Diet advice, please.

I would like/need to lose a lot of weight pretty quickly….40lbs by mid June. I started this journey 1.5 weeks ago by following MFP’s 1,200 calorie diet plan. Breakfast alternates between plain oatmeal, Special K with fat free milk and half a grapefruit, 2 eggs (sometimes scrambled with bell peppers and onion, sometimes over easy) and a piece of toast, or smoothie with protein powder. Sometimes I stop for coffee, non fat/sugar free vanilla latte…it’s my weakness. Lunch is usually a salad and light vinaigrette dressing. Dinner is either fish (tilapia is my favorite) or chicken served with a side of some green veggies. Snacks include celery with peanut butter, baby carrots, 2% cottage cheese, granola, dried fruit, Stacy’s Simply Naked pita chips with salsa or hummus, or yogurt. Every once in awhile I’ll have dessert, either non fat frozen yogurt or a glass of Pinot Noir. In addition to the diet I’ve also been going to the gym after work, 30-40 min on the elliptical then 20 min on the treadmill (inclined moderate pace). I’m super out of shape so I’m working my way up to jogging/running. I’ll take all the advice and support I can get. So with that, a few questions…
1) If I stick to this diet and exercise routine and I don’t fall off the wagon, is this even attainable?
2) Besides the obvious, what foods should I avoid or eat less of? Foods that you would think are healthy but might actually hinder my goal.
3) What foods should I eat more of? And when? (Breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snack)
4) I’ve heard alcohol slows your metabolism, so is it bad to have a glass of wine with or after dinner?
5) Meal ideas? So I don’t get bored.
6) Supplement suggestions? Herbal, vitamins, weight loss boosters.


  • JGT2004
    JGT2004 Posts: 231 Member
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 959 Member
    1) If I stick to this diet and exercise routine and I don’t fall off the wagon, is this even attainable?
    2) Besides the obvious, what foods should I avoid or eat less of? Foods that you would think are healthy but might actually hinder my goal.
    3) What foods should I eat more of? And when? (Breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snack)
    4) I’ve heard alcohol slows your metabolism, so is it bad to have a glass of wine with or after dinner?
    5) Meal ideas? So I don’t get bored.
    6) Supplement suggestions? Herbal, vitamins, weight loss boosters.

    So you're trying to lose 40 lbs over 20 weeks... that's 2lb per week. Attainable, sure, but not easy!!

    Personal thoughts - I'm no expert, but this is the wisdom I've collected from various successful people.

    1) You're probably eating too few calories to pull it off - figure out your BMR and work from there instead of from 1200 calories.
    2) Cut out white flour, white sugar, and reduce your sodium.
    3) Try to include some kind of lean protein at every meal and snack. Space out your eating through the day, ie breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, supper, snack, and try to avoid supper being a really big meal.
    4) Never heard of that. It is packed with calories and sugar, though, so limit yourself and don't forget to account for the calories.
    6) Don't bother - just work it. :smile:

    Get yourself a copy of one of Tosca Reno's books... she offers up a lot of good advice. And start adding some basic strength training - even just bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, pushups, tricep dips off a chair. That can all be done at home if you're shy at the gym. :smile:
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    I would like/need to lose a lot of weight pretty quickly….40lbs by mid June. I started this journey 1.5 weeks ago by following MFP’s 1,200 calorie diet plan. Breakfast alternates between plain oatmeal, Special K with fat free milk and half a grapefruit, 2 eggs (sometimes scrambled with bell peppers and onion, sometimes over easy) and a piece of toast, or smoothie with protein powder. Sometimes I stop for coffee, non fat/sugar free vanilla latte…it’s my weakness. Lunch is usually a salad and light vinaigrette dressing. Dinner is either fish (tilapia is my favorite) or chicken served with a side of some green veggies. Snacks include celery with peanut butter, baby carrots, 2% cottage cheese, granola, dried fruit, Stacy’s Simply Naked pita chips with salsa or hummus, or yogurt. Every once in awhile I’ll have dessert, either non fat frozen yogurt or a glass of Pinot Noir. In addition to the diet I’ve also been going to the gym after work, 30-40 min on the elliptical then 20 min on the treadmill (inclined moderate pace). I’m super out of shape so I’m working my way up to jogging/running. I’ll take all the advice and support I can get. So with that, a few questions…
    1) If I stick to this diet and exercise routine and I don’t fall off the wagon, is this even attainable?
    2) Besides the obvious, what foods should I avoid or eat less of? Foods that you would think are healthy but might actually hinder my goal.
    3) What foods should I eat more of? And when? (Breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snack)
    4) I’ve heard alcohol slows your metabolism, so is it bad to have a glass of wine with or after dinner?
    5) Meal ideas? So I don’t get bored.
    6) Supplement suggestions? Herbal, vitamins, weight loss boosters.

    1-Depends on the size of your calorie deficit, and how well you manage things when you hit a plateau

    2-There is no specific type food that hinders weight loss, it's about controlling calories

    3-More lean protein and fibrous veggies will keep you fuller

    4-see #2

    5-steak & potatoes

    6-None help with weight loss
  • turningstar
    turningstar Posts: 393 Member
    Just my 2¢ from what I've learned on here the last 2 months.

