For all the *actual* dog lovers out there...



  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    My dog helps me express myself:laugh:
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    My kids are both pugs :) They like to watch television and lay under an afghan throw (the kind with holes) so they can peer out and watch people without being seen (they think).
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Here's a picture of my Siberian Huskies - they mean the whole world to me and I wouldn't be without any of them!! We've had the girls since pups but we rescued Kai when he was 10 months old and Shadow when he was 2...this is Shadows 5th (and forever) home :-))


    Mya, 20 months - Kai (Siberian Husky x Alaskan Malamute), 2 years 4 months - Delilah, 11 months - Shadow, 3 years 3 months.


    I am sure you get lots of dog sledding jokes wherever you go! :)

  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Here are my 2 children.................They are a mess and very spoiled. Notice their stockings hanging in the background?

    Roscoe - The brindle Boxer / Pit mix is the biggest baby I have ever seen. We rescued him and he immediately bonded with my husband like I have never seen before. It was instant. Now when he wants to sit on me or my husband he cries...........and he still thinks he is the 20 pound pup that we brought home from the rescue.

    Ginger - She is Akita / Lab Mix. We found her in a ditch close to our house when she was between 2 or 3 weeks old. Her eyes were still partially closed. My husband found the rest of the litter scattered along the highway for about a 2 mile stretch, it was sickening. She is very quirky and odd and I think she sees ghosts because she will look around and then start growling and barking.

  • When I first got my "fur babies" I had a nice big yard. Then i sold my house and we now live in a nice condo, WITHOUT a yard! So I love my dogs, but I have to walk them morning, noon, and night, and all the times in between!~~
    100lb American Bulldog and a 65Lbs Boxer... I'll post a pic when I figure out how!

    On the deck above the river by burgenah, on Flickr
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Raychal came into our lives 20 years ago when a kid I worked with had to get rid of her very well trained 6 mo old golden lab puppy. I really didnt want a dog as I had 3 little kids and 2 full time jobs. Actually, I almost gave her away 6 months later for this reason.

    I am so very thankful I didnt. She was with us for 15 yrs or so. She lived so long, and so healthy it was a shame I let her stay for another few months because I just was not ready to let her go:cry:

    My son came home with an Australian Shepherd (in av) named TB (rolls eyes, dont ask). TB is sweet, loving and so dangum smart. I stink at training, but she is so quick to learn even I can do it:wink:

    When Rach went home to hang out with my Mom on the other side,it was horrible. It is hard being alone through something like that. I just went in my room.

    TB just sat next to my bed, with her head on it-looking at me. I sobbed and she put her paw up.......I swear it was like slow motion (I am crying as I write this) she slowly came up next to me, full length of my body.................and lay there perfectly still all afternoon and into the night.

    That dog saved my heart:love:

    My son was supposed to take her home. He calls for an awkward conversation. He starts to talk and I cry :sad: please don't take her!!! He laughs:laugh: I was hoping you would say that, the apt doesnt allow dogs!!

    She is my best friend. This past year and a half have been filled with sickness, sadness, craziness and loss..........through it all she is right there!

    If not for her I would have gained back every ounce I lost. Instead I am on my way down again.

    I love that dog with all my heart:heart:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    When I first got my "fur babies" I had a nice big yard. Then i sold my house and we now live in a nice condo, WITHOUT a yard! So I love my dogs, but I have to walk them morning, noon, and night, and all the times in between!~~
    100lb American Bulldog and a 65Lbs Boxer... I'll post a pic when I figure out how!

    That is what happened with me. I left my house with the big back yard, and moved to an apt with a bunch of dogs. She has been wonderful on the leash and loves her new home:love: It is so big in here we run from room to room playing "get it!"
    (I asked the ppl below, and they cannot hear me!:tongue: )
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Here are my 2 children.................They are a mess and very spoiled. Notice their stockings hanging in the background?

    Roscoe - The brindle Boxer / Pit mix is the biggest baby I have ever seen. We rescued him and he immediately bonded with my husband like I have never seen before. It was instant. Now when he wants to sit on me or my husband he cries...........and he still thinks he is the 20 pound pup that we brought home from the rescue.

