Never thought I'd be posting in this section :(

32 lbs in 10 months....that's not enough. It's just NOT. :cry:

That's .8 lbs a week. And if I was losing a consistent .8 lbs a week, I would be happy. Trust me, I would. :happy: Problem is, I go through 2 weeks where I do great, 1 week where I fall off completely and gain, 3 weeks where I do great again, then 2 weeks where I gain, and it goes on, and on, and on... :ohwell:

And when I'm ON, I lose easily 2 lbs/week.... :smile: which COULD have been 80 lbs by now!!! :mad: Instead, I keep going through weeks where I gain, and then have to lose it again. For example, right now I'm at -32 lbs, but a few weeks ago, I was at -39! :explode:

I know that everyone falls off the wagon sometimes, but for me to do it, I almost feel like a failure. :brokenheart:

I've got two different weight loss groups on FB, and these girls look to me for help, to inspire them, and motivate them, and help them. And I don't understand why I CONTINUALLY fall off the wagon. :embarassed:

Like today, I did SO GOOD for lunch and dinner, but now....and almost every night, I want a snack.

And I know! "Plan your calories around adding a snack in at night". I get it. I know what I need to do, but I'm just being ridiculous. Ugh. :cry:

For those of you who have already lost lots and lots of weight, does this get easier? :frown: I mean, I've been doing it for 10 months now... :ohwell:

Edited to add: Yes, I know I've only been on MFP for 8 months, but I've been doing this for 10. :)


  • sunfyrejade
    sunfyrejade Posts: 29 Member
    I actually think it gets harder as you move forward. I've reached a point where I'm tired of counting calories, I'm tired of watching what I eat. I what the magic button that will fix it, but I know that doesn't exist.

    I will tell you one of the things that I'm trying to do because I feel like I'm in the same boat. I am trying to journal more and keep track of my emotions. How am I feeling? What's happened in my week that I might be able to look at and find a pattern.

    Good luck!
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    damn, i know you're being honest, but that is NOT what I wanted to hear.... what about the cravings for bad stuff you used to eat? Do those get any less?

    I mean, I liken this to quitting smoking. When I quit, I still thought about it every now and then for a year, and I know it makes me queasy to even think about it NOW.

    Will I be like that eventually with french fries and chocolate donuts?...
  • DelilahFreeman
    DelilahFreeman Posts: 29 Member
    How long did it take you to put on the weight?? :wink:

    I have been working out and counting calories for a year now. I have lost 25 lbs and I am very happy with my success! I am now working, extremely hard, at getting to my ideal goal which is another 20 lb weight loss. It's much harder! I'm working out for hours every week and not even allowing myself to smell chocolate and still am seeing -1 lb on the scale. Every - matters though! But Do not allow yourself to eat outside of your calorie count. Just say NO!!

    If you are a big snacker, keep sugar free Jello in the fridge. It's 5 calories and it may not be what you are "craving" but usually if you just eat something then you will satisfy the urge to snack. I agree with the earlier post about journaling as well. It's very soothing to write down what you are doing and when you get results you want you can track trends based on what you are doing/what works best for you. Or posting in this community, if you want to eat- write or talk yourself out of it :smile: I wish you the very best in your journey.
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    Try Paleo/Primal. Just try it for one month. I saw your diary.... just try it.
  • sunfyrejade
    sunfyrejade Posts: 29 Member
    Some foods I still love and eat but those I budget for. Other foods I can't believe I used to eat them. Each person is a little different with what foods are triggers and whatnot. Each journey is different and they are all hard but don't make them harder by tempting yourself with foods or beating yourself up. You learn more from failures than you do by being successful all the time.
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    Some foods I still love and eat but those I budget for. Other foods I can't believe I used to eat them. Each person is a little different with what foods are triggers and whatnot. Each journey is different and they are all hard but don't make them harder by tempting yourself with foods or beating yourself up. You learn more from failures than you do by being successful all the time.

    Thanks :flowerforyou:
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,226 Member
    I think this is alright, I think a gradual lose is safe and at least your making progress.

    Personally, i set my mfp to lose 0.5 lbs per week, so comparatively, your making good progress.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,317 Member
    I know that if you are talking about food like a smoker, like an addict, that there is more work you need to do - emotionally and with your food.

    I almost agree with the Paleo suggestion above. The only reason I say "almost" is because I don't know much about it. . I suspect it is a high protein, lower carbs plan.

    The simple carbs like chocolate donuts and french fries are a craving. You said it.

    Eliminating the simple carbs eliminates the craving. People who have carb addictions do very well on the lower carbs plans. I know myself I do much better on the high protein, lower carbs approach. Try eliminating bread and cereals and pasta to start. I made that change and for the first time was able to beat the simple carbs cravings.

