Help me please, runner's question

I want to know some BASIC things I can do to prep for a long run. The web is a great source of too much information. I found all this stuff about power shots, gels, carbs, yada-yada. My goal is to avoid dying, not to be on a par with a world record athlete's routine. Right now I just drink water before running and if I go over six miles I start drinking 8 ounces per mile (which is about how much I sweat off). If you have any simple recommendations then I'd love to hear them. Thanks...


  • How far are you running? If you are running 10-15 miles, you should take some food. I like gels because they are easy and not solid food, but everyone is different. Some people like raisins. You want something with carbs in it and that is fairly easy to digest, but gels are an acquired taste. Try them out. Also, my experience is that if you just eat it standing around it is gross, but when you are running and your body needs it, it tastes so much better. You need to drink about 4 oz with the gel to help it go down.

    Experiment with what works for you. Some people also like gatorade, but I find it too sweet and it upsets my stomach.
  • it depends on how your body is handling the running.

    The water you drank 12 hours ago is what helps you now, not the water you are drinking now. I am not a marathoner, but I have done runs up to close to 17 miles without food or water because I am well fueled and hydrated. One of the mechanisms of training for a race is also training your body to be able to handle running while at the same time not eating or drinking. However, for slower runners, a lot of times, it takes more time to cover the distance and it becomes a matter of needing to refuel during your run, and I would say anything over 2.5 hours of running should necessitate intaking some food and/or water. The temperature also factors into how your body handles the running. It's good to experiment with different products because different things work for different people. Some things will make you nauseous so you want to know this before you take it into a race situation.
  • mtaydelott
    mtaydelott Posts: 5 Member
    my favorite pre run breakfast is 2 waffles w peanut butter. When I run over 8 mile I use a gu gel pack...they aren't the best but they get the job done....I like tri berry and the orange one. If I go over 12 miles, sometimes I take two. I also like chomps and shot blocks but you do have to chew those....I do have those before half marathons also!
  • bshedwick
    bshedwick Posts: 659 Member
    I'm in training for a half marathon. I can't go over 6 miles or so with a little bit of water and a little bit to eat. I find I have some more stamina to keep on going.

    I've been experimenting, and I find if I go over an hour, I need some extra cals during my run.

    I've tried the Jelly Belly sports beans, and I like those.

    I also found that the GoGo Squeez Apple Sauce packets are easy to carry, and eat while running.

    My advice is to experiment and try to find what works for you.
  • cranden
    cranden Posts: 54 Member
    I did eat an energy bar at about mile 6 of my 1/2 marathon. I bit my cheek though so be careful! I like peanut butter for a run too.
  • BenKnowsFitness
    BenKnowsFitness Posts: 451 Member
    How far are you running? If you are running 10-15 miles, you should take some food. I like gels because they are easy and not solid food, but everyone is different. Some people like raisins. You want something with carbs in it and that is fairly easy to digest, but gels are an acquired taste. Try them out. Also, my experience is that if you just eat it standing around it is gross, but when you are running and your body needs it, it tastes so much better. You need to drink about 4 oz with the gel to help it go down.

    Experiment with what works for you. Some people also like gatorade, but I find it too sweet and it upsets my stomach.

    I usually go 6 or more miles. I've gone up to 12 but plan to do more (when I can find the time, hard to cut out that much time from a day)
  • I'm in training for a half marathon. I can't go over 6 miles or so with a little bit of water and a little bit to eat. I find I have some more stamina to keep on going.

    I've been experimenting, and I find if I go over an hour, I need some extra cals during my run.

    I've tried the Jelly Belly sports beans, and I like those.

    I also found that the GoGo Squeez Apple Sauce packets are easy to carry, and eat while running.

    My advice is to experiment and try to find what works for you.

    I also like the sport beans.

    How far is your "long" run? do you get hungry? You could probably drink sports drink instead of water if you don't like gels/beans & you're not hungry.

    If you want a "real" snack, I like bananas & pretzels. Go with what sounds appealing & won't upset your stomach.
  • kopmom
    kopmom Posts: 491 Member
    I also like Jelly Belly sports beans and just try to eat some protein before a long run like a banana and peanut butter. I try to hydrate well the day/night before a long run