Has anyone tried Sensa or have any feed back on it?

I am sure this is a former topic,I was wondering about the Sensa product. Has anyone on here tried it? Know someone who has? I figured here would be the perfect place to ask. All I have heard is the advertisements but you know that goes... I was looking for some feedback on it.


  • traceybarbour
    traceybarbour Posts: 226 Member
    Sorry posted this twice...
    lol but still no response...
  • jenfancher
    jenfancher Posts: 4 Member
    I was wondering the same thing...they have it for a good price at Costco, but I hate to spend the $$ if it is a total gimmick.
  • dreamingchild
    dreamingchild Posts: 208 Member
    I'm trying it right now...only been on it for about one week. Basically you just sprinkle the product on your food. I noticed that it enhances the smells of my food. I have been losing weight but i've been trying by tracking my calories and most days keeping within those limits. I haven't started exercising yet but do plan on it. So far I've lost 5 lbs. I do need to lose about 50 lbs so 5 lbs comes off easier than say someone who has only 20 lbs to lose. I feel full most of the time so I'm not sure if the product is working, my dieting is working, or i'm having a placebo effect. I feel that any of those could be what is going on. I think the real test for me is whether i lose 30 lbs like it is advertised to help an average user over a period of 6 months. For me, it is worth the money if only to help me keep my spirits up and keep motivated.
  • visiri
    visiri Posts: 173 Member
    The idea just sounds wacky to me. Can't figure out how smelling food is supposed to make my brain think my tummy is full.
  • My grandma and I are giving it a shot, but we've been sharing containers so we've been very conservative on how much we sprinkle on our food. The sweet powder always seems to give my food some odd sweet taste, kind of like pouring sweet and low on top of my toast. Honestly, and I hate to be gross, I find that sense starting on Sensa, my grandma and I "go to the bathroom" more.