OMG!!! What have I let myself become??



  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    You can do this. Small steps can lead to big changes.

    First - food budget - fresh veggies IN season / on sale aren't too bad $$ wise. If still not in your range - go frozen!! (Avoid canned - hidden sodium and they don't taste as good.) Frozen fruits & veggies are often BETTER if you are buying something that is out of season in your area, because the "Fresh" stuff is picked before it's fully ripened. Also - buy things that you can incorporate into more than one meal per week. Menu planning / prepping on your days off can save time during the work week.

    Secondly - There is this idea that you have to work out for an hour a day for results. Not necessarily true. Got ten minutes? Take a quick walk (and you will often find it re-energizes you!). Do stretches or calf raises while waiting in line at the grocery store. Quick, simple stuff like that.

    Try to cut out say - one thing a week. ..soda, chips, whatever. Also - don't keep it in the house to tempt you. Your child doesn't need that crap, either. I don't buy chips, I don't buy fruit snacks, none of that stuff - and I have three boys - and they know when they do get it, it's a special treat.

    You CAN do it - but you have to go into it with the right (POSITIVE) attitude. Take it one day at a time..and before you know it, it will be easier...

    Oh - and I don't know where you are from, but try to check out local farmer's markets. They often have much better pricing (and better quality) than a supermarket.
  • christenwypy
    christenwypy Posts: 335 Member
    I can help you a little.

    If you have an exercise DVD or Netflix you can do that to work out. There are also free workouts on Youtube and on the fitness magazine site (you have to regsiter with the site but it is free). You can also start walking with your son.. Try getting up an hour or a half hour early and do one of those just three times a week to start. Also you can just get up extra early one day and then use the two weekend days. Eventually you will want to increase to fve days for an hour but for now start at 3 days for 30 minutes.

    As far as price, personally I find this to be a myth. Since we are eating healthy I spend the same as before. Produce is not really very expensive. For the protein I get eggs, tuna which is cheap, and chicken which is also cheap. I will buy whatever kind of chicken is on sale for .99 or 1.99 a lb, be it a whole chicken, breasts, thighs, whatever. Sometimes we cook a whole turkey too and it lasts us a whole week. Without buying red meat, processed foods, soda, etc- we SAVE money so then if I spend a little more on healthy, organic stuff it just balances out and the total bill stays about the same.

    You have to want to do it more than you don't. I know a lot of times I really did not want this and I made a half hearted attempt. I felt other things were more important like work, house cleaning, etc. Changing your lifestule is BIG, and it is not easy at first. But after a week or two it is easy and even enjoyable. You start to feel confident, healthy, strong, and important. You start to feel like yourSELF again, you feel whole. You also have more energy. And after the first week or two, after all that sugar and other chemicals leave your body you just feel so great and are more focused. You are less tired then and more productive.

    As far as eating- I am probably not ideal but in this first phase that I am in I mainly eat- egg whites, protein bars and/or shakes, raw baby spinach and/or salad with proteiin thrown in, some fruit, trail mix for snack when I get hungry, brown rice which I put salsa and other sauted veggies in. I also have been sneaking in a square or two of organic dark chocolate every other night or so.

    As far as logging- write down everythig you eat and then log later on when you come home. Or decide on everything you will eat the next day for breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner and log it the day before. make changes later on if necessary.

    You can do this. Good luck!
  • illiquod
    illiquod Posts: 23
    I said the same thing October 2010. Now I am 91 lbs lighter and 6 sizes smaller! Keep this tucked away so when you are feeling low you can look at this and remind yourself why you started.

    Wow! Your journey is incredible! Your photos of before and after... wow. Legendary. Keep posting; you'll be an inspiration to everyone!
  • I think I really realized that I needed to shape up my lifestyle when I saw photos of myself from family events. I've been very good at purposely avoiding looking in the mirror, but the photos caught me off-guard. I mean, we can work at changing how we look in a mirror, but those photos can't be changed (except with photoshop, muahaha :laugh: ).

    I understand exactly how confused you feel. There's so much conflicting information. I could spend all day reading posts about, for example, bananas. There was one thread that went on for 4 pages about how/when/if you should eat bananas. People are bringing in all sorts of studies and sources and going into detail with the physiology involved, and AAAH. But in that thread, there were people from both sides of the argument who seemed to be successful in their fitness/weight loss goals. So I think that tiny details like that won't make or break your progress. I think it's important to keep all of the views in mind, but don't sweat it; not everything has to be done perfectly, right? Besides, every person is different. The basic idea is, like you said, that you have to burn more calories than you consume.

