Who's with me?

I recently made a decision to keep wine out of the house unless it is a very special occasion (birthday, Thanksgiving, graduation, etc.). I will drink 1-2 glasses when eating out or at friends' houses but I won't keep it around my house any more. My husband is with me on this. I figure in an average week I am adding about 1500 extra calories in wine and lots of $$ at the store. Who else wants to change their relationship to the beloved grape - or hops, or fermented potato or whatever your pleasure is?


  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    I'm in!
    I really struggle with my love of wine. I'm cutting back big time, only drinking on special occasions.
    love the idea of this group
    ha ha irony!
  • I started my 'no wine' challenge a week ago tomorrow and it has been difficult. Red wine is my drink of choice but I too was adding way too many calories of the grape. I'm so happy to find I'm not alone!!! My goal right now is to not have wine until a special dinner on January 21st. I did have beer with pizza (sinner!) last night, and it tasted good, I'm feeling irritated with myself now for slipping though =(
  • sauci
    sauci Posts: 94 Member
    I did two months no drink until December. I had a few nights out and didn't enjoy drinking as much as I used to. Didn't drink at all Christmas and had just 1 glass at midnight on NY. I used to really love drinking, a glass with dinner and/or even lunch. Every time I'd go out socially I would drink so this is a big change for me. I really noticed the difference in how I felt generally and lost weight (around my belly mainly) without dieting. I drank on Thursday and ruined my following days meals because of it. I'd love to be part of this group! My intention is not to drink again at least to the end of Jan and take it from there. I am with you!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • dunkrobertson
    dunkrobertson Posts: 56 Member
    i'm in! I realized i am completely sabotaging my weight loss efforts with the extra calories. I replaced my usual glass or two of wine with tea last week and that seemed to be ok. I took a wine class at our local community house and realized what "good" wine tasted like and that curbed my intake as well, as I am appreciating it with a good meal now as opposed to slurping down a bottle of "rot-gut" nightly. Curse you knowledge!! My focus is going to be deleting it from the menu during the week and rewarding myself on the weekends if I did good! Thanks for the idea
  • Dunkrobertson - I love the 'reward myself on the weekends' idea - that is a great idea...! Glad you shared :drinker:
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    Definitely count me in! I woke up with a hangover on Jan 1 and decided I'd cut out beer (my fav) and wine for the entire month of January. I've slipped up once, but am back on track. Happy to join this group!!

  • Change_Agent
    Change_Agent Posts: 98 Member
    Hey there,

    Great to see you all here. I love that knowing good wine from bad ruined some of the fun - have been there myself but then was able to rally and like the rot gut again. Woke up Saturday with what was at least in part a hangover - and in part a nasty sinus headache brought on by the red wine? or was it all just hang over? - and yes, vowed to just cut it out for awhile. Second night in a row now without it and while was missing it badly around dinnertime I am now feeling good.

    Looking forward to sleeping well!
  • I love spiced rum and diet wild cherry pepsi. It's my drink of choice and I usually have 1-2 large glasses a night... I count my calories but know I need to cut down. I know my body will like me better too. I am ready to set a goal of 1 regular glass per night. THANK YOU for starting this group! Gotta go and fill up my water cup!:drinker:
  • dunkrobertson
    dunkrobertson Posts: 56 Member
    I usually miss it the most during my son's homework time :grumble: But I have found that a nice cup of hot tea does the trick! This looks like a good place for me to be ! can't wait to fit in my jeans again!
  • Crazynurseblack
    Crazynurseblack Posts: 9 Member
    I too appreciate a glass of wine, and on a good night, the whole bottle. After starting my diet 6 days ago, I have cut way back. Im not going to lie. It sucks. I hope I can keep it up though because I know that yummy cab sav will sabotage my weight loss in a heartbeat. Whoa is me...
  • I and giving it a try too. Haven't had any wine since Dec. 30!!! (had to drive 13 hours home on the 1st so didn't have any on new years). I am just not going to buy any for a while. So far I have been doing pretty good. I would have 1-3 glasses of red wine a night and then start munching snacks. I feel better already. I have a bottle I got for Christmas and have thought about opening it and just having one glass.... but I am afraid that will turn into 3 or 4!! so there it sits!!!
    great idea!!!
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    this is my 9th day without wine.
    I craved it last night and I mean CRAVED!!!!
    I came on here and told everyone I wasn't having a glass and all the comments wishing me luck and then congratulating me gave me a little bit of the glow that red wine gives me!!!
    This feeling will go away won't it? I'm not sure what to do with my nights anymore! Tonight is traditional TV night with wine. Back to the camomile I suppose!
    When will I see the massive benefits?
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I'm in!
    I drink a glass of wine (or two, or three..) most nights and I really want to stop to be healthier. I quit smoking and eating so much so I think it's time I cut out the wine.
    My personal challenge is, starting today, to not drink until my boyfriend's birthday in April. It's going to be tough, especially on the weekends but I'm sure I can do it! :)
    Going to miss having a drink but it's better for me if I can stop. :)
  • Change_Agent
    Change_Agent Posts: 98 Member
    Hey HelenofTroy - Good for you! I'm glad you made it through the Big craving. It is really hard sometimes! I think for me it's KNOWING that a glass would help me relax. Last night, though, I had said out loud (on this forum and to my husband) that I wasn't going to have any and so couldn't very well back out and so had to just put up with the craving - which was pretty bad. I decided I would let myself do anything else I wanted to relax for 20 minutes (like look at really, really mindless stuff on the web) and that seemed to help.
  • Change_Agent
    Change_Agent Posts: 98 Member
    Grrlface - sounds ambitious! Good for you. I am sure you will see big results. My birthday is in April too. I am considering joining you for this one... Lemme visualize saying No at a dinner party for a bit.
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    I am SO glad I'm not the only one that gets that craving!
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    you have no idea how helpful this group is! It's nice to know other people out there are going through the same thing!

    Here's to Night 9!
    :drinker: :noway:
  • AlisonL14
    AlisonL14 Posts: 2 Member
    I was lurking on this site for the umpteenth time and came across this group...this is just what I was looking for! I like beer AND wine. I have tried to cut it out entirely but it doesn't work for me. Did I mention I also work part time in a large liquor store? I also have tried the "wait until the weekend" trick which works sometimes but I think the deprivation kinda makes me drink a bit more in the 1-2 days I allow myself. Maybe the trick is set a limit per week? They (I don't know who, just "they") always say that denying yourself leads to binging. Ugh. I'm going to keep reading everyone's post and feel a teeny bit better cause I'm not the only one struggling!
  • I am definitely in!! I wanted so much to start the year without having 2-4 glasses a night. I love my red wine, however; I know it is full of empty calories and I really feel puffy the next day! I do thoroughly enjoy cooking and have a glass or two while doing so. My last glass was saturday night. Here's to a healthier us! Fingers crossed! :drinker:
  • this is my 9th day without wine.
    I craved it last night and I mean CRAVED!!!!
    I came on here and told everyone I wasn't having a glass and all the comments wishing me luck and then congratulating me gave me a little bit of the glow that red wine gives me!!!
    This feeling will go away won't it? I'm not sure what to do with my nights anymore! Tonight is traditional TV night with wine. Back to the camomile I suppose!
    When will I see the massive benefits?

    Helenoftroy! Congratulations on your 9 days.... I know those cravings (expecially when making dinner)..... I tend to give in though..I'm glad I came across this group... will definitely help!! !! Good luck too us all!!