Need like-minded friends, positive only need apply 


I am new to MFP (one week) and am already seeing results (3 lbs)! I love how easy it is to log food and know that this is the best way to keep myself accountable. I also love that little line that says “if every day was like today, you would weigh ### in five weeks”. It inspires me to do more.

A little about me:
I am 47 (for one more month), female, married w/2 adult girls (the baby moved back home recently), full time manager, novice (aka slow) runner, timid cook (I know what I know), and generally an optimist that looks for the positives in just about everything.

My weight loss journey:
I was the skinny tall girl (6ft) until after I quit growing (age 20). Never really lost the “baby” weight after having a baby (age 25) then just let it continue to slide up over the years a little at a time. I dieted and exercised a little here and there and maintained a reasonable, if too high, weight. My top end was around 220 (age 43). That year I lost my mother and my baby left for college leaving me with nothing to focus on but…well…me. My husband and I started the plan laid out in the book “You on a Diet”, by Dr Oz and started walking every day together. We both saw a lot of success (I lost 35 lbs) but life somehow got back in the way. Add in several injuries in the last two years (one life-threatening) and voila’, here I am. I have already let go of 8 lbs by going gluten-free (for digestive reasons) last November and now have another 3 off with MFP this week. I have about 20-25 to go.

Whew! Done. Yeah, I really just put all that out there. Are you still with me? If so, and you would like a friend that will cheer your victories and support you through the tough times, I’m here! Looking to share support with other positive people.


  • myownadvice
    myownadvice Posts: 95 Member
    Anyone? :smile:
  • nikki_1123
    nikki_1123 Posts: 33
    Feel free to add me if you'd like. I'm 19, so I realize there's a bit of an age difference however any kind of support is support in my eyes and I am a very optimistic person. :)
  • grdnr03
    grdnr03 Posts: 547 Member
    add me im 43 with teenagers (2), and hubby. i've lost 3 pounds makes me happy
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    You may add me as well.. I am 46, for one more month only :laugh: No 2 legged kids but 3 four legged fur kids.. I am near goal weight, depending on day probably within 5-8 pounds. I am a runner, just really started last year and have run several 5Ks, a 10K, a half marathon and I am currently training for my second half marathon. My problem is eating too much in social situations, weekdays I do great, weekends bad... I like my cocktails too...
  • pattie317
    pattie317 Posts: 43 Member
    You can add me as well!
  • Khazara
    Khazara Posts: 8
    Hi! Sent you a request. Im from Puerto Rico and definitely need friends in here. Im 41 (for another month) and I dont have kids, but 2 lovable doggies. And yes, my husband lurks around the house as well. :-)
  • tinahelton
    tinahelton Posts: 65 Member
    Feel free to add me too! I'm married, 4 beautiful daughters (1 at home, 1 living away/engaged, 1 living in town & mom of my granddaughter :), and 1 in the Marine Corps).

    I've lost almost 30 lbs since my heaviest weight at the beginning of the year. And plan to never, ever be that size again!!!
  • Feel free to add me! I need all the help I can get!