    I think that the calorie counter book sounds like a good idea if you can't log on immediately.

    About getting yourself into gear: I think it's a mental block more than anything else. I have huge issues with anxiety, and for me the most difficult thing was to drag myself down to the gym (my apartment building has a fitness room). It wasn't very far to go, but it seemed like such an enormous task. It sounds silly, but I just made myself do something to get me closer each day. One day I went down to the lobby, and that was it for me. The next day I got to the door of the fitness room, and that was it. Eventually, I got myself onto an elliptical machine (I'm getting attached to those now, heheh) and just did what I could. The next day I tried again. It took me like a week to actually get down there and get on the machine, but I was happier knowing that I achieved something each day, as small as it was. It's a good confidence boost. If I might add one other thing, I'll mention that even after the first week of doing very little on the machine, I already had a better self-image. That was more motivation for me. I guess you have to get the ball rolling, as it's said.

    rachaellynn91 is right, this is the first step, and you've already done that. You've already got that ball rolling. :smile:

    I don't usually post much on the forums, as you can see (this is my first post, woot).

    I'll add you, if that's okay with you. Anyone else who would like to add me is welcome to, of course.

    p.s. Sorry about this novel of a post!!
  • Byrdsong1920
    Byrdsong1920 Posts: 336 Member
    I can sense your frustration in your post....But just know it's all good and MFP is a great support system!

    I saw another young lady post on here about preparing your meals ahead of time and thats a great idea! This way you can grab and go in the morning. I am in real estate and constantly on the move. I bought a cooler and throw my ziploc bags of snacks and Tupperware meals in there in the morning that I have prepared the nite before; add in there a bottle of frozen water vs. ice(less messy) and I roll out!! I also set out my protein shake mix and blender at nite, so in the morning I just grab, mix and go. Also GNC has meal replacement shakes that are great, just grab out the frige and go. Great balance of minerals and protein and no lactose or soy!

    I find that at the end of the day we make time for people and things we WANT to make time for..includng knuckle head boys/men... the drama homegirl/girlfriend ....or maybe your thing is knitting, working out, church,etc. We just have to decide we are going to do it. Its easier said than done and after years of my uphill battle, SOMETHING finally clicked . Now im making the time to workout and pack my meals, but at the expense of maybe getting to the office later than I want, hanging out w/friends, fewer road trips etc.But something had to give. I was tired of talking about that 2-piece swimsuit that I DIDNT GET INTO AGAIN THIS SUMMER!!

    God made our temples for us to take care of them and be disciples and spread his word and we can only do that if we are well on the inside, out, mentally and spiritually. Just pray and ask God to perhaps bring an accountability partner into your life AND to give you courage and strength. That partner could be someone at work, church, family, etc. MFP has been great,I've gotten 'pen pals' from all over, that we email daily and encourage each other. At the end of each day,I want my calories to show 'under' my goal and not 500+over :) It holds my butt to the fire :) Even playing w/you son outside, this will wear him down for bed and help you burn a few extra calories. I always find that its hard to get to the gym or to workout, but after I'm done...IM ALWAYS GLAD I WENT!!

    You can do it, just take it day by day...meal by meal. Allow a cheat meal once or twice a week. This will give you something to look forward to.

    Even at work parking far from the building, taking the stairs, walk on your lunch break. Just GET UP AND MOVE/SHAKE SOMETHING :) I started salsa dancing on thursdays and I've met tons of new people and its fun, great cardio.

    You give so much to your family, and I'm sure others around owe this to yourself to be a better and healthier you, inside and out.

    But ,just know you are beautiful now!! I just like to say that I'm working on getting FINE---ERRRR!!! :) WORK IT GIRL!!

    Happy journey!
  • Byrdsong1920
    Byrdsong1920 Posts: 336 Member
    I can relate to your post! But this was a good frist step! Something that helps me is I pack my lunch bag and log my food the night before.....that helps me see where I am at and what I really want to eat or need to eat. I know you can do this! You are worth it!
    Remember! "All things are possible with Jesus by your side!"
    Add me if you would like.

    Blessings!! <><

  • Byrdsong1920
    Byrdsong1920 Posts: 336 Member
    I think I really realized that I needed to shape up my lifestyle when I saw photos of myself from family events. I've been very good at purposely avoiding looking in the mirror, but the photos caught me off-guard. I mean, we can work at changing how we look in a mirror, but those photos can't be changed (except with photoshop, muahaha :laugh: ).

