In a rut... HELP!

OK this post is going to be a bit long I think. But I an in a rut and need help! I have been emotionally eating and have gained all my weight back that I lost. Here's why....

Four weeks (june 26) ago my Dad and Uncle were attacked by a bull on our family farm. My Dad ended up being physically ok but he holds ALOT of guilt. My Uncle on the other hand is not ok. He was air lifted to the hospital. He had damage to the ligaments and tendons in his neck and swelling and bruising of the spinal cord and his lungs. He was also unable to move or feel his legs. He had surgery to his neck and it went well. In recovery his lung filled with fluid and his entire body swelled. This happened twice. He was kept sedated and on a ventalator for 3 weeks. Finally he was able to get off the ventalator and moved to a rehabilitation center. He was given only a 20% chance to walk again and could feel touching to his feet and legs. While at the rehabilitation center yesterday they descovered a blood clot to his lungs. Now he is on blood thinners to help clear that. Hopefully no more bad news for him. Prayers would be greatly appriciated on him walking again.

Not only did all this happen but last Wed (July 18) my daughter was in a car accident