tell me about the Fitbit



  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member

    I don;t go anywhere without it,it motivates me, it lets me know how I am sleeping (this part is useful and does worl), it challenges me. I was so close to 10,000 steps last night at 11:30 that I jogged my apt to get my badge. I finally had a 20,000 step day when I ran my first 5k!

    I can't imagine life without my fitbit buddy. Even my fit BF bought one, he loves tracking his sleep and pushing me to keep up with his step count. We have fun with them.
  • sbbc09
    sbbc09 Posts: 22
    I got mine in July 2011, and I don't think I've gone more than 10 days without it since. It actually became easier to use when it got linked to MFP since the Fitbit food database isn't as extensive. The sleep tracking function is really important to me since I know I don't get enough sleep. Might be overpriced, but it definitely keeps me in check.
  • turnerm65
    turnerm65 Posts: 58 Member
    I've had my Fitbit since January and I love it! The sleep tracking is neat, you wear it on your wrist in a soft band and it keeps track of how much you move around in your sleep or if you get up in the middle of the night. I like that it keeps track of my steps, also flights of stairs as well as calories burned thru the day. I originally got it for my Zumba classes to see how many calories I burned but the number was lower than I thought it should be, like 300 for a whole hour and I was sweating my butt off! I read somewhere, I believe it was one posts in MFP, that it doesn't really pick up on arm movements like it does for leg and torso. I went to another web-site ( to figure out my calories burned. It should be around 560 for me for an hour of Zumba. I still love my fitbit, though! It's always with me. I wear it on my belt or on the watch pocket of my pants.
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    Also You can set the timer and it monitors your calories lost during a workout. I was doing the Jillian Michaels DVD's and MFP would log as 200 something calories lost, but my Fit bit showed around 100 something. I knew MFP was wrong but the workouts were not all cardio. My fitbit gave me a more accurate count so when I ate back some calories burned I knew I wasn't over doing it.
  • cygnetpro
    cygnetpro Posts: 419 Member
    I LOVE mine. I feel naked if I forget it at home.

    Besides the pedometer, it counts how many flights of stairs you do per day, also. It has the sort of Wii technology that can tell where you are in space, or something. It's pretty accurate.

    And I LOVE the sleep feature. It counts how long it takes you to fall asleep, how many times you wake up, and total time slept. Again, I think it's pretty accurate!
  • crimsontech
    crimsontech Posts: 234 Member
    I love my FitBit too! Been wearing one since last August, and now I have my fiance, aunt, mom, sister, and three friends wearing them! It makes you very aware of your activity level during the day and if you love neat charts and graphs, you'll be motivated to park a little farther away or take the stairs to get a better score.

    Love love love!
  • LorryGuthrie
    LorryGuthrie Posts: 113 Member
  • cygnetpro
    cygnetpro Posts: 419 Member

    I don;t go anywhere without it,it motivates me, it lets me know how I am sleeping (this part is useful and does worl), it challenges me. I was so close to 10,000 steps last night at 11:30 that I jogged my apt to get my badge. I finally had a 20,000 step day when I ran my first 5k!

    I can't imagine life without my fitbit buddy. Even my fit BF bought one, he loves tracking his sleep and pushing me to keep up with his step count. We have fun with them.

    ^^^^ I did this, too! I went hiking one day, and was about 800 steps short of a new "record" (yes, it keeps your stats, and e-mails your progress!) of 20,000 steps in a day. So I marched around and around my house till I hit the number.
  • jennylee133
    jennylee133 Posts: 26 Member
    Sounds like the feedback would be very motivating!

    Are you able to purchase them in a store or do you have to order directly through the website?

  • deeannhill
    deeannhill Posts: 85 Member
    Yeah - gonna check this out later!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    I'm getting a motivia pink petite ladies watch/heart rate monitor that calculates calories and everything... 75 at Walmart, I hear good things about it

    A heart rate monitor is completely different than a fitbit/bodybugg/bodymedia fit. A HRM is only, and I stress, ONLY for use during cardio exercise activity. It is not meant for, nor are the calories calculated from it accurate, for all day wear. The formulas they use to calculate calories are only good for during exercise, and are very wrong on daily activity. The other ones mentioned, including the fitbit, are meant for all day wear. They are designed to figure out an estimate of the calorie you burn for the whole day thus making it easy to figure out your calorie deficit by simply eating 500 or so calories below that number it comes up with.

    I know nothing about the motivia, but make sure it has a chest strap, for if it doesn't have a chest strap it is useless for calorie calculation since accurate calorie calculation needs a continuous monitoring of HR as it goes up and down. I have heard there is some work on a watch only type that will do this, but have not yet seen any.
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member

    I don;t go anywhere without it,it motivates me, it lets me know how I am sleeping (this part is useful and does worl), it challenges me. I was so close to 10,000 steps last night at 11:30 that I jogged my apt to get my badge. I finally had a 20,000 step day when I ran my first 5k!

    I can't imagine life without my fitbit buddy. Even my fit BF bought one, he loves tracking his sleep and pushing me to keep up with his step count. We have fun with them.

    ^^^^ I did this, too! I went hiking one day, and was about 800 steps short of a new "record" (yes, it keeps your stats, and e-mails your progress!) of 20,000 steps in a day. So I marched around and around my house till I hit the number.

    I knew I wasn't the only one that marched and danced around to make a goal. LOL it really is a great tool and so much fun and motivation!
  • lorazaruba
    lorazaruba Posts: 61 Member
  • Way_2_a_Healthy_Mel
    Way_2_a_Healthy_Mel Posts: 175 Member
    Although I do like mine, I really don't see how it can tell you how many calories you are actually burning, just from movement. The FitBit doesn't know how fast my heart rate is during certain activities, it can only estimate, whereas my HRM actually knows what my heart rate is, and your calorie burn depends on heart rate, as well as all the other factors. I do like it, though, and use it and my HRM for exercise, and my FitBit for daily activity. I don't really trust the calorie burn with it, though, and if I were eating back calories, I would be scared to eat back all of what it says. That's my opinion on it.
  • OutOfBreath
    OutOfBreath Posts: 80 Member
    I've had mine for about 7 months now, so before MFP and FB co-mingled. I love it for the steps and the sleep tracking particularly. It was given to me as a gift, but I doubt I would have purchased one on my own.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I bought mine as a 'non-food reward' for losing my first 20lbs!

    I justified is as the money saved by not paying subscriptions to WeightWatchers/Slimming World etc
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Sounds like the feedback would be very motivating!

    Are you able to purchase them in a store or do you have to order directly through the website?


    Bestbuy in the US has them for the same price as the website. I believe shipping is free from the fitbit website, so take your pick.

    I have not got one, but have been seriously considering it or a Bodymedia Fit (BMF). I like the fact that the fitbit is small, can be worn or carried other places than the big arm band of the BMF, the fact that it links up wirelessly, has free tracking, and will connect up to MFP. On the other hand, I have heard really good things about BMF. In both cases they don't work well for calculation of calories burned from cycling which is my activity of choice in the summer. However, I know with fitbit you can enter the calories burned during say a session of cycling or IIRC remove false step information from say driving down a bumpy road.
  • Missi3601
    Missi3601 Posts: 264
    bump- was thinking of getting one...
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    What I'd like to know is does the Fitbit track all activities like isometrics, weight lifting, yoga, etc. In other words, not just steps. I have a ton of pedometers that do a decent job for what they're made for. But I really want something to accurately track all my activities because I don't walk as much as lift weights and similar activities.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    What I'd like to know is does the Fitbit track all activities like isometrics, weight lifting, yoga, etc. In other words, not just steps. I have a ton of pedometers that do a decent job for what they're made for. But I really want something to accurately track all my activities because I don't walk as much as lift weights and similar activities.

    No, it can't know how much effort you are putting into things, just distance travelled, speed, duration and incline really. I don't think there is anything out there that'll do it all on its own.