    I understand exactly how confused you feel. There's so much conflicting information. I could spend all day reading posts about, for example, bananas. There was one thread that went on for 4 pages about how/when/if you should eat bananas. People are bringing in all sorts of studies and sources and going into detail with the physiology involved, and AAAH. But in that thread, there were people from both sides of the argument who seemed to be successful in their fitness/weight loss goals. So I think that tiny details like that won't make or break your progress. I think it's important to keep all of the views in mind, but don't sweat it; not everything has to be done perfectly, right? Besides, every person is different. The basic idea is, like you said, that you have to burn more calories than you consume.

    I think that the calorie counter book sounds like a good idea if you can't log on immediately.

    rachaellynn91 is right, this is the first step, and you've already done that. You've already got that ball rolling. :smile:

    I don't usually post much on the forums, as you can see (this is my first post, woot).

    I'll add you, if that's okay with you. Anyone else who would like to add me is welcome to, of course.

    p.s. Sorry about this novel of a post!! post turned into a novel too...I went back to review it and at first I thought"dang, who wrote all of that? oh me!" hehe!!

    thanks for sharing. Love how open everyone is on here! Thats awesome! Keep it up


    Happy journey!
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    Could you plant a garden? Maybe a container garden or a garden at your parents' home? Good luck! You can find a way to make this work!
  • IdalmisRodriguez
    IdalmisRodriguez Posts: 4 Member
    I don't know how old your son is but if he's old enough to comprehend let him know!!! I know I'd help my mom if she said she wanted to feel healthier- example: You could ask him to remind you of your goals if you're cheating on your diet. :happy: you can so totally do it!!!
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought "OMG!!!! Have I ever gotten FAT!!!". I did today and I have no idea where to start or what to do. My mom bought me a skirt yesterday. When she was giving it to me, she said "It’s a 22, I don’t know if it will fit, but try it". I kind of feel defeated with comments like that. Now, I am sure she didn’t mean anything by it, but still…

    I understand the basic, burn more calories than what you take in. I know that veggies are the way to go. I also know that I cannot afford to buy a lot of fresh stuff every week. I am on my own with my son. By the time I pay the mortgage, car payment, monthly bills, etc, there’s not a left over to buy the healthy stuff. I am also working 10 hour days so by the time I get home, get supper made, clean up and help my son with homework, I am tired! I know that I need to get active, I just don’t know how to get myself in gear. My parents have an elliptical in their basement (only about a block away), but even getting there to do that is a huge undertaking.

    I cannot log in to MFP at work and we don’t get cell service, so I can’t use my phone. I bought a calorie counter book to try to help, but I feel confused and lost when it comes to starting. Every time you turn around, someone is telling you to do something different.

    I guess what I really need is support and help. Please feel free to add me if you think you can help. I know I will do my best to help support you.

    Check out she has so many awesome tips!! i learnt a lot from her
    Read her 31 days to a better grocery budget series. They are all great tips!!
  • kimmydear
    kimmydear Posts: 298 Member
    I'm not a single mom and can't imagine that challenge, but I do have 3 kids and a hubby who works 10 hour days. When he gets home, it's time for him to go to bed because he gets up at 3:00AM. I also work from home 15 hours a week. That doesn't sound like much, but for me it is. I give my 15 month old my full attention when he is awake from naps and my other children my full attention when they are home from school. So work happens during one nap and late into the night, and my exercise time is only 22 minutes of a dvd during the other nap. It's not much but for now it's something. I also walk whenever I can. We too live on a very limited budget...we don't have fresh stuff all the time but when we run out, we eat canned and frozen. You can do it!
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    If you really cannot change what you eat, reduce portion sizes. As far as activity.. A simple walk on a regular basis will help. Best wishes. You can do this. You have met the biggest obstacle.. You realize that you want to change directions.
  • LatinaGordita
    LatinaGordita Posts: 377 Member
    When I first started my journey in January I just walked for 30 to 40 minutes during my lunch break. I have incorporated zumba in the last 2 months however a coworker has seen my progress so I continue to walk, to support her. You may have a co worker that may want to add physical activity in there life ,and it helps to have a walking partner.

    I also started taking the stairs instead of the elevator at work. Park your vehicle farther from the door so you can get extra steps in. A pedometer can help you track your daily steps.

    In the weekends depending on the age of your son, you can go to the park where you can walk and he can ride his bike, or you can push him in a stroller. You can ride bikes together! Include him in your weekend physical activity!

    Every little physical activity helps!

    As far as food, the best thing is to plan ahead. Prepare lunch and log it the night before!

