Loose skin?

Hi all,

I've searched around quite a bit and am interested to see if someone here has firsthand experience with the subject. I'm getting into the last 20-30 pounds of weight loss (I think; I have no idea what I'm actually supposed to weigh. I'm just continuing until I think I look good). At this point, I'm starting to get concerned about the potential for loose skin. My skin already has minor stretch marks, which I'm mostly okay with, but I don't want to have a bunch of loose skin on my belly. Has anyone in here had success with somehow getting their skin to tighten up without resorting to surgery?

As far as how long it took me to lose weight and what I've done, because I've read that can be relevant: I'm a male, about 6'2"/6'3". I started at more than 300 pounds, probably around 310, in October of 2010. I was 300 in mid-December of that year. By May of 2011 I was down to 270 and by the end of last summer I was down to the 235-240 range, so I was losing 2-2.5 pounds per week in the summer. Then I moved and ended up going through a few months of just maintaining my weight. I started losing again a few months ago. I started using MFP on March 5, and since then I've gone from 238 to 204. It's all been through diet and cardio with some strength training. Right now I'm waiting until I get under 200 to start doing any strength training again.


  • Wow! Congrats on your success!! That is inspirational! I have the same problem and I have started dry skin brushing. If you google it, it will pull up a lot of infomation.
  • smj887
    smj887 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks Wendy, I've never heard of that before. I'll be sure to check it out.