Trying out myfitness pal again

roxinronni Posts: 20 Member
Hey Everyone!

So I've decided starting tomorrow I'm doing myfitnesspal again (going to eat reasonably for the rest of tonight however just not tracking today’s food as I didn’t measure anything). I started for the first time March 26/12 and only followed thru until the 18th of April (24 days, just over 3 weeks). I didn’t lose too much and started to gain that weight back so I got frustrated and quit. At times I’m pretty confident no matter what I do I can’t lose weight. I need to lose at least 20 pounds—I would prefer 25— but I just don’t think me or my body can do it. I’m only 22 years old, well 22 in July, I thought my metabolism was supposed to be fast! I was eating healthy and doing the 30 day shred with a couple of cardio days (running or elliptical or bike) and eating around 1500 cals… but going to try again anyways….

Anyways I hope I can find helpful information on this site and actually lose weight this time. I am going to weigh myself more as well even though I dread it and would almost rather not. Any tips or advice? I’m going to try and find a good meal plan online that basically tells me what to do or eat, makes it a hell of a lot easier and I’m not picky so bah! Might as well. Hopefully start the 30 day shred again just unsure if I should go back to level 1?? After that might try ripped in 30 or some other work out DVD. The weather is FINALLY getting nice here being up north and all, so I can finally go for runs outside, go biking… maybe I just need a hobby that is fitness related. What’s your guy’s favorites fitness activity?

Does any one have tips for eating healthy on a budget as well? I find I get bored eating too much of the same thing all the time but don’t want to waste so much money. Any tips to change things up so fight boredom but still eat healthy? Like what are your Kitchen staples? Same goes for exercise? How do you guys keep it entertaining? After doing the same work out repeatedly I just get too bored!

WOW! A lot of random thoughts all thrown together so sorry if that was confusing, and if you did read along thank-you!


  • DKWaggoner
    DKWaggoner Posts: 185
    Good Luck!
  • Loislaine61
    Loislaine61 Posts: 49
    I suggest you don't start by losing 20 pounds. Start by losing 1 pound a week, then 1 pound & 1 pound, etc. I call it mini goals. That's how I lost 30 pounds, 1 pound at a time. If you look at the big picture often times it's overwhelming.

    Hope this helps. :drinker:
  • Cravenamanda
    Cravenamanda Posts: 54 Member
    Kitchen staples: protein powder
    frozen chicken breast (always have these in the freezer for meals)
    lots of fresh in season veggies and fruit
    low fat cheese
    Greek yogurt
    low fat milk
    snacks that are low in calories, but satisfying (ie I eat granola bars with chocolate when I get cravings)
    I lost over 20 lbs in 3 months on this site. I do work out often though. I have to plan my meals like crazy and I find I spend about the same at the store on groceries because I skip on the impulse buys (cookies, chips, cake, packaged mac and get the idea), instead I load up on veggies, fruit, chicken and I just discovered chicken sausage! I hope this helps:)