    Do some research on it. It could break the cycle for you.

    edit to add the link:
  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    I've found that planning is the key. (I'm down nearly 60 lbs. from last April.) When I plan I do it in detail. Every day is in the books at least one day in advance so I can make necessary adjustments as I go. For me it has gotten easier with time, but I've also focused on staying on as much as possible. I don't have unaccounted cheat days very often and I incorporate indulgent foods into my daily routine to keep them from becoming sources of uncontrolled cravings. Feel free to browse my diary for ideas if you like.
  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    Please DO NOT think I'm judging you - because I am not - but when I looked at your food diary, honestly - you have way too many carbs. If you are still having intense cravings - I agree with the poster that mentioned the paleo / primal diet. The carbs you are still consuming may be the reason you can't kick those urges.

    Trust me - I gained 15 lbs over the holidays. Why? Because I ate carbs...and then it was a horrid cycle...had some diet coke...and so on. I have found that really limiting my carbs and upping my protein has REALLY helped curb my "munchies". I still get the urge to munch - sugar free gum, crunchy veggies...

    The added bonus is that I have more energy throughout the day (which since I have 3 boys under 7 is a necessity!). I don't feel run down, bloated, "heavy"...

    Good luck - sometimes a simple "tweak" can make a world of difference. =)
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Personally I think for a lot of people the real crippling cravings go away when they have seen enough progress to justify the 'sacrifice' of not having those foods. That is one of the things MFP really helps with in my opinion, because you can log before you eat, and make a decision whether you want to work your butt off after eating that high cal snack or meal... on that topic, are you getting regular exercise? This is the best way to get the metabolism going, and good for your general health, which afterall is the most important thing of all!

    I think I know where KB is coming from, I know a lot of people who are on the paleo diet (or similar), and while I don't do that myself, I think most people would benefit from some of the general philosophies of more fresh fruit/veg, lean meats, and less processed foods...

    Fundamentally I don't think you have made the necessary head shift yet from seeing this as a diet/weightloss tool, to a change in lifestyle.

    Sorry if this sounds harsh, but you need to find ways to make this work for you, so that it isnt a chore, and you dont feel like you are missing out on things. I have been at this for about six months, still eat pizza and burgers, drink beer occasionally etc. Sure I have had moments where I have turned things down through a conscious chioce... but not once have I felt deprived or like I wanted to quit. The progress (albeit a bit slow), gives me the motivation to keep making positive choices.

    I completely have faith that everyone can get to this point, it is just about making choices that fit into your life - long term.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I am not sure you have that much to cry the blues about, but let's accept that.
    OK, so now what?
    Keep punching and in 10 months, you could lose another 30-40 lbs....
    Or change something up. What?

    Just decide how to raise the level without overreaching by starving yourself or over-training and causing injury.
    If it were me, I'd change totally my exercise routines both cardio and resistance.
    And I'd shift my macros a bit, increasing lean proteins.
    As for cravings, I have them but attach great pain to failure and pleasure to success that I overcome.
    And I have a "Re-Feed Calorie Spiking" day ie cheat day - :wink:
    Maybe some small but intense changes could equal better results.
    I'd be shooting for 40 lbs by August - that's a reasonable goal.
    Whatever you decide, good luck.
  • 32 lbs is something to be proud of. If you hadn't started MFP they may still be there,,,right?? I crave snacks at night as well but instead of chips (my normal snack food) I try to replace it with carrots , snap peas or celery. I haven't seen as much success as I would like to have but I have been told if it comes off slow it is more likely to stay off. I don't know if this has helped you in anyway but hang in there, you can do it.
  • CharityEaton
    CharityEaton Posts: 499 Member
    I actually think it gets harder as you move forward. I've reached a point where I'm tired of counting calories, I'm tired of watching what I eat. I what the magic button that will fix it, but I know that doesn't exist.

    I will tell you one of the things that I'm trying to do because I feel like I'm in the same boat. I am trying to journal more and keep track of my emotions. How am I feeling? What's happened in my week that I might be able to look at and find a pattern.

    Good luck!

