ladies! question about birth control!

lizzynewm Posts: 199 Member
okay, so i know that different birth controls affect different people totally differently and it's all just different. tomorrow i'm going to my doctor to start birth control, so hopefully we reach a consensus about one that works for me - but i'm wondering about any of your experiences regarding weight loss/weight gain.
have any of you started birth control while losing weight and found it made it more difficult? or easier? or anything? i'm mostly just curious as to how it has affected you guys differently.

i'm kind of afraid i'm going to gain back the weight i've started to lose!


  • Aliciaaah
    Aliciaaah Posts: 379 Member
    I'm not sure if birth control has ever made me gain weight, because I've been steadily gaining weight for well.. forever. lol But right now I'm on Implanon. It's an insert in your arm and you're good for 3 years and you don't have to do anything. It was free with my insurance. I love it, I didn't have a period for almost a year. Now I get one every once in a while and they're random, short, light, and pretty painless.

    As for weight loss, I got it inserted in March 2011. I started trying to lose weight mid January and have lost 26 pounds. So it definitely hasn't stopped/stalled any weight loss efforts. I really recommend it!! You'll hear a lot of horror stories online, and I really hope none of that falls on you because I have nothing but good things to say about it! Add/message me if you wanna know anything else!
  • lizzynewm
    lizzynewm Posts: 199 Member
    oooh that sounds way more convenient and less easy for me to screw up somehow! thanks for the info :D
  • I've been on the Alesse brand going on four months. It hasn't caused me any weight gain whatsoever. But it has made my periods very strange and unpredictable. As well as more easily depressed and moody. But all of this is getting better as my body is getting more used to it. I also think it's made my boobs a little bigger, just slightly. I'm liking it so far though, I took it to help get rid of cramps and back pain and every month it seems to be working a little better.
  • EmpathyBot
    EmpathyBot Posts: 78 Member
    I was taking Alesse, and for the first bit, it made my period really light and short. After a few months, it went back to being heavy and painful.

    I also had a huge amount of weight gain; more so than "normal" for me. I put on about 20 pounds in 2 months.
  • Rosa1213
    Rosa1213 Posts: 456 Member
    I started taking birth control to zero weight gain. BUT then I stopped for like 4 months, still no weight gain, then when I started again, I gained a little bit. I don't know why I only gained weight the second time, because it was the same brand and everything was exactly the same.

    As a whole though, I don't think it made me gain any more than 5 pounds.
  • vixkeri
    vixkeri Posts: 58 Member
    Birth control has always impacted my weight, so I'm not a good judge. At this time, I'm also on implanon, I have no periods, but I will occasionally get mood swings/cramps. I did gain about 15 lbs when I got implanon, but I've been losing it steadily with no problems.

    My implanon was also free with my insurance, though, my doctor coded the procedure wrong and I got stuck paying an outpatient surgery.
  • ksizzle911
    ksizzle911 Posts: 130 Member
    I had MAJOR problems with weight gain when I went on the traditional pill form of birth control (it's been a few years, so I can't remember exactly what I was put on originally). It was so bad that I literally gained 12 pounds within my first 10 days of being on the pill. Not only that, but I felt so sick and icky that I went off it right away per the instruction of my doctor. I tried using the Nuvaring for awhile and didn't really see a lot of weight gain with that, but I didn't like that form because for me, it wouldn't stay inside. I then went and got an IUD put in. All I can say is AMAZING. No weight gain at all and best of all, my periods have gotten dramatically lighter and shorter. I was suffering from extreme menstral pains and very heavy flow before I got the IUD. I would reccommend asking your doctor about that option, particularly if you have children. The IUD can be tricky to insert if you haven't had kids because it's inserted in the cervix, which gets bigger after having kids. I don't have children and it was pretty painful when they put it in, but totally worth it. Best part is, the birth control is good for 5 whole years!
  • loztredders
    loztredders Posts: 142
    I've been on depo injection which didn't work out for me, almost constant periods and I did gain a little weight but I was definitely eating more too, so can't blame the jab for that, although I think it was the cause of my increased appetite.
    Now i'm on microgynon 30 for the past year and it's been brilliant for me. Easily lost the weight I gained
    , much lighter periods etc.
  • sapalee
    sapalee Posts: 409 Member
    I've never had weight gain issues. I do best on a triphasic pill, I've had to play with different brands to find one that doesn't make me nauseated the first day. I've tried the ring but eh, didn't love it. My doc doesn't recommend the IUD for someone without kids. Never wanted to do injections or implants because of side effect issues. For the pill just be sure to make it a routine to take it at about the same time everyday, I have mine on the kitchen counter and I always take it in the am while eating breakfast or packing lunch. I never leave the house without first going to the kitchen.