Level 2



  • Ttopeka
    Ttopeka Posts: 151 Member
    This is exactly why I haven't looked at level 3 yet... since I am only doing 7 days on each level, I am really scared of level 3. I did Day 5 of level 2 today and I still can't get all the way through the squat thrusts or the plank jacks (at full level). I also have go slower on the arm lifts so I don't get as many reps in (too stubborn to buy lighter weights...). YIKES!!

    I find the squat thrusts really difficult for me. I can do them Natalie-style, but I feel like my movements are so sloppy that when I do, I spend too much time trying to correct my stance and not fall over. I do them about half/half each style. I generally do better with the plank jacks, although they were tough today 'cause my toe hurts (haha) ... perhaps I should start wearing socks/shoes when I do this :P

    On another note, somehow I had the bright idea to do a round of Level 1 this afternoon before doing Level 2 Day 6 this evening...and let's just say...I am DEAD! I'm surprised at how much L1 wore me out! I figured after doing several days of L2, L1 would be a piece of cake...NOPE. I still find it a lot more taxing than L2, even considering how much I hate these plank poses. I also find L1 to be dreadfully boring, which is odd because it seems like a lot of people hate L2 in comparison.

    I did do more Natalie-style than ever before with L1, though -- except for the push ups. I did about 2 "full" push ups, then switched to "girly" style -- not because I can't do them, but because I can do a lot MORE of the modified version. I did, however, do *all* of the walk-out pushups in L2 Natalie style -- I'm proud of myself for that one! The planks poses are finally getting a *bit* easier -- but I still REALLY hate those pendulum lunges! I just can't do them without falling all over the place!
  • Meloonie
    Meloonie Posts: 144 Member
    I've just done day 6 level2. I really didnt like level 2 to begin with because of all the planks, they are sooo hard! But saying that I can definitely feel a difference in my abs, I can feel the planks starting to get easier and I'm looking forward to level 3! I think I must be losing my mind.

    I took my measurements when I started and have vowed to myself not to weigh or re-measure until I finish all three levels so I'm hoping for a good result!

    I do struggle with the double ab crunches though, I really feel it in my lower back and not sure how I can modify this? Anyone got any ideas?
  • I found that the double crunches are really targeted if you make sure your knees and ankles stay together. Also, you may simply need to make sure you're pulling with your abs rather than your back.

    For me, I won't be able to continue with 30DS this month. I'm so ridiculously bummed about it, too. My back is just too injured; I can't do a single jumping jack, plank, or crunch without pain. I can do squats as long as I keep good form, though, which is something. I guess I'm going into maintenance mode and just going to try not to lose any of the muscle mass I've worked so freakin' hard to build up.
  • JustACaJen
    JustACaJen Posts: 83 Member
    The way my schedule works I do 30DS Fri/Sat/Sun/Mon then take Tues off. Lets just say... I am SO glad today is a rest day. I don't really like level 2 at all. The plank stuff reminds me how weak my upper body is and this morning as I was walking now the stairs I noticed my knees were hurting a little. Level 2 is giving me a run for my money. And for some reason it is boring to me. I never got bored doing level 1 - but I am not feeling it on this level at all. I don't look forward to it.. I find myself wanting to give up. I'm not giving up... but I am ready to get through Wed and Friday of Level 2 and see what Level 3 is all about on Saturday.

    As for my body... I haven't really lost any weight... and I don't know if I have lost inches. My muscles FEEL stronger... but when I look in the mirror, I don't SEE any difference. I am hoping that is a different story when I finish level 3 and take my "after" photos...
  • Elibasia
    Elibasia Posts: 211 Member
    Today and tomorrow will be a challenge for me since I have 12 hour shifts (7:00am to 7:00pm). Yesterday level 2 was a little easier (just a little). I also peaked at level 3:noway: I don't even know what to think or say:frown: Well I'm almost there so I'll keep pushing it. I ordered Ripped in 30, but I am taking another approach. Not doing it in 30 days straight.
  • jnels
    jnels Posts: 28 Member
    I am so far behind :sad: . I've missed 4 days of Level 2 :frown: I have however been able to do 1 day of cardio and I tried zumba on another day so it's not like I've been a couch potatoe! i just feel bad because I havent actually done the 30 DS. Today I am doing zumba again and I plan to hit Level 2 hard and finish up so I can go on to Level 3. Wish me luck that I get back on track! :smile:
  • GailEMac
    GailEMac Posts: 90 Member
    I am on day oof level 2. It's hard I'll admit that, but I got tired of level 1. I will go back to level 1 in a couple more days, but I need to keep interested in my workouts or I'll lose motivation in it. I am finding level 2 tough.. I am not particularly stron in y upper body.. but I battle on through and only stop a teeny bit.
  • nomayo
    nomayo Posts: 228
    I found that the double crunches are really targeted if you make sure your knees and ankles stay together. Also, you may simply need to make sure you're pulling with your abs rather than your back.

    For me, I won't be able to continue with 30DS this month. I'm so ridiculously bummed about it, too. My back is just too injured; I can't do a single jumping jack, plank, or crunch without pain. I can do squats as long as I keep good form, though, which is something. I guess I'm going into maintenance mode and just going to try not to lose any of the muscle mass I've worked so freakin' hard to build up.

    I'm sorry to hear this. I hope your back gets better, and good for you to listen to your body and not pushing it.
  • Ttopeka
    Ttopeka Posts: 151 Member
    Today (L2 D7) hurt. Perhaps I pushed myself too far yesterday, or perhaps I just need to rest...I think I might do that tomorrow. I wanted to give up about halfway through today's workout, but I pushed through it. My calves are getting really tight in certain moves (jumping jacks/jump rope)...I don't think I stretched them enough, although I've been trying to be more aware of it the past few days. How do you stretch calves properly?!

    Also -- my right ankle was really getting sore this evening while doing it. Feels like it needs a good "crack". I haven't taken a rest day in nearly 2 weeks (since I only do 30DS and a bit of brisk walking, I didn't think I was pushing myself overly hard) -- time for one tomorrow, methinks! Unless I'm feeling miraculously better, I probably could use the day off.

    Oddly enough my body feels fine *until* I start doing the shred, so I don't realize I'm hurting until I've already started -- and by that time, I just want to get it over with. Probably should just force myself to slow down for a day or two, or I'll end up hurting myself starting Level 3 this weekend.
  • Meloonie
    Meloonie Posts: 144 Member
    Today (L2 D7) hurt. Perhaps I pushed myself too far yesterday, or perhaps I just need to rest...I think I might do that tomorrow. I wanted to give up about halfway through today's workout, but I pushed through it. My calves are getting really tight in certain moves (jumping jacks/jump rope)...I don't think I stretched them enough, although I've been trying to be more aware of it the past few days. How do you stretch calves properly?!

    Also -- my right ankle was really getting sore this evening while doing it. Feels like it needs a good "crack". I haven't taken a rest day in nearly 2 weeks (since I only do 30DS and a bit of brisk walking, I didn't think I was pushing myself overly hard) -- time for one tomorrow, methinks! Unless I'm feeling miraculously better, I probably could use the day off.

    Oddly enough my body feels fine *until* I start doing the shred, so I don't realize I'm hurting until I've already started -- and by that time, I just want to get it over with. Probably should just force myself to slow down for a day or two, or I'll end up hurting myself starting Level 3 this weekend.