    ^^^ This! I totally hit a burn out this past I sent a private msg to one of my most trusted MFP friends...someone that has been working at it a lot longer than me and seems to have a whole lot more knowledge on things. This person is also a little bit older, wiser and a bit more calm than me! :smile: So, he contacted some of his friends and asked them to add me...jsut the boost of new people encouraginf me and knowing they were gonna be checking out my diary and exercise logs helped kick my butt in gear and get me excited about it again.
    NO! it does NOT get easier! It gets harder because you see that goal getting closer so you start to think, " ahh just one little piece of cake isn't gonna hurt." YES IT DOES! it hurts all htat hard work if you don't eat just one!!! ( I can never stop)

    Think back to when you first started....what made you start and think of how disciplined you were. How bad do you want it? You want is bad. Keep tellig yourself that. "I want it BAD!" Do I want that little snack that is gonna taste yummy for a few seconds or do I want to look in the mirror and feel that fitness ALL DAY!!! You can do it! I do the exact same thing....Totally focused for a week or two and then all hell breaks lose for a week and I gain! Did it a few ties and I realized how much I HATED myself for going back and forth like that. Doing things like that are far harder on you emotionally then just sticking with it! But I think it is totally normal too just don't give up. Just because you gave in to a not so good choice for lunch doesn't mean the whole day is shot...try harder to make the next meal better! Don't give up! If you don't have to fight for it, it's not worth having! FIGHT FOR IT!
  • michele_lynn
    michele_lynn Posts: 66 Member
    That's 3 lbs a month... I've been at it since May and I've lost 20 lbs.. that's about 2 lbs a month and I feel GREAT. You have to remember, this is for the rest of your LIFE. You will get there, you will. You just have to be patient with yourself and listen to your body. <3
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Well, this is a whole new lifestyle, right?
    And that kind of change isn't necessarily easy. It'd probably be easier if you could say "I just have to do this for x weeks and then I can go back to normal." But of course, you know that would un-do everything.

    Even with all the up-and-down, you're going in the right direction, overall. That's a good thing. And remember, everybody's weight fluctuates. Some of that could be water retention and other factors, especially if it's more than 3 or so pounds in a week.

    So stick with it. You're creating a healthier you, and the numbers on the scale are just one part of that. Keep exercising, pay attention to what you eat (but don't get obsessive or beat yourself up when you have an "off" day - those are part of life!), and keep on going. If you don't already, you may also want to add some resistance to your workout routine. It will build muscle, which will help boost your metabolism and also give you a sleeker, stronger look.
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566 Member
    I was a big snacker at night. I stopped that by working out at night. I also budget in a snack and have something like an apple and a tbsp peanut butter or 100 calorie popcorn. But i find i lose the most weight if i don't snack at all after supper regardless of how many calories i have left.

    If i am really craving something more substantial i go soak in the bathtub. Helps me relax before bed too.
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    My best advice for people who are sick of counting calories and are thinking of giving up would be to quit counting calories and concentrate on eating healthier instead of less.

    A poster above likened it to quitting smoking and although I'm not a smoker I understand the sentiment exactly. When I first started dieting I thought I was heating healthy by choosing lower calorie options off the menu, these left me unsatisfied and it took me a long long time to realize that I was still "sneaking" in calories all day and I was rarely satisfied unless I did!

    Once I started eating healthier and started concentrating more on toning up and getting my body into shape the weight started coming off and I no longer had to portion myself anymore...... my body was finally getting the real fuel it needed instead of fake food that it didn't know how to process properly

    It's really the worst kept secret out there... it's so simple no one wants to believe it or trust it......

    Eat healthier not less, and move more..... your body will fall back into line and you will succeed

    good luck
  • I have lost over 100 pounds since I started, and have another 6 to go... And I still have those days that I fall off the wagon and then have to fight back to the weight I was then loose a bit more... As long as you don't throw in the towel completely, then you are still on track.

    I agree with not really the Paleo diet, but definatly protein. I am on a high protein diet, and it works a treat. You can't go wrong. As with the Paleo diet, our bodies were made to eat meat and salad and veges. I eat more protein and only eat carbs (salad or pasta) with the night meal.... Give it a try, and you WON"T be hungry, and you WILL lose weight.
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    32 lbs in 10 months....that's not enough. It's just NOT. :cry:

    That's .8 lbs a week. And if I was losing a consistent .8 lbs a week, I would be happy. Trust me, I would. :happy:

    Would you really? Because either way you would have lost 32 pounds.

    I know it doesn't feel like enough right now, and you feel like you could have done more...but be happy for what you did lose. 32 pounds lost. Better than losing nothing. And better than gaining, right?

    Yeah, maybe you could have done better. But you could have done worse. And you can't go back, so keep going forward. If you did the same you'd be down more than 64 pounds total by next Christmas. Nothing wrong with that.

    None of us are perfect, and you don't have to be consistently losing 0.8 or 1.2 or 0.99 repeating each and every week to be happy. Change your lifestyle, improve slowly over time and don't base your happiness on your weight loss.

    Lecture over. :flowerforyou: