study group full of stress eaters. It's a disaster LOL.

    But I'm back on here, and I am going to get it under control in the 7 short months I have.
  • mburke88
    mburke88 Posts: 9
    OMG, i can totally relate haha, the exams that i just wrote a few weeks ago made me gain 5 pounds! me and my friend kept ordering pizza and honestly i dont know what was going on in my head but i just couldnt get enough of chocolate haha.....definitely hard around that time of the year lol
  • Charilee7
    Charilee7 Posts: 18
    Yeah I have a final on May 13 and I needed to come back to have a reason to say no to the Big Mac runs. I swear I have never eaten so poorly in my life LOL.
  • mburke88
    mburke88 Posts: 9
    So how has everyone's week been going? mine has been okay, other than the fact that I got hit with the flu and my nose is extremely stuffed lol.....its been hard to get to the gym being sick like this, but ive been trying to just keep eating healthy, which is the main thing....
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