The sexy Chinese food guy



  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    well, sometimes you just got to carpe diem.
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    Well, you just pointed out two triggers: you eat when you're bored and when you watch t.v. so work from there. Find something to do to occupy your bored time. Read a book, play with your kid, clean your home, meal plan for the week, cook for the week anything to keep you busy until your meal or snack time. I myself had to break the habit of eating in front of the t.v., the food take just doesn't register the way it does when I'm at the dinner table. Maybe because it's junk food or maybe because I'm not concentrating on the taste... I'm never satisfied with just one portion of something watching a movie so now I just drink water.
    And I'm sure Sexy Chinese Waiter was just having "one of those days" and probably didn't mean anything by the brow of grouchiness, lol!
  • melbot24
    melbot24 Posts: 347 Member

    But unlike eating a cupcake, there's nothing wrong with that!
  • Angie_Fritts
    Angie_Fritts Posts: 263 Member
    Well I have the same issue about snacking etc. So, what I do is to make sure I don't have any snacks in the house that will tempt me. I also purposely don't have change or $1 bills on me at work so that I can't give in to the temptation of the snack machine.

    Lately, though if I am craving sweets I will buy myself a diet A&W rootbeer and that does the trick or a diet Big Red soda. Zero calories and satisfying.

    It's work. But over time you can conquer this. I take it one day at a time.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member

    Anyway, don't give up.

    Edit: I just read your profile, and need to add another one:

    -- He doesn't date married chicks.

    ^ Ahem.

    Also, it's "Carpe Diem" not "Dium" :D:heart: :heart: :heart:
  • jenbunboo
    jenbunboo Posts: 90 Member
    Honestly, at this point I'm eating SO many nutrient dense low calorie foods (lots of veggies, low calorie flavor adders like vinegar and herbs and diced sun-dried tomatoes that aren't oil packed) that I don't get non-meal or snack specific hungry. I'm eating 3 full sized meals a day (300ish calories for breakfast, 400ish for lunch and dinner) and a couple snacks at 100-300 calories a piece depending on the day and exercise, or if I want a glass of wine or a beer. I used to graze a lot at the computer (I'm a work from home computer programmer by profession, my fiance is working out of state during the week so I kill non-exercise time on it), and I fill most of that compulsion with tea and water. Tea can be great on anti-oxidants and gosh darn flavorful. Just don't sabotage yourself by sweetening it, find something with some fruit in it so you don't want to put 4 spoonfuls of sugar in.

    Now, don't be fooling yourself, losing weight and keeping it off is work, which you'll hear on here until you're sick of it. But...form the habits and it becomes so much easier. I track my meals as I'm finishing them up, or as I'm planning what I need to do to cook them. I don't always want to get up and work out in the morning, but I never regret making the choice. I only regret workouts that I skip. I've lost 30 lbs, gone from a size 18 to being able to squeeze into a 12 or get my 14s on and off without unbuttoning them. That is my willpower source for not grabbing a box of dry cereal and munching on it absentmindedly or opening up the box of cookies I have set aside for the next time friends are over. If you cheat or give up, the only person you are cheating on is yourself, the only person you're giving up on is yourself. And...your family and loved ones!
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    Thanks everyone! SO tell me, because this is probably my biggest fault. What do you do to not eat? I mean, I eat meals and do okay, but I'm a grazer. I'm bored. I eat. I'm watching tv. I eat. Please don't tell me to go for a walk, I would be walking all day long! Plus I live in Utah, it's freaking cold in Utah people! I need like a five minute-get my head back-will power boosting trick. Anyone got any of those? Seriously you could make some money in America if you do!

    I live in Utah, too and I'll admit that we have had a couple of chilly days, but by and large, the weather has been wonderful. DW and I do a lot of walking on the Jordan Parkway, I don't know if you are close to that or if you are further north or south than SLC, but I guarantee that there are places to go walking if you look for them. You sound a lot like me four months ago. I didn't want to walk, I didn't want to do much of anything. But DW & I have since purchased FitBits and they have really motivated us to get up and do stuff. I promise it can be done and that it is worth it.

    Out of curiosity, was the restaurant Asian Star? Best Chinese food in the state, sometimes the worst service.
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    That sexy Chinese food guy is gay. He's always smiling at me, and I just superciliously arch my supercilium.
  • ChristiH4000
    ChristiH4000 Posts: 531 Member
    Most interesting intro thread.

    Typical woman though, worrying and thinking way too much.

    Welcome to MFP

    I agree that you have an awesome intro thread, and I agree that you're a typical woman, but I"m not going to dismiss you at that like this guy. Sheesh, what a pointless comment.
    You're looking for a reflection of your value in the Chinese waiter's sexy little eyebrow, which is not where you're going to find it....EVER. Not even if he smiled back and slipped you his number instead of a fortune cookie which was just fun dreamy talk. The reason I say this is because the next waiter, doorman, hot stranger (who smiled at the girl before you) can't be where you determine how well you look or your self-worth. It has to come from inside you, and will only be enough when it does come from you. So what I'm saying is I feel your pain. I feel your hunger pang especially. This re-training isn't easy, but I hope not to give up on myself and I hope you don't give up on yourself either. Something I'm trying: Repeat a mantra when you're wanting to graze. Right now, I'm using "My pants are tight now, but I'm going to change that." You may be able to talk yourself out of that little treat.
  • Ninatoots
    Ninatoots Posts: 192 Member
    when I know I've had enough to eat for the day and feel the hungry monster calling me there are a few things I do: make lemon aid with splenda, have a sugar free cough drop, and just say things to my self about how this pain will pass and my other real pains will go away. This web site is helping me too! One day a week I have a "cheat day" and I look forward to that.

  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    oh, so you're *that* girl?
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member

    gotta read this whole thread later.

    OP - you're AWESOME and funny!
  • heatherlee33
    heatherlee33 Posts: 113 Member
    GOT IT.

    What if you just masturbated instead (while thinking about Jet Li, of course) every time you wanted to get a snack?

    Jet Li would never raise his eyebrow at you.
    Jet Li will treat you like a princess no matter what size you are.
    Jet Li is better than that stupid cupcake you want to put in your mouth.


    But would that mean she'd want to do it again after an hour?

  • ohsweetcalamity
    ohsweetcalamity Posts: 78 Member
    Honestly, I don't think Sexy Chinese Waiter needs a break. I think he's probably raking in the tail, as well as the tips. What I'm really worried about though is change. Thanks for the post though. I'm so glad that there's somebody listening! I feel pretty alone in my tight size 14s.

    Don't be so hard on yourself! Just remember, your starting weight could be someone else's final goal. I bet there's a few chicks on here looking at you and dyyyyying to get into those size 14s. I just got down to a 14 and couldn't be happier. Maybe he was checking you out and underneath his hot facade he's totally awkward. Maybe he's at home kicking himself because his sexy-mysterious-raised-eyebrow face looked creepy. Use this motivation to kick your own butt exercise/nutrition wise, then go back and see what happens.
  • 1RBelle512
    1RBelle512 Posts: 53 Member
    First off, you sound A LOT like me, getting way upset over a little look you get from someone. I'm still learning that, in fact, they might NOT intend to hurt my feelings, but since my feelings are so easily hurt, I'm trying to get stronger anyway! Getting healthy is a great way to boost your self-confidence. Learn to love yourself and other people's opinion of you won't matter so much.

    Second, I looked at your profile and your previous reasons for getting in shape are WAY better than this story! You have a lot going for you, and instead of being ashamed, you deserve to invest in your health and your family's health! Go for it!

    Third, how do you get away with checking out hot waiter dudes when you have a hot husband? My uber-sexy boyfriend gets really upset if I so much as glance at anybody else. And honestly, he's better looking than anybody else, so...why am I looking? Probably because I want to know how they'll look back. That's the thing--we've got to get over worrying about other people's approval or disapproval.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member

    But would that mean she'd want to do it again after an hour?

    That literally made me laugh out loud, awesome!
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Haven't read any of the responses, but it's pretty common for waiters to be rude at Chinese restaurant. =D
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Please excuse him. He's one of our newest members of the Chinese Association of James Bond 007 Licence to Kill Eyebrow Raisers. So he practices at every opportunity.

    The master in action:
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Oh, I'm no Jet Li but if any of you lovely ladies want to *kitten* to pictures of me...

    well, that's bloody disturbing how a furry hippo in a pirate costume can turn you on. :noway:
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Please don't tell me to go for a walk, I would be walking all day long! Plus I live in Utah, it's freaking cold in Utah people!
    Go for a walk, if you walk all day, so what?

    If it gets boring, run instead.

    If it's cold, buy some appropriate clothing. I was hiking in -20 degrees a few months back, and was lovely and warm. See down there in my ticker? That's snow. Get yourself a backbone and get out there! :bigsmile: