Calories burned

I know someone will have asked this question before, but is there a device you can wear all day that will calculate the number of calories burnt during every day living and when you're exercising, to give you a total daily number of calories used? I'm probably asking too much or it will be exhorbitantly expensive, butmthx anyway.


  • I suppose a heart rate monitor could work for this? I can't really see why not :wink:
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    fitbit or bodyugg..

    HRMs arent really made for all day use but i did wear mine for a full day where u didnt do much just to get an estimate of how many calories i burn on a non active day
  • jsp2374
    jsp2374 Posts: 131 Member
    I wear a Fitbit every day all day, except for baths or showers. I love it. I get a burnt calories for the day every night. It also tracks my sleep and tells me my sleep quality. I am absolutely in love with it. In fact I lost mine, and my husband got so sick of me complaining that I missed it, that he gave me his. When we can replace mine we will. Oh and they are 99 bucks. Not sure what your budget is.

  • AveryWays
    AveryWays Posts: 150 Member
    I use the bodymedia fit armband. My nutritionist suggested it last month since I eat 5-6X a day and still couldn't figure out why I was getting light headed at times and crashing after refueling after working out. Turns out I was burning more than I was eating even though I was eating back my calories! I already have a heart rate monitor which I use to keep track during my workouts.
  • KathrynJo3
    KathrynJo3 Posts: 7 Member
    Idk if any of you watch the reality show the Biggest Loser, but on there they use something called a bodybug (I've also heard it called slimcoach). You wear it on your arm and it tracks calories as you're burning them by measuring body heat and sweat or something along those lines. It also has a computer program where you can log your nutrition and set burn goals on the bodybug itself. The only drawback is it's super expensive because it's been featured on that godawful show.