Just completely down on my luck =(

For the last week and half ive been feeling crappy taken over the counter stuff to help with this sinus thing and nothing helping its just getting worse. I was so proud when I reached 5lbs I mean i know its not a crazy big number but it felt good. And now im sick and I just feel HORRIBLE. To top it all off I cracked half my tooth off on Sunday and Im going to the dentist today to get it fixed but I just cant get out of this slump im in. I dont feel proud anymore and I cant keep up on drinking water no mater how much I try. Its been like this for days now and I cant take it anymore I really just wanna sit down and cry.


  • MellyMartinson
    MellyMartinson Posts: 43 Member
    Hang in there. It will get better! When it rains is pours. Everything seems to go bad at once. My favorite quote is without a little bit of rain we wouldn't have rainbows and our flowers would not bloom. So soak up the rain and bloom when it is done. Corney I know but it helps me through rough patches.
  • You could try flavored water, it makes it a little easier to drink, if you watching tv chug two big gulps during commercials not to mention cold water is easier to drink when your sweating in the gym. When it rains it pours, your tooth will get fixed today, your sinus thing will get better and pass, 5lbs is a fantastic start and remember if you just lose 2lbs a week by june you will be 32lbs light and more than likely on some weeks you will drop even more weight. The great thing about making a choice to live healthy and exercise is the boost in self esteem is instant, i used to eat 3 whoppers and 2 orders of large fries at burger king and now when i eat there depending on how many calories i have left ill eat a whopper jr and drink water, i dont really miss eating anything i want because of the trade off which is feeling healthy and seeing changes each month. You have a few things that have hit you all at once, all of it will pass and you will be back in the gym in no time, look ahead to what you will become, everyday you stick with it brings you closer to your goal, its a marathon not a sprint, doesnt matter how long it takes you to get rid of the 49lbs so long as you get there and you keep moving toward it. good luck!
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    No doubt you are going through a lot right now. Just know it will get better and you tooth will soon be fixed and then you will probably be able to eat more things. Keep you chin up and stick with it though this hard time...you can do it!! :smile: