When did you decide to start losing weight?



  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Decided I wanted to go somewhere hot for our 20th anniversary. i want to look good in a bathing suit or sun dress.

    Oh and there is a new drivers liscence photo coming up in the fall.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    When I realized I was going to be seeing my ex-husband and wife number 2 in June after not seeing them for a year. Great motivation to lose 20 pounds before summer and then keep plowing through the rest of the weight. Probably a shallow reason (because I want to make sure I look better than the new Mrs.), but it was the motivation I needed to get my *kitten* moving.
    Not shallow, its manditory. :laugh:
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    The day I realized my BMI was 34, and I was well into obesity. Also, seeing the scale tip at nearly 220 was heartbreaking.

    Never again.... NEVER.
  • debra4647
    debra4647 Posts: 71 Member
    My breaking point was when I sat down and could feel my stomach sitting on my legs!! Thats enough of that. This is the heaviest Ive ever been, no more. I'm doing it right nice and slow.
  • agriffitts85
    agriffitts85 Posts: 38 Member
    i broke in march 2012 i went to sit at the kitchen table with my kids and i couldnt fit in the chair, and on top of it i was having a hard time playing with them on the playground. so i declared as of april 1st 2012 i would change my life i have slowly done it, an dcontinue to make changes. i have lost 11 lbs so far and have a lot more to lose.
  • emma23416
    emma23416 Posts: 1
    When I tried on a bikini... soon. I will wear one soon.
  • Meegz84
    Meegz84 Posts: 74
    When a ***** at work told me I'd put on weight and we got into an argument about it..
    I'm 174cm and WAS 68kg.. Far from being anywhere near over weight!

    Am now 61kg and very toned and 2 dress sizes smaller..

    Still can't stand the sight of her and she had better watch out if she ever makes a comment like that again!
  • chudsandwich
    chudsandwich Posts: 2 Member

    I'm prone to falling into 'hobbies' with all the positive points of obsession, and it certainly appears that health and fitness is the next one up. :)

    I think obsession is important in health and fitness. Losing weight isn't something that can be done half-heartedly. :)
  • elewellen
    elewellen Posts: 35 Member
    I really liked your post and so real. I seen a picture of myself around October I was at my heaviest 245 lbs. A coworker also made a negative statement to me once giving me even more drive. I was asking directions from a co-worker she named several landmarks my reply was no I did not know where they where. She then said you know where dairy queen is my reply yes her reply thought so, My daughter in law also called me a fatass and my son did not say a word to her. My current weight now is 195lbs and is about the or not far from that coworker. My daughter in law has put on several lbs. I am now smaller than her and gave her some of my fatass shirts yesterday that no longer fit me. I want to be able to say look at me now jerks.
  • ajcamber
    ajcamber Posts: 89 Member
    I decided to take losing weight more seriously when my doctor recommended that I get surgery or the lap-band.
  • butterflylover527
    butterflylover527 Posts: 940 Member
    When I saw a really unflattering photo of myself from the party ( I thought I looked great before I saw it )

    This is what happened to me! Yesterday felt like I looked good, then I saw a picture and I'm like "is this SERIOUSLY what I look like?!?"
  • PulchritudinousLady
    PulchritudinousLady Posts: 66 Member
    I realized that I was becoming a martyr to myself. I was diagnosed with a pain disorder and decided that exercise was too painful. Plus, my birth control was making me gain weight. A friend of mine came to visit and i realized that I'd put a ton of limits on myself that were completely unnecessary. I could just try another type of birth control, start small with exercising (just MOVE when I can), eat better, and celebrate the little things.
  • butterflylover527
    butterflylover527 Posts: 940 Member
    Right before the holidays. I knew if I could get through the holidays, I could really do. Plus, I like really challenging myself. It's worked out pretty well so far.

    That's so true! That's the biggest challenge and if u get throughout that u cam get through anything, way to go!
  • Katiemarie4488
    Katiemarie4488 Posts: 242 Member
    I was sitting at a big brunch, , weighing in at 230 lbs, stuffing my face and saying I want to lose weight.... We started talking about this one girls friend who signed up for a bootcamp program, I took a bite of a muffin and said I'll try it. Finished the food in front of me, went home and signed up! :P Now, Im 159 lbs, and on the right track for a healthier me!! :) woo hoo lol
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    The MOMENT my sister posted a side profile pic of me on FB... I looked 8 months pregnant... havent looked back since!
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    when we took xmas pics of me, hubby and our 2 year old. i decided right then and there to do it. i saw them on december 28th, and i refused to even wait until january 1st, i did it right then and there. went down 30 pounds and 12 pants sizes. maintained it over a year now.
  • butterflylover527
    butterflylover527 Posts: 940 Member
    I really liked your post and so real. I seen a picture of myself around October I was at my heaviest 245 lbs. A coworker also made a negative statement to me once giving me even more drive. I was asking directions from a co-worker she named several landmarks my reply was no I did not know where they where. She then said you know where dairy queen is my reply yes her reply thought so, My daughter in law also called me a fatass and my son did not say a word to her. My current weight now is 195lbs and is about the or not far from that coworker. My daughter in law has put on several lbs. I am now smaller than her and gave her some of my fatass shirts yesterday that no longer fit me. I want to be able to say look at me now jerks.

    Omg how terrible! People can be so cruel!! Well I'm glad you could give you DIL ur "fatass shirts" and soon you'll be like "hey, thanks for the comments, might want to take some advice from yourself"

  • sandiburn
    sandiburn Posts: 149
    I decided I had had enough when I saw myself in the picture in my profile from last spring. That is the biggest I have ever been and i'm not going back.:happy:
  • rasp12
    rasp12 Posts: 17
    I had lost weight before and then over the years put it back on again. I started again in early January, 2012 but when we went away for a miniholiday to visit friends, I got derailed but back on after a few weeks. I did not want a diet in itself but more proper portion control. A friend had lost 50+ lbs on a diabetic diet program at a local hospital as strongly suggested by her new doctor so she helped me with the proper size to make up one portion of whatever food item. I read and reread a book about the diabetic exchanges to become really comfortable with that approach.

    The best motivation came from an April 3 TV panel discussion that mentioned that food, alcohol, drugs, gambling, shopping or sex
    abuse were the result of addiction. New behaviour required new neural pathways by bringing all decisions from an automatic nibble or graze approach to conscious choice. I had to recognize that food especially starch was my addiction.

    Did I want to be in control or controlled by food. If I picked up anything, I would ask myself if it was worth eating and the right portion and my conscious choice.I restricted STARCH intake to 30gms per meal as much as possible.
    I followed Canada's Food Guide guidelines for the number of portions for my age and activity for a balanced diet.

    I needed a place to record anything that crossed my lips and MFP is perfect for that.
  • ericborchert
    ericborchert Posts: 28 Member
    When my Brother in laws youngest son looked at me a couple of years ago and said "you look like you're pregnant"