Need advice on my Food diary!

Hi there!

I just joined about 1 week ago, and have been diligently keeping track! Im currently 5'5 and 135 lbs (25 years) which isn't too terrible, but I do feel for my frame I could definetly stand to loose more weight, I tend to carry it in my butt and thighs. I have always had a fairly flat tummy, and small chest. I have been reading the message boards and the people on here seem quite knowledgable so I wouldn't mind any advice you could give me!!

Today my diary is a bit unhealthier than usual, but I was at a horse show for 12 hours, which does not allow me to eat very well. I currently have not lost any weight since keeping track. (I did weigh myself today and I weighed 3 pounds less, but I believe thats just from being outside all day so im going to do my weigh in a bit later in the week) .

I love running, and horsebackriding. I would run for longer but I work 9 hours a day mon-fri, which is fairly hectic (can vary) but mostly im on my feet., and I ride every morning I can before work, then run after work if I feel up to it, I live on my own, so I need time to do all my cleaning, plus time for social life. And I just feel like I do not have the time to add in any weight training. As it is, I would run for much longer if I feel like I had the time/energy! Im thinking about going to the gym on my lunches and just eating something quick or will this be too much for one person in a day?

I have not been recording water intake but I know I do take in atleast 2L/day.

Any advice, words of wisdom would be much appreciated!

Thank you!


  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    It sounds like you're doing great. Yes, it's hard to eat well when you're eating out - especially at a horse show. I spent the last few days in a hospital visiting my husband and even THERE it's hard to find good food to eat.

    You are probably set up to lose a pound a week. That will feel slow. But it keeps adding up and it's a POUND OF BUTTER no longer glued to your hips.
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 633 Member
    I would say for the most part, it looks good. Try also tracking sodium, you can track more nutrients than you currently are (in case you didn't realize that, it took me a few months to clue in), sodium is bad for most people, in terms of weight loss. Personally, I think you should eat a bit more on most days, 100-200 calories more, you don't have much to lose and eating back your exercise calories will help you in the long run.
  • Saiklor
    Saiklor Posts: 183
    Looks pretty good to me but here's a dummy question: what is this protein stuff you're eating by the scoopful? Does that make smoothies or something? What do you mix it with? Why do you eat it?
  • orishp
    orishp Posts: 214 Member
    It looks pretty good to me. One question I have is that your calorie goal seems high to me, given your current weight.

    The way I set my profile is on sedentary, so my target cals is 1200 cals and then if I exercise I eat back my calories.
  • acep07
    acep07 Posts: 24
    Thanks for the quick responses already!

    Sodium is VERY hard to keep down, oh my goodness its in everything! Im not usually an avid eater outer, but friday I met a friend at starbucks for lunch and today I feel like I needed it, I feel like I must sweat it out, its been 30-40 degrees here (celcuis) sometimes feeling like 50 because its so friggen humid. Any extra sodium I feel shouldn't be too bad or is it? I fogot to mention, im probably going to cook up some veggies for a snack tonight. I find it really hard not to eat before bed, I have to feel full to sleep. I will toss and turn in pain if I don't have something in my belly, I know its very bad to eat before bed, any advise on this?
  • acep07
    acep07 Posts: 24
    Looks pretty good to me but here's a dummy question: what is this protein stuff you're eating by the scoopful? Does that make smoothies or something? What do you mix it with? Why do you eat it?

    Its a low calorie portien powder I bought at wal-mart, I figured it would help me feel full, which it does a very good job, and im also INLOVE with the taste, its also a treat for me and its so quick and easy if I don't have time to make myself something real. It always pushes me over my protein goal, but my boyfriend said more portein is very good for me, so I have no idea if it is or not to be honest. I just mix it with water
  • acep07
    acep07 Posts: 24
    It looks pretty good to me. One question I have is that your calorie goal seems high to me, given your current weight.

    The way I set my profile is on sedentary, so my target cals is 1200 cals and then if I exercise I eat back my calories.

    My goal is 1200/day I set my profile to the mildly active during the day one, since I am on my feet all day. I can't imagine eating any less calories per day to be honest! I do eat some of my exercised calories as well.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Lots of people, who are successfully losing weight here, eat before bed. It works for some people to stop eating at a set time, but it doesn't work for everyone.
    For me, it often helps to have a small sweet (one piece of chocolate) or some protein (slice of cheese or glass of milk) before I sleep. And there's mounting research that getting a good night's sleep is very helpful in losing weight.
    I agree with others... sounds like in general you're doing well. Enough people say that slower weight loss is easier to maintain that I believe it. So keep going and good luck!
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    When you first start, it can take a week or two for your body to adjust to changes. It sounds like you're making good decisions and looking at the right things.

    I know whenever I up my calories or lower them, it's about 2 weeks before I see if my change has done anything...same with exercise.
  • dali21001
    dali21001 Posts: 1
    Sounds like you are doing great starting out. It's not easy to track everything. You will forget some things, but the goal is to record everything you eat because it helps you not go over your calorie intake for the day. If you cannot work out doing outdoor activities, you can always do a work out in front of the television. I use my lap top and put in a work out video while I watch or listen to a favorite show on the television to allow me to forget how much longer I have on my work out.

    Just find anything that works for you and stick with it. Best of luck!

    Dali R.
  • poodlepaws
    poodlepaws Posts: 269 Member
    Your body may also be one of those that needs you to eat most of those exercise calories as well. I learned that one the hard way....worked my *kitten* off at the gym for 3 weeks to only lose 3 pounds.... injury kept me home from the gym for 2 weeks lost 3.5 pounds!
  • pkfrankel
    pkfrankel Posts: 171 Member
    First, your diary looks good. My one suggestion would be to try and get some dark, leafy greens in your diet. Spinach is great on sandwiches, in pasta, eggs, smoothies. I know the last one doesn't sound right. Try it. You don't taste the spinach at all. If you use lighter colored fruit like strawberries, bananas and peaches the smoothie will be a green color. If you throw in some blueberries, raspberries or blackberries the smoothie will lose its green.

    If you run regularly then I wouldn't worry so much about counting sodium. The average person sweats 500 mg of sodium per pound. To measure this, weigh yourself before going for a run. Weigh yourself after you return. The difference is your sweat rate. If you run 30 minutes and lose one half pound then you sweat 500 mg per hour. Guideline recommend no more than 2400 mg of sodium per day.

    I wouldn't worry about eating before bed. The misnomer is that you are sleeping so you body doesn't metabolize the food. If your body is not metabolizing then you are dead. It may not metabolize as quickly since there is little muscle function when you sleep. If you must eat before bed try some fruit or vegetables. Your stomach will spend a long time digesting them.

    The best advise is to try and eat more natural foods and less packaged foods.
  • Kcarroll01
    Kcarroll01 Posts: 18
    Your diary actually looks pretty good overall. I am assuming your a vegetarian since I did not see any meat listed. But, like you mentioned in an earlier post, you are getting your protein from the powder. Are you eating your meals in intervals, meaning every few hours you eat something (breakfast, midmorning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner) ? This helps to get your metabolism up.
  • acep07
    acep07 Posts: 24
    I bought some leafy greens today including spinach! Its hard because I can't buy too much fresh veggies at a time, or they will go bad as I am the only one eating them. Thanks everyone for your input, Im really happy that a lot of people eat before bed without problems. And believe it or not I am not vegetarian, I just don't cook up meat very often, I don't like to cook very much all my meat is frozen and I have to have enough time to thaw and cook. But I do seem to have more than enough protein everyday