Exercise logs

How accurate is MFP exercise database for calories burned? I understand the whole eating back exercise calories so your net calories is a certain number...I'm just not sure if I believe the number of calories burned for the general activities I do, i.e.- mowing the grass, heavy cleaning....etc...I'll eat some calories back but I'm hesitant to eat all of them back....any thoughts?


  • hi :) I use my iPhone on my gym's exercise equipment and find that there is a large difference between what this tool (MFP) will display ~ ie. 15 on stationary bike and what i actually burn, i have noticed a difference of up to and over 100 cal ! where MFP is over ...

    I use the heart rate sensors mostly for more accurate information, and always go by what my devices display.
  • eeirich74
    eeirich74 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks, I just do stuff around the house, and hike, so i don't have a good way to know what I'm burning, but thanks for your input! i'll look into heart rate monitors...
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Usually works out, if I'm honest with both the food and exercise. If I have doubt, I choose the lowest burn rate for the activity.
  • nsdjogger
    nsdjogger Posts: 39
    I use a HRM that fits on my forearm for works outs and I've noticed that MFP is usually a little higher. I don't mind though, I'd rather have the extra exercise calories and not know it. :)
  • eeirich74
    eeirich74 Posts: 13 Member
    :) i had a feeling the MFP was high, I just figured don't eat ALL the exercise calories back, just some...what HRM do you have?
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    For me the MFP calories were way more than I got on my HRM.
    I'm glad I invested in a good HRM. I really want to eat back just the actual calories burned at Jazzercise or other cardio.
    The figures I get now must be OK because I've been losing weight steadily. :happy:
  • eeirich74
    eeirich74 Posts: 13 Member
    :smile: thanks for your inputs...now to look into HRM's any suggestions? I got a long way to go and really want to achieve my goal!