New Here Looking for Support

Hi, I'm new on here and looking for friends to help motivate me in my journey to losing weight. Please feel free to request me. Thanks a bunch ^_^


  • mylife8
    mylife8 Posts: 1
    Hi Im Lauren :-)

    Im new too, started on Friday. We can do it girly! This site makes it so easy to keep track of everything, I love it! I even find myself doing excersized just so I can add it and see how many calories I burned. lol This is the beginning of a happy healthier life!!!
  • djean2
    djean2 Posts: 37 Member
    I have been on here a whole three days and I think we are going to love it. I joined last June but just didn't get into it. This time I am going to track every bite and every step.

    We can do this!
  • krishamisha
    krishamisha Posts: 19 Member

    I'm 2 weeks in and loving it.

    Feel free to add me as your friend downunder!

  • MsDreaB
    MsDreaB Posts: 97 Member
    HI I am new here as well I will add u :) I am looking forward to my new lifestyle change :)
  • I'm new here as well....I'm looking for support too....Let's do this!!!
  • Been cleaning my closets out and realized that I have clothes I havent worn in years! I have went from a size 16 to a size 24 in 6 years. Life happens....and I am tired of feeling warn down and not good in my own skin. I am ready to buckle down and do this...One step at a time right? Need the support! Request me if you want!
  • skm4jc
    skm4jc Posts: 62 Member
    I hate that size 16 to size 24 crap - been there too! LOL - I am happy to report that after almost 3 months of being dilligent, I am back between an 18-20 or 22-24, depending on how the clothing is cut/styled. We can do this!!