No More Excuses - Week 5



  • dragonfly81
    dragonfly81 Posts: 272 Member
    I would like to join this group to give support and to keep myself accountable, however, I am taking a doctor prescribed weight loss supplement and I don't want to throw off the weigh in's due to that. Is this possible? Join but not be counted in the weigh in? Thanks! :)
  • Amaline...Haven't heard from you lately. You okay? How many days til you go home now? Did you find a new dress? I am still on week 4 of C25K. I'm afraid to move up to the next level because I'm not ready to jog 25 minutes without stopping. Where are you on the program?

    Thanks for thinking of me Tam! TBH I have been lying a little low as I have been having not such a good week. Not disastrous but I do need to get back on track. I definitely did not earn the new dress this week so that is going to be next weeks goal for me.

    I finished week 4 on Tuesday and was supposed to start week 5 today but got side tracked. I am nervous about doing the 20 min run too. I don't know about you but I found week 4 much more challenging than previous weeks. I was thinking of repeating it before moving on but I have decided to give week 5 a try first. I am going to keep my speed low (always a challenge for me as I tend to sprint) and just go for as long as I can. If I need to stop and go back and repeat then so be it but I am going to at least try week 5 first. Do you wanna do it with me? :bigsmile: would be great to have someone at the same place in the program as me! I am going to do it tomorrow afternoon, I'll let ya know how it goes.

    Running girl - it's a water weight baby of course! you definitely didn't gain that much in a day. I love reading about your runs - I really want to be able to do the same one day. How did you start out running? Have you always enjoyed it or are you a newcomer?
    Christy - glad you are feeling better and I wish your son luck with his tournament!
    Amanda - I swear you never sleep! How do you fit everything in? I do love the new pic too
    Justjack - you are doing well and on the right path so I wouldn't stress too much about a plateau for a week, just keep up the good work!
    Christy- congrats on getting back into exercising! It's always the first couple of workouts that are hardest to do after a while off

    Hope you all have a great day! I am off to bed now - it's Thursday night and only 14 and a half sleeps till I get home!

    I started running when I was 230lbs. It was horrible and I hated it but it got the weight off fast. I just started out running a minute, walking a minute or two, and repeat. I remember the first time I ran 5minutes straight I was so happy! Now I run about 30 miles a week.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Running_girl, it amazes me that you talk about the scale jumping two pounds because I have a story to tell.

    I started my weight loss journey last January and did well until March when I pretty much gave up. I gained 10 pounds back and then in August decided I wanted to run the local 5K so I got back in shape for that, ran it in September and then went back to my old ways. Then a month ago I was looking in the mirror and thought I don't like what I see but I don't really care. Then a article about diabetes came in the mail and I have no insurance and I thought this is me. Now I am not saying I was diabetic but I was thirsty all the time, craved sugar and would crash with it, get shaky, miserable and not function. My stomach was 41.5 inches and I was tired all the time. I have no idea if anything medically was wrong with me, but I thought your dh is disabld and you have an extremely disabled little girl who you will take care of until God calls her home. What will happen without you and who is taking care of you. Then the Biggest Loser came on and while Liz was definitely not one of my favorite contestants, she kept talking about taking care of everybody else and not taking care of her. My wake-up call came when my little girl was having a seizure and I was just out of control, not me normally and I was like you have to get it together. That was my wake-up call.

    I realize I am rambling but Running-girl I will get to my point in a minute. Anyway last night my dad, sis and I went shopping and we didn't leave here until 6:30. I usually eat by then and so I was hungry and so like an idiot I grabbed a handful of chips. Then we drove the 50 minutes into the big town and the stores close early so we went shopping first. I was so hungry but there was really nothing I could do about it except next time take a healthy snack. Then my sis buys this chocolate, white chocolate peppermint bark and offers me some. I take a piece, it is good and then she offers more. I realize at this time I don't want more but I eat it anyway. My body is talking to me and I ignore it. 4 pieces later, I have a sugar headache. We go to Wal-Mart and finally go to the restaurant at 9:30. By this time I am starving and order what I had planned. I knew it was high in fat but I figured I am already way over, so tomorrow is another day. It was also full of sodium. After I ate half of it, I was so sick in my tummy I just wanted to throw up. If I had listened to my body I would have been fine. Point of this rambling - LISTEN TO YOUR BODY, IT WILL TELL YOU WHAT IT NEEDS!

    Running-Girl, my scale was up four pounds today. I am not sweating it, I am forgetting it actually. Dragged my butt to the gym, lifted weights, elliptical for 40 minutes, and then I RAN FOR 5 MINUTES STRAIGHT! For me that is a first and awesome. I am so proud of myself. BE PROUD OF YOURSELVES THAT YOU ARE GETTING HEALTHY, BE PROUD THAT YOU ARE EXERCISING, BE PROUD OF YOURSELVES THAT YOU AWARE OF WHAT YOU EATING. BE PROUD.

    Promise, I am done rambling!!!! :heart:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I remember the first time I ran 5minutes straight I was so happy! Now I run about 30 miles a week.

    This is funny I was typing about me running 5 minutes straight today for the first time. LOL
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Amaline...I will try to move up to week 5. Today is my wogging day so I will let you know how it goes. Good luck!!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Dragonfly - WELCOME!

    You don't have to weigh-in just let us know you are around! :flowerforyou:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    I would like to join this group to give support and to keep myself accountable, however, I am taking a doctor prescribed weight loss supplement and I don't want to throw off the weigh in's due to that. Is this possible? Join but not be counted in the weigh in? Thanks! :)

    Welcome, so glad that you are joining this group. It is a great group!!!!!!!! It is what helped me get back on track of things after being off track for months.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    OK, I made it through day 1 of week 5 on Couch to 5K!! It was not too bad, run for 5 minutes and then walk for 3 minutes. It is day 3 that is worrying me. You have to run for 20 minutes with no walking. We'll see how that goes on Monday. Will keep you posted.
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    :smile: I should not look at the scales every day. I think everyone nailed it with the water and sodium thing. I am a big iced tea drinker and today I had no tea and drank water the whole day. The craziest thing happened.

    Yesterday I get on the scale (super accurate gym scale) and it says 219.7, today thats what I am talking about!!!! I had to get off and get on about 6 times before I believed it. (much like I did yesterday when it said 219.7) Anyway, that is a new low for me in this journey, and for that I am happy.

    On a side bar, I ran two miles today and that was an all time high as well. When I started (a month ago) I couldn't do a half mile.
  • Okay. Went to the doctor and got weighed there. 156. Did it at home. Same thing. Wow my weight is so crazy. My husband threw out the scale, lol. So now I'm only getting weighed at the gym. Hopefully that will cut down on my obsession,
  • cah0806
    cah0806 Posts: 112
    Just a quick run by before my daughter has my head for keeping her off her "shopping" experience too long. I hope you are all doing well. I am glad to hear of all the success and love the new pic Amanda. I am proud of the changes I am reading about. As a side note - I feel super supported even though I can't check in as often as I'd like. Keep up the good work guys. I am here if you need me...Christy
  • Hi All;
    Dragonfly....Welcome....I think you will enjoy the group. Jump in and just say what's on your mind!!!

    YIPEE!!!!! I made it to Curves today..... It was definately not a huge work out, but it sure felt good to get back at it. Tomorrow I will get a little stronger and hopefully will be back to my old routine next week!

    So I didn't have to worry about my Christmas luncheon as bad as I thought....Got my plate and all of a sudden was afraid to eat again because I was sick to my stomach again!!!! So took just a couple of bines and enjoyed the company. Brought my lunch home and by dinner time I was ready to eat it!

    Sounds like everyone is getting back on track after some tough times which is great. Amanda....loved the story! :happy:

    Well, I think my bed is calling me! Have restful night everyone!

  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good morning all...Had fun last night with the family. We went to see Christmas lights, saw Santa Claus, roasted marshmallows and had hot chocolate by an open fire. It was great. We had fast food for supper but I still had 10 calories left. My goal today is to drink more water. That is a big problem for me. I love tea. I changed to Splenda but I drink A LOT of tea.

    Jack...Congrats on the run and the weight loss. The sodium and not enough water is a biggee for me too.

    Christy...Hey, glad you are well.

    Ann...Glad you are feeling better. That bug really got you, huh?

    Running girl...I wish my husband would throw my scale away. Every morning I get up, go to the bathroom and get on the scale. I think I am obsessed.

    Have a great day everybody...Yipee it is Friday:smile:

  • Running girl...I wish my husband would throw my scale away. Every morning I get up, go to the bathroom and get on the scale. I think I am obsessed.

    Tammy.....I am so glad I am not the only one! That is exactly my routine as well. I always tell myself it is not necessary and I shouldn't be doing it! HMMMMMM...Self talk is not doing me any good!

    Roasting marshmallows is a favorite of mine and really they aren't all that high in calories. It's when you add the chocolate, and the graham crackers........OOOPS!!!!!

    We are still frigid here this morning! Drinking my coffee and trying to get motivated for the day. The day after a board meeting is pretty relaxed usually so I am hoping for it today!! However, my office looks like a tornado came through it so I think I will get excersice today just trying to clean it!

    Everyone have a super FRIDAY!!!!!
  • Good Morning Everyone!

    Today I'm in a fantastic mood. Yesterday I stayed well within my calories and had a great morning workout. Everyday is a little easier to stay away from tempting food. Tomorrow I am meeting my mom up at the Seattle Outlet Malls and I have my eye on this GORGEOUS Christmas dress from Banana Republic that is 40% off. It's silver, short, and just beautiful. Back when I was 230+lbs I wouldn't dream of wearing a dress. Now I wear them whenever I can.

    It's going to be a challenge - going home for the holidays and spending the next year living with my parents and 17 year old brother while my husband is deployed. Challenging in a good way. I know I can stay on track. It'll just take a little more effort.

    Well I hope that everyone has a great and happy Friday. Weigh-in is in 2 days. I'm pretty stoked to see what progress I have made this week. I'm aiming for 3lbs. Lofty goal, but very doable.

    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!! I just finished my exercise for today while my hubby is still home to watch our 2 year old son. I am tired but I feel absoultly great. I love to exercise now!!!!!!!! I hope you all have a great day also!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Hey everyone

    Hope your all enjoying your Fridays. I am so glad it is the weekend! I am feeling good tonight after doing my run and having a great dinner (broccoli and tofu stir fry with lots of chilli mmmm). I don't expect to see any loss this week really but I am back on track tonight and have lots of exercise planned this weekend.

    Tam - W5D1 was not so bad, I kinda found it easier doing less intervals. It only gets harder this week tho - not sure how I am supposed to run for 20 mins in just a few days!

    Runningirl - that's such an inspirational story about how you started running, thanks for sharing!

    Keep up the good work everyone!

    Oops - forgot to say welcome Dragonfly :flowerforyou:
  • Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't been around for the last couple of days. I'm really sorry to hear that some of you have been sick this week, but hopefully you'll all be well enough to enjoy the weekend.

    Dragonfly - welcome to the group. I've found in the short time we've been together that this is truly a group of like-minded people. We all have ups and downs and other members have given me brilliant support and never knocked me back when I've had a bit of a wobbly.

    The parties in my classes went really well - especially the one on Wednesday afternoon. I've never seen so much wonderful home cooking from around the globe . . . and to see a big group of women from all different countries having fun, chatting and dancing together really made me realise why I do the job I do.

    I did manage to stick to my resolution not to eat excessively at the parties but then my lovely students filled up boxes of stuff for me to bring home . . . and I continued grazing in the evening. I'm having a bit of a detox day today while my tum recovers from eathing how I used to! :tongue:

    I can really relate to what some of you were saying about the first time you ran for 5 minutes. I've just achieved that and I'm sooooo proud of myself. I never used to run at all when I used the treadmills at the gym - I was far too self-conscious. Now I've managed to run for 6 minutes as part of my 40 minute session and I couldn't be happier. Running girl - your accomplishment is something I aspire to!!

    Right - I'm off to pick up my younger little treasure from the stables, then I'm coming home and getting on the treadmill. Hope everyone's having a great Friday.

    Alison xx
  • Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't been around for the last couple of days. I'm really sorry to hear that some of you have been sick this week, but hopefully you'll all be well enough to enjoy the weekend.

    Dragonfly - welcome to the group. I've found in the short time we've been together that this is truly a group of like-minded people. We all have ups and downs and other members have given me brilliant support and never knocked me back when I've had a bit of a wobbly.

    The parties in my classes went really well - especially the one on Wednesday afternoon. I've never seen so much wonderful home cooking from around the globe . . . and to see a big group of women from all different countries having fun, chatting and dancing together really made me realise why I do the job I do.

    I did manage to stick to my resolution not to eat excessively at the parties but then my lovely students filled up boxes of stuff for me to bring home . . . and I continued grazing in the evening. I'm having a bit of a detox day today while my tum recovers from eathing how I used to! :tongue:

    I can really relate to what some of you were saying about the first time you ran for 5 minutes. I've just achieved that and I'm sooooo proud of myself. I never used to run at all when I used the treadmills at the gym - I was far too self-conscious. Now I've managed to run for 6 minutes as part of my 40 minute session and I couldn't be happier. Running girl - your accomplishment is something I aspire to!!

    Right - I'm off to pick up my younger little treasure from the stables, then I'm coming home and getting on the treadmill. Hope everyone's having a great Friday.

    Alison xx

    Alison; I must have missed it somewhere.....What line of work are you in? It sounds extremely interesting...."cooking from around the globe.....women from different countries....." How cool is that?

    Good for you for sticking with things. I was in training for the 5 minute run thing.....then got sick and got WAY off track. Plan to start back up though. I, like so many of you, have never been a runner either. New Goal. I hear from friends that it is quite adicting once you get into it.

    Have a great one!
  • Good evening Anne. Shall we do the 5 minute run thing together once you feel better? I thought I'd stick with 5 continuous minutes of running every time for the next few days, then try to start building it up a minute at a time with the aim of getting to 10 minutes within a month. Do you think that's realistic?

    Oh - and I teach English to adults in the local community. The area of north London I live in is like the world in miniature - extremely multi-cultural with big communities from Turkey, Somalia, Congo, Bangladesh parts of Eastern Europe etc etc. As I teach during the day my classes are full of women who come to learn while their children are at school. The students are incredibly appreciative and they all get on really well together despite their limited English and major cultural differences!!

    OK - treadmill here I come. Catch you all later xx
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