
  • Maasmondy
    Maasmondy Posts: 54 Member
    I have a 2 1/2 year old and a 6 month old. I wait until they both go to bed (7:30pm) to do my P90X work out. Then I shower and go to bed. Back up at 5am to get ready for work!
  • I have a 3 and 2 yr old. M/W/F I run in the morning when I drop my 3 yr old at pre school. My mom stays with the 2 yr old. The rest of the time I go in the evening after they are in bed and alternate times with DH. Sometimes we go together and my mom stays with them. I'll do dvd's at home at night or during naps when I can't get anywhere and/or drop them off at the kids club at the gym.
  • I'm trying to teach my son to copy me when I work out. Sometimes it works and it is so cute. Other times I have to wait until he is in his crib napping.
    Today however, we took a walk outside and he was fine in his stroller, especially after I let him run around in the park. Then he napped on the walk/run back home.

    My daughter will try to do the 30ds with me and it's just the cutest thing!
  • victoriaannewilliams
    victoriaannewilliams Posts: 64 Member
    Well I work full time, so I can't get one in when my 19 month old is napping except on weekends. My gym has a daycare in it, so I would take her there, but also my daughter loves to run outside so chasing her and kicking a ball outside helps. It's some type of cardio lol.
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I am a single mother of 2 babies who also works full-time. In the beginning, I did workout dvds at home once my babies went to bed or before they got up, but now, I have joined a gym that has a daycare. They get exposure to other kids their age and mommy gets her "me" time. If you want to do workout dvds at home, I highly recommend 30-day shred by Jillian Michaels or Turbojam - they are both my favorite with great results.
  • SassetG
    SassetG Posts: 19
    Most gyms have some sort of child watching. When Im able to go to the gym, I can take him there for up to an hour and a half. Another fun way to burn calories while playing with your child is to bring him to the park and since hes one, he isnt capable of going down the slide himself. You can run around with him, push him on the baby swing at a local park, and bring him up and down the slide. Naps are the best but sometimes we want to take advantage of those to catch up on cleaning. Good luck!
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    I go to the gym after work before my husband or I go pick the girls up from grandpa's house. I could go once they were down to bed but once I'm home I don't like to go back out.
  • lwoods34
    lwoods34 Posts: 302 Member
    My son is almost 19 months old so I wake up early in the morning before he wakes up so I can workout in the basement. He usually wakes up around 7:30-8am so I am up at 5:30-5:40 to workout and then get myself dressed and then get him up and going.
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    videos! You can make ugly faces and sounds that you may not want to make @ the gym. Plus, you dont have to drag the kids to yet ANOTHER daycare where you dont know the people.
  • jiigglybutt
    jiigglybutt Posts: 345 Member
    I work out while my 5 year old is at school. When she is at home, I'll have her dance with me, or we'll play tag outside or something. I also have to work out around my 2 month old's schedule. He's generally a good baby when he's awake and will let me get in about 30 minutes of a work out before he gets bored which is really all I need.
    When my daughter was a year old, I'd get work outs in at the park. I'd play on the playscapes with her haha.

    It's getting warm pretty quick. See if your baby would like to be in water! Get a little floatie and swim around pushing or pulling it! It's a great work out that doesn't feel like anything :)
  • In our house we try to stay on a budget, which means no gym memberships for us. I try to get my workouts done in the morning before my youngest is awake (1 year) while my 3 year old watches a movie on the laptop. Or during my 1 year old's nap time, and if that all fails, then after they go to bed.
    I do P90X (one round done, starting round 2 on May 1) and I have Zumba for xbox.
    So really, if you can do it when they sleep....awesome. Or if they are awake, try and find some sort of safe activity or distraction for them to do for 30-60 minutes so you can have some "me" time. :)
  • beeka2ked
    beeka2ked Posts: 91 Member
    When my son was younger around 1 or 2 I would get up SUPER early (around 4a to workout at at 430a). But now that he is older and sleeps later I actually leave him with DH while I go workout and enjoy my ME time :smile:
  • tara7302011
    tara7302011 Posts: 89 Member
    :glasses: I know when my son was one, i got plenty of exercise just chasing him around. LOl. I use a gym and they have a daycare...Good luck
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I have a 1 year old and he hated the stroller I bought a stage 2 little car buggy push thing and he wants to ride in it all the time.

    Nap time or early in the morning is probably your best bet.
  • yesenia007
    yesenia007 Posts: 11 Member
    I have a 3 year old and a 1 year old. I wait till they either take a nap or I wake up early to workout. I mostly do workout videos or use the wii.
  • cmaxmor
    cmaxmor Posts: 231 Member
    I love the ymca! If you have a gym or y near you, check them out. Most will have childcare and the ymca uses a sliding fee (if you need it).
  • JustBreathSB
    JustBreathSB Posts: 103 Member
    My kids are 5 and 3. I take full advantage of the gym daycare!
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I have 3 boys-ages 7,4,3. I used to workout when my little two were napping but my 4 year old no longer takes naps. So instead I workout after my oldest son leaves for school. I put a movie on for my other boys or have them play in their room while I workout. Sometimes I'll take them out for a bike ride or a walk.
  • kassia1687
    kassia1687 Posts: 24 Member
    Wake up before the kids, do a DVD workout "Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred" is like $20 and you can buy it at walmart. I have added ankle weights, which helps. I am also brutally honest about my activity level on my profile on here, and use this site religiously to manage my food.
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    DVD or elliptical during nap time. Go to the gym after hubby comes home from work!!!