What Gets You Through the Day??

With temptations everywhere it is hard to not want to just eat and eat! Whenever I really want something I shouldn't have I use gum or try to keep my mind busy.,... I figure eventually this won't work any more for me... Does anyone have any tips on how to avoid cravings or what has worked for you???


  • Eating fiber rich snacks like fruits so I don't get hunger pangs. I carry 3-4 of fruit everyday so I can snack in the morning and afternoon.
  • Ricky1103
    Ricky1103 Posts: 68
    Hey I exactly know what you are talking about. What works for me is to have a lots of water and to remind yourself of the felling of two outcomes for your actions. Also take small portions and listen to your body before you eat.
    Scenario 1: Giving in and land up eating
    Result: I feel horrible when I do is (ALWAYS). Feel as if I got no self control and I am stopping myself from achieving my goals.
    Scenario 2: Standing firm on your decision and not giving in
    Result: I feel awesome and I feel that I am a step closer to my goals. N I can achieve whatever I want as I am in control of my body.

    I would stick to scenario 2 and be happy :)
    This works best for me. I hope this helps
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    I usually work better when I know I'm having a little treat in the evening(within cals), I find it makes it easier to be good the rest of the day.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    I bring everything I'm going to eat for the work day with me. Breakfast, snacks, and lunch. No temptations to worry about.
  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    regular mealtimes and decaf coffee.
  • Thank you and Thank you....

    I have found drinking plenty of water does help.. gives that 'full' feeling without all the calories.

    I have heard that if you don't have the things you crave for a long time then eventually you won't crave them any more... Does anyone know if this is true??
  • Audi68
    Audi68 Posts: 113 Member
    I can totally relate but I've found out that I do alot better when I make sure I eat a decent amount of protein with every meal. It really does make me feel satisfied until my next meal. Also, I realized I was a carb addict and I cut out all the processed ones and after a few days of not eating them I really felt better.

    When I do have a craving flare up, I do fall back on sugarless gum and water. Alot of times you are really just thirsty not hungry.
  • mon696
    mon696 Posts: 64 Member
    I bring everything I'm going to eat for the work day with me. Breakfast, snacks, and lunch. No temptations to worry about.

    ^^^ this and if I'm seriously craving something I will factor it into my calories on my cheat day. Let's say on Wednesday I'm really craving a burger I might wait until Sunday and go to the best burger joint in town and order a burger and a salad (don't want to go too crazy) OR I try to find a really good low calorie substitute. Like a veggie burger with vegan cheese, mmmm!
  • blueeyedcristi
    blueeyedcristi Posts: 304 Member
    I'be discovered half the time I think I need to eat something, I'm really not hungry. I first drink a bunch of water. If i am still hungry I chew sugar free gum. If neither of those work i'll play a game on my smart phone. I think sometimes it is a matter of keeping your fingers busy, etc. If I'm still hungry after all that I eat.
  • I'be discovered half the time I think I need to eat something, I'm really not hungry. I first drink a bunch of water. If i am still hungry I chew sugar free gum. If neither of those work i'll play a game on my smart phone. I think sometimes it is a matter of keeping your fingers busy, etc. If I'm still hungry after all that I eat.

    I absolutely agree! This is what I usually do.
  • What works for me is thinking about every time i gave into that temptation before and failed my diet. I think about....man if i just wouldnt have ate that I could be at my goal weight by now. Just thinking about that gives me the drive to get over it and keep going. Its really hard for me since I work in a bakery in a grocery store so I have the temptation every day. I smell fresh cookies, I get buttercream all over me...its hard but you think about your future and where you wanna be and it makes it easier for me to say no. :-) YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • EmmieSu
    EmmieSu Posts: 136
    Knowing the calorie content of an item really helps me. If I know a serving is 2 cookies, and they are 200 calories, I know it's not worth it. I'd still want more. If my calories are already high for the day, I know I'm going to have to do some serious exercise to give into the craving. I am trying to learn to eat in moderation, that way I never feel like I am depriving myself. I am learning that it feels really good to make the healthier decision. I'm satisfied and proud of myself:)
  • jaireed
    jaireed Posts: 333 Member
    I drink tea with zero calorie sweetner. I love Celestial Seasonings blueberry, peach and black cherry. It fills me up and curbs my cravings and appetite. Its great between meals and for dessert! :drinker:
  • lisakyle_11
    lisakyle_11 Posts: 420 Member
    coffee... exercise, my family (usually), and wine.
  • goncountry
    goncountry Posts: 75 Member