    To lose that much weight that quickly is not so great. Its not only hard, but my guess is that by eating so little and working so hard you will lose fat AND lean muscle. You should try for a more realistic goal of about a pound a week or less. Why is it that you have to lose it by june? It took you more than 20 weeks to gain it, and its better if you take your time getting it off.

    Eat a LOT of protein. It keeps you full and helps your muscles recover.

    Do your research and talk to successful people on this site to get input about your meals. You want to fire up your metabolism, not slow it down because you don't eat enough.

    Im still new at this. Everything I've done in the past hasn't worked, but since I came here I've been successful. Listen to the folks who k ow what they are doing. That's what I've done, and im doing better than ever. Good luck!
  • best advice I have to offer (and this is for long-term, not a quicky as you are wanting)

    do not go on a diet. diets are temporary. you cannot stay on a "diet" forever. If it is forever, then it wasn't a diet afterall, it was a life change. change your life. live healthier.
    so you are looking toward June...but what about after that? you might succeed at a diet for that quick goal, but you are high risk for gaining it all back, simply because you went on a diet and did not make a life change. In all sincerity...good luck in living your best long-term healthiest life.
  • Avoid foods that do not naturally have vitamins/minerals without "enriching" (rice/bread/corn/soy) which cuts out most of the processed foods. Eat from the perimeter of the grocery store and you should have some healthy options.
  • lavendergirll
    lavendergirll Posts: 81 Member
    I think you are doing a fantastic job and off to a great start! If anything... I would add more vegies; lots of vegies as fresh as you get; add things like Heart of Palm to your salads to add more flavor. You can find them in the vegie aisle (canned) they taste like water chestnuts which are another yummy treat to add for variety. Mushrooms can be great either in salads, adding color to your salads or your meals can make it better; slice up some red or yellow bell peppers.
    Fruits you can add to your breakfast like bananas or fresh pineapple or sliced apples. Whatever you have. Eggs are a terrific source of protein and you should start off with them in the morning. You will be more energized and full longer. But here is something I do as well. Before I work out I will have a boiled egg or banana or yogurt. It gives your body the enery it needs. You can eat lots protein like chicken or fish. There are alot of different websites that can also give you ideas. Just remember to eat enough; dont deprive yourself completely of any treats, have them in moderation, keep up the exercise and drink lots of water. You have a great chance of making your goal!
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    1) If I stick to this diet and exercise routine and I don’t fall off the wagon, is this even attainable?
    2) Besides the obvious, what foods should I avoid or eat less of? Foods that you would think are healthy but might actually hinder my goal.
    3) What foods should I eat more of? And when? (Breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snack)
    4) I’ve heard alcohol slows your metabolism, so is it bad to have a glass of wine with or after dinner?
    5) Meal ideas? So I don’t get bored.
    6) Supplement suggestions? Herbal, vitamins, weight loss boosters.

    So you're trying to lose 40 lbs over 20 weeks... that's 2lb per week. Attainable, sure, but not easy!!

    Personal thoughts - I'm no expert, but this is the wisdom I've collected from various successful people.

    1) You're probably eating too few calories to pull it off - figure out your BMR and work from there instead of from 1200 calories.
    2) Cut out white flour, white sugar, and reduce your sodium.
    3) Try to include some kind of lean protein at every meal and snack. Space out your eating through the day, ie breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, supper, snack, and try to avoid supper being a really big meal.
    4) Never heard of that. It is packed with calories and sugar, though, so limit yourself and don't forget to account for the calories.
    6) Don't bother - just work it. :smile:

    Get yourself a copy of one of Tosca Reno's books... she offers up a lot of good advice. And start adding some basic strength training - even just bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, pushups, tricep dips off a chair. That can all be done at home if you're shy at the gym. :smile:

    ^This....added: definately mix in strength training, and mix up your cardio so you don't do the same thing everyday....
  • mandijo84
    mandijo84 Posts: 4 Member
    I’m shooting for June because I will be attending my little sister’s wedding as her maid of honor. Not only do I want to look good for pictures, but I want to feel confident in the way I look…especially when I have to stand in front of everyone for my toast. My high school class reunion will also be that summer.
    I really don’t feel like I’m not eating enough or working out too hard. I thought with this diet I was going to feel like I was starving all the time, but now that I’m eating breakfast (which I’ve always skipped in the past) and snacking pretty often I feel satisfied. I also sit at a desk for 8 hrs Mon-Sat, so not a lot of activity going on during the day. Between my work hours and the gym’s hours, my workout time is limited. So I like to do what I can, when I can. My gym membership is basically just for their treadmill and elliptical. I have one of those weight machine home gyms at home, buried in the garage. So as soon as I uncover it I’ll add strength training. I’ve been skinny before, but never toned.
    I want to lose weight the right way. Ultimately, I want to be healthy. If I don’t reach my goal of 40lbs by June, I think I will be ok as long as I feel good. Since I’ve started I’ve lost almost 6lbs. It’s a nice boost. I know it gets harder the further you get into it and not all my weigh ins with come with such good news, but I don’t plan on giving up.