    Ginger - She is Akita / Lab Mix. We found her in a ditch close to our house when she was between 2 or 3 weeks old. Her eyes were still partially closed. My husband found the rest of the litter scattered along the highway for about a 2 mile stretch, it was sickening. She is very quirky and odd and I think she sees ghosts because she will look around and then start growling and barking.

    AH they are so durn cute. How can anyone DO that???:angry:

    Maybe she has some nerve damage from being thrown from the vehicle. She looks mighty happy!! They both do:flowerforyou:
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Here are my 2 children.................They are a mess and very spoiled. Notice their stockings hanging in the background?

    Roscoe - The brindle Boxer / Pit mix is the biggest baby I have ever seen. We rescued him and he immediately bonded with my husband like I have never seen before. It was instant. Now when he wants to sit on me or my husband he cries...........and he still thinks he is the 20 pound pup that we brought home from the rescue.

    Ginger - She is Akita / Lab Mix. We found her in a ditch close to our house when she was between 2 or 3 weeks old. Her eyes were still partially closed. My husband found the rest of the litter scattered along the highway for about a 2 mile stretch, it was sickening. She is very quirky and odd and I think she sees ghosts because she will look around and then start growling and barking.

    AH they are so durn cute. How can anyone DO that???:angry:

    Maybe she has some nerve damage from being thrown from the vehicle. She looks mighty happy!! They both do:flowerforyou:

    Our vet said that is a possibility or possibly some minor brain damage. Either way we love them to pieces.

    Roscoe had been abused when we got him from the rescue. It has taken a lot of time and patience over the past year and a half that we have had him to get him to trust us. :mad:
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    When I first got my "fur babies" I had a nice big yard. Then i sold my house and we now live in a nice condo, WITHOUT a yard! So I love my dogs, but I have to walk them morning, noon, and night, and all the times in between!~~
    100lb American Bulldog and a 65Lbs Boxer... I'll post a pic when I figure out how!

    On the deck above the river by burgenah, on Flickr

    They are gorgeous!!!
  • Figured out how to post pictures!!:happy: My Bully Maverick we call him "moosycakes"

    moosycakes by burgenah, on Flickr
  • rsajoc
    rsajoc Posts: 7 Member
    aaawww...I have a male Daschund too! He's my baby!
  • Christinemary6
    Christinemary6 Posts: 60 Member
    Oh I do! but really....DIAPERS?
    Diapers? On a DOG?

    I'm quessing you are American.

    And I'm guessing you don't even realize why he's doing it so.. yeah. It's kind of required LOL.

    Here's my dog Peaches :D

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,308 Member
    <sarcasm> Obviously in the UK dogs don't make a mess when in heat. Duh. Stoopid Americans.</sarcasm>
  • jojo52610
    jojo52610 Posts: 692 Member



    The first one is Buster and Winnie - Buster is a Boston Terrier - Winnie is a Basenji

    my two kitties both brought home by my daughter - Bella the black one (a stray found on the street she had to be bottle fed)
    and Gizmo a resuce from the Humane Society

    and the Pug that's Chester he passed away almost 2 years ago the morning after my daughters graduation party he fell in my pool and drowned I miss him he was sooo funny and cute.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Everyone has beautiful fur babies!!!!!!!!!

    We have had 3 dogs pass away. 2 of them got hit by a car and our last baby Duke succumbed to Parvo.

    Lizzy (black lab) my girl and such a lady.........RIP


    My Coco sweetheart........RIP Coco was a big goofball, full blooded boxer

    And my handsome boy Duke. I miss him so...........

  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I have a 5 year old pitpull we adopted. He is the best and sweetest dog I have ever met. He is so docile, and tolerates being attacked repeatedly by our cat. I just love him sooo much. I also have three cats, which are cuddly too!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Wicket as a puppy:

    Wicket all grown up:

    Atilla as a puppy:

    Atilla all grown up:
  • Theodore Bearington "Teddy Bear" says hi:


    OMG! So cute!!!

    Thank youuu he's my furbaby :)
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member

    My baby girl Penni turns 8 next week. I love her more than anything in this world. She's moved across the country wih me three times and puts up with me no matter what. I have her name tattoo'd on my foot too - and she forms the other half of most of my usernames etc too.

    My boyfriends dog Ebony is a real sweetie too. She loves to cuddle and wants to play tug of war or fetch all day! Here they both are (in our backyard before we did it up lol)