    You can do this! I lost my first 20 lbs walking! Try workout videos as well, The biggest loser videos get you moving and aim to all fitness levels.

    Best of luck!
  • PiperGabrielle
    PiperGabrielle Posts: 31 Member
    Good News: You don't always need to buy fresh fruits and veggies! Canned and frozen have just as many nutrients as the fresh stuff. Frozen is the best way to go in my opinion. They are picked at the peak of the season and flash frozen to keep them fresh. Just heat up the veggies, I love steamed vegetables, or let the fruit thaw. Thawed mangoes are good, they have a quality about them that is different from fresh. Canned fruit on the other hand can be tricky. It is stored in a syrup usually unless you get the ones labelled otherwise, but the "light" syrup is too sour in my opinion. If you can find something stored in fruit juice that is perfect, but otherwise just give your fruit a rinse and the syrup will wash off so you don't get it's added calories.

    What really helps me is to blog about my dieting. I had no idea that I would even be a part of the community joining this site. I really just thought it would be a good way to log my food intake so I knew how to control myself. So far I have been very good about keeping my calorie intake around the suggested amount.

    I hope I helped a little, you can also read my blog at
    Just ask me questions directly on there if you want. I'll try to help!
  • KourtneyP83
    KourtneyP83 Posts: 319
    I completely understand how you feel. Do you have an aldi where you live? They have the CHEAPEST produce EVER!!! I can go in there and spend next to nothing and come out with a full bag of produce. I would definitely suggest trying that. You could buy the calorie king book and write your calories down if you can't always get to a computer or app - just suggestions - good luck!
  • FloraSin
    FloraSin Posts: 188 Member
    Just wanted to throw out some suggestions after reading your post. Might have already been said, but I didn't want to read the whole thread. XP

    First, I can't check my phone at work either (though mostly because I'm in customer service and it looks very unprofessional for my cashiers to text, so I lead by example). I would add up at the end of the shift when I got home and always be over. I started packing my lunch and snacks the night before. That way I could know I wouldn't go over.

    Second, packing my lunch and planning ahead actually saved me a lot of money. Not sure where you live, but the grocer near my house has a selection of these delightful microwave lunches called "Smart Ones" and they're reasonably healthy as well as low cal. I've yet to come across one more than 340 calories. Plus, they are totally yummy.

    Filling up a water bottle all throughout the day is a lot cheaper than buying coffees or sodas and way better. lol

    Finally, I find I'm a hundred times more motivated to be on the move with my Fitbit, which I always wear, but if you just want to track steps and the basics, I have an old running watch that I got for 15 bucks at walmart which was fantastic. (Fitbit was my reward for running so regularly and meeting my goals).

    Last thing, is that you in your picture? You're beautiful. Lose the weight to make yourself feel better and happier with you. You already have the pretty part down pat. :)
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    Congratulations on making a start! Don't get discouraged already, though; you don't have to do it all at once. Just make small changes, one at a time, and they'll start to add up.

    If you can't change what you eat, change how much. I find that most restaurant meals are reasonable if you cut them in half. The other half can be lunch the next day. If you can, get your hands on a food scale and start actually measuring portions -- you can even measure how much you would eat, versus how much is one serving. It's surprising. That will go a long way.

    Make small changes that you won't notice. I switched to reduced-fat cheese, and I don't even notice the difference (fat free cheese is another story, but I don't notice the reduced-fat).

    Buy a pedometer, or ask for one for your birthday, and see how many steps you normally walk in a day. Then start trying to add steps.

    Just pick something small, and when it feels natural, pick something else.

    Good luck to you!
  • kathyc609
    kathyc609 Posts: 258 Member
    I was obese for 18 years and am 6 pounds from a normal BMI ~ you can do this!
    Wishing you much success - i will send u a friend request
  • Don't allow yourself ANY excuse. You can plan what you're going to eat the day before. Get your doctor to write a note on a prescription pad stating that it is imperative that you are allowed to utilize this program at work so you can log on. I went from a 22 to a 14 petite since Sept 2011. I lost about 30 pounds before I ever started doing ANY exersize at all! Even if you are on a fixed budget, stick to the fruits and veggies and protein. I just spent about $30 on a big Protein Powder but if you consider what I've saved every day on my usual breakfast, that's a steal! Don't let yourself make any excuses! You can do it!!!!! Whatever your personal cost is, do not go over your allotted calories and you should drop weight. And you don't need any equipment to do sit ups and run/walk/dance/go up and down your steps.