

  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 479 Member
    aww mel ihope your ribs get better...

    well i jumped on the scale today and im one pound smaller... w00t... 166...
    yesterday i wore a shirt that i havent worn since high school...
    it didnt look exactly like it did in high school...
    but it fit and i was excited...
    made me more motivated :]
  • Happy Thursday Everyone!!
    Wow, this week is just flying by. Sorry I have been MIA the past few days, I am just trying to get adjusted to my new schedule. But it seems like we had a pretty good weigh-in for the week...CONGRATS are in order to all :flowerforyou:

    I am super pumped, I am starting the ChaLean Extreme workout either tonight or tomorrow. Hopefully, it works for me! Also, I have to share a fabulous recipe with you gals.

    Diet BBQ Chicken

    Things You'll Need:
    2-3 chicken breasts
    1 cup ketchup
    12 oz. diet coke

    1) Cut chicken to desired size. I like to make mine like chicken strips. You can leave as whole breasts and even use for a sandwhich. Place in a nice sized skillet.

    2) Mix 1 cup ketchup with 12 ounces of diet coke. Mix well.

    3) Pour mixture over your chicken and heat to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer covered about 45 minutes.

    4) For the last 10 minutes or so, remove the lid and thicken the sauce. Tastes like an amazing barbecue sauce, but without the calories.

    My husband and I tried this the other day and it tased just like BBQ sauce. It was awesome. I do not have the calorie counts, but I am sure it would be easy to figure out!

    Oh and:
    Laura- Congrats on your weightloss....I know it wasn't easy, but you did it!

    Hurley- I am sorry to hear about the softball team. It is nice to hear that you are going to work extra hard at school. It is a great feeling when you are finished.

    Mel- Girl, good thing you are going to be a teacher. It is hard to find people that :heart: school. I know that I don't! Keep up the hard work with the bum ribs, your a trooper!!

    Well, hopefully I will be around more! Have a fab day everyone!!
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 479 Member
    justanothergirl! u need to be around more!!
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    thanks for the recipe Mack, I'll try it out this weekend! :smile:
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    Well, what a day. I got up at 6:30, took care of the elderly lady from 8-1, then went over to babysit from 1:30-7. I'm soooo tired. And I started off eating well but strayed later in the day. So back on track I go, doing everything in my power to ignore whatever the crap it is my memaw brought home (she just informed me there's "dessert in the freezer"---oh no!!) So I am trying to keep myself from even going to find out what it is!

    Mel--I'm glad you're getting out and walking, just don't overdo it! :wink:
    Mack--thanks for the recipe, sounds delish
    Hurley--Sorry about the softball team, but I'm glad you're taking it all in stride and we're all gonna kick overweight-ness in the rear lol (sorry about my made-up word haha)

    Well ladies, I have some calories I need to burn!! :laugh:
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    That looks like an awesome recipe Mack! I am going to try it out tonight! Lets see if I can pull it off with my non "dieting" husband. :bigsmile: He is so darn picky.....
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    Well, what a day. I got up at 6:30, took care of the elderly lady from 8-1, then went over to babysit from 1:30-7. I'm soooo tired. And I started off eating well but strayed later in the day. So back on track I go, doing everything in my power to ignore whatever the crap it is my memaw brought home (she just informed me there's "dessert in the freezer"---oh no!!) So I am trying to keep myself from even going to find out what it is!

    Mel--I'm glad you're getting out and walking, just don't overdo it! :wink:
    Mack--thanks for the recipe, sounds delish
    Hurley--Sorry about the softball team, but I'm glad you're taking it all in stride and we're all gonna kick overweight-ness in the rear lol (sorry about my made-up word haha)

    Well ladies, I have some calories I need to burn!! :laugh:

    Did you stay away from the freezer?? I bet you did!
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Jess, I hope you successfully stayed away from that freezer! I'm sure you did! :smile:

    I hope everyone is having a great Friday.

    This morning I decided to go to the gym (yes, I did actually go sign up... back to whenever I posted that). I realized that for some bizarre reason, the elliptical (at a low level) is easier on my ribs than walking... hmm... interesting. So I did that for 50 minutes and burned a mess of calories. Yipee! :smile: And then I ate well for breakfast and lunch and only strayed once this afternoon when I ate half of a cookie that was staring me in the face. But it was small. And I stopped halfway through and threw the other half out. :smile: But tonight I'm going out to eat and I have not come close to mastering eating healthy when I go out, so I know it's going to be a disaster. :sad: I really didn't want to eat all of my exercise calories from this morning, but it's probably going to happen. But I shouldn't go over!

    I hopped on the scale this morning and the numbers haven't budged... which is better than going up. haha. We'll see come Monday.
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 479 Member
    well yester was a horrible food day... i ate something i shouldnt have...but today i started off good... and i stepped on the scale and im down 1 pound... w00t... losing weight is so great lol
  • Hi everyone,
    Just thought I would check-in before I start doing my homework. Yesterday I had a good run, I wish everyday was that easy! I am going to take a day off from working out today to finish up the last of my homework for the week. Tomorrow will be day 1 of ChaLean Exteme, wish me luck!! I hope everyone has a good weekend and makes good food decisions!! :happy:

  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    Hello Ladies!

    I had a bad day yesterday....I took care of the elderly lady from 8-1 then from 1:30-7 I babysat. But I had the worst migraine I had ever had in a long time for a good 2 hours or so yesterday. My head hurts just a little still, but feeling mostly better.

    So today I went to a cookout. But I did pretty good, I think! I played some Hillbilly Golf (also called Ladder Ball) and then I also walked for a little over an hour, I got 3 miles in...but guess what? I also JOGGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The last time I jogged was....well, NEVER. lol!

    So I am really proud of myself. It wasn't a lot, but it was a start! I proved to myself I can do a little, and if I keep it up, I'll slowly be able to do more! I am so happy (and tired!).

    I hope y'all have had a great day! We CAN do this!!!
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    Holy Cow! We got an elliptical trainer today from a friend that could not use it anymore. And I did 10 min on the thing and felt like I was going to die! What an awsome workout! Do any of you use the elliptical?
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    Hello Ladies!

    I had a bad day yesterday....I took care of the elderly lady from 8-1 then from 1:30-7 I babysat. But I had the worst migraine I had ever had in a long time for a good 2 hours or so yesterday. My head hurts just a little still, but feeling mostly better.

    So today I went to a cookout. But I did pretty good, I think! I played some Hillbilly Golf (also called Ladder Ball) and then I also walked for a little over an hour, I got 3 miles in...but guess what? I also JOGGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The last time I jogged was....well, NEVER. lol!

    So I am really proud of myself. It wasn't a lot, but it was a start! I proved to myself I can do a little, and if I keep it up, I'll slowly be able to do more! I am so happy (and tired!).

    That is awesome news that you jogged! I can jog in small spurts and I totally know the feeling after you get done! What a high! Keep up the great work!

    I hope y'all have had a great day! We CAN do this!!!
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    Hello Ladies!

    I had a bad day yesterday....I took care of the elderly lady from 8-1 then from 1:30-7 I babysat. But I had the worst migraine I had ever had in a long time for a good 2 hours or so yesterday. My head hurts just a little still, but feeling mostly better.

    So today I went to a cookout. But I did pretty good, I think! I played some Hillbilly Golf (also called Ladder Ball) and then I also walked for a little over an hour, I got 3 miles in...but guess what? I also JOGGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The last time I jogged was....well, NEVER. lol!

    So I am really proud of myself. It wasn't a lot, but it was a start! I proved to myself I can do a little, and if I keep it up, I'll slowly be able to do more! I am so happy (and tired!).

    Okay that was weird post...... Here what I had said....

    That is awesome news that you jogged! I can jog in small spurts and I totally know the feeling after you get done! What a high! Keep up the great work!
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    Thanks, Andrea...:flowerforyou:

    A few years ago when I was going to the gym, the elliptical was my favorite thing! I started out at 10 minutes and had worked up to 30 minutes...but then I stopped I've always wished I had one at my house!
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    The elliptical is fun. I joined a gym earlier in the week and used an elliptical on Friday for 45 or 50 minutes (on a low level). Right now, for me, it's easier than walking at 3.5mph because of my ribs (I know, doesn't make much sense, but it's true). And I burn more calories. :wink: But I'm not sure how long I'll last if I do a harder level... haha

    Jess, congrats on the jogging. :flowerforyou: :happy:

    So yesterday I was really sick. And today I am not any better. Thus, I have not had enough energy to get a workout in. :ohwell: But I have been eating fairly well. I didn't not blow it Friday night when we went out! I was good! :smile:
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    Well I managed to do 15 min on the elliptical...Boy that was really hard work. But you guys are right it burns more calories....

    Mel sorry you are so sick....being sick is no sure to take good care of yourself. Awesome job on eating well when you went out on Friday. Sometimes going out to restaurants can be very challenging.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday! I am off to go and work out in my garden and lawn....ugg...the weeds have taken over!
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    Hello ladies! I just got back from walking, with some jogging again :bigsmile: It was superhard, especially since it's 82 degrees but the humidity is AWFUL. Normally I wouldn't workout in the middle of the day, but Sundays are weird days for me, so much going on. I broke down and cried some after I jogged longer today than yesterday:blushing: but it was the good kind of cry. So we got 4 miles in an hour and 7 minutes..I'm feeling pretty good about that! Well, I need a shower and I have tons of homework!
    I hope y'all are doing good!

    Mel--oh, I'm sorry you're sick! But GOOD FOR YOU for being good while out! I know it's hard!!! I hope you start feeling better!!

    Andrea--Thanks for your sweet message!:flowerforyou:
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 479 Member
    new post!!! week 6
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