Easter Fitness Challenge Mar 22nd

Almost there!

Today is a big workout day:
Abs for 20 minutes
Spinning for 60 minutes
Walking for 40 minutes.

Happy almost Easter!



  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Almost there!

    Today is a big workout day:
    Abs for 20 minutes
    Spinning for 60 minutes
    Walking for 40 minutes.

    Happy almost Easter!

  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,783 Member
    Yesterday did 20 min weights and 45 min elliptical. Overate a little, but will do better today.

    Don't know what today holds. It's nice, so may go for a bike ride.
    Have to figure out something for Easter as it won't be nice, the gym is closed, and I'm going to a buffet! May sneak into husband's gym.

    I got a fortune last night that will be my mantra for the buffet, "The pleasure of what we enjoy is lost by wanting more."
  • vicky1
    vicky1 Posts: 236
    Walked today for and hour. How many calories do you burn taking down a shed when tools required are your foot and a hammer (somebody mashed the screw heads up when they built it) I have sore arms and legs now.

    Tomorrow gonna be a tough one we are baking cinnamon rolls for breakfast thats 500 cals gone straight away no choc for me (to be honest its been giving me a headache I think I am not used to the sugar anymore) I will probably not have anything until I go to my parents in the afternoon it is just a buffet (my mums food is nothing to write home about so I think I will be able to resist and I know there will be salad whooppee)

    probably have just enough time to walk the dogs still not back on form chest infection has turned into an annoying cough now whenever I exert myself I have a coughing fit not running a fever anymore though so I think I have turned a corner fingers crossed Monday I will be back to normal routine as I didn't lose any weight this week didn't gain either.

    Hope all have a good easter.