    I would definitely say to take a couple of days off! You don't want to injure yourself and not be able to work out for weeks! A couple of days to let your body rest and repair will be good and then you'll go back to it raring to go!
  • Elibasia
    Elibasia Posts: 211 Member
    Well, I survived day seven of L2 after a 12 hour shift yesterday. Took a motrin 800mg. this morning because the soreness was so bad (guess I didn't stretch properly). Today will be the same as yesterday so let's see if I can make it It's to early to tell.
  • MandyMcAwesome
    MandyMcAwesome Posts: 109 Member
    I can hold my planks longer now (that I'm almost done with level 2). I feel like this one wasnt as hard as level one, or I should say, that I'm not as sore as I was after level 1.

    I have noticed that while I am not doing the Shred everyday, I am now in the habit of working out somehow everyday. For example, I am taking a nice long, brisk walk at lunch because I know I cant work out at home tonight. GO ENDURANCE!!
  • MandyMcAwesome
    MandyMcAwesome Posts: 109 Member
    just finished my first day of level 2 and daayuuum... that is all.

    Hahaha! Your post and your profile picture made me laugh out loud! I have finished 3 days of level 2 today and everyday, the first thing I say at the end is "I hate that b*tch." But as my boyfriend keeps reminding me, I will love her when it's done....
    My husband says that I burn twice the calories with all the cussing at Jillian durning the work out.
  • Elibasia
    Elibasia Posts: 211 Member
    One more day and then on to level 3:grumble:
  • nomayo
    nomayo Posts: 228
    I feel very tired everyday, I get up in the morning but I don't feel completely rested (is that a word?). I don't like too much level 2. And I gain 1 pound! I been eating right, I don't know... Anyway, Here I go! Another day of level 2. I'll be done with it next tuesday.
  • anr1228
    anr1228 Posts: 11
    One more day and then on to level 3:grumble:

    I have one more day of level 2 also... i feel like i'm not completely comfortable with level 2 yet though! like i still have to push myself thru the planks. by the end of level 1 i thought it was a breeze, so not the case with level 2!! not sure how i am going to feel about level 3. :( i'm sure we will both be cussing Jillian on Saturday! Good Luck!!
  • Elibasia
    Elibasia Posts: 211 Member
    One more day and then on to level 3:grumble:

    I have one more day of level 2 also... i feel like i'm not completely comfortable with level 2 yet though! like i still have to push myself thru the planks. by the end of level 1 i thought it was a breeze, so not the case with level 2!! not sure how i am going to feel about level 3. :( i'm sure we will both be cussing Jillian on Saturday! Good Luck!!
    When she says that she wants us to feel that we're going to die she really means it. I'm not quite there yet, but I'm moving on to level 3 tomorrow. We're almost there so we have to keep going I know we can do it.:wink:
  • JustACaJen
    JustACaJen Posts: 83 Member
    just finished my first day of level 2 and daayuuum... that is all.

    Hahaha! Your post and your profile picture made me laugh out loud! I have finished 3 days of level 2 today and everyday, the first thing I say at the end is "I hate that b*tch." But as my boyfriend keeps reminding me, I will love her when it's done....
    My husband says that I burn twice the calories with all the cussing at Jillian durning the work out.

    If that is the case, as I just finished my last day at level 2... I should add and extra 200 calories at least.... I hate level 2!!!!
  • JustACaJen
    JustACaJen Posts: 83 Member
    I just typed this really funny, witty, LONG post about my completion of level 2 and how all the exercises turned out for me. Then suddenly my internet browser went "back" and everything I typed was gone. It's 11:45 at night and I'm not doing it again. So here is the short version...

    Finished level 2. On to level 3. Still suck at plank crap. Got really good at the walkout pushups. Previewed level 3 tonight. Holy crap. Going to be cursing a lot more.

    That's pretty much it!

    See you all on the level 3 thread!!
  • Meloonie
    Meloonie Posts: 144 Member
    Its my last day of level 2 today and I have seen an improvement. On day 1 I had to just hold plank in the walking push ups now I can do it like Natalie. I had to rest during ANY of the plank exercises now I only have to have a 2 second rest on the plank twists. I still hate the oblique twists with a passion however, and will not be missing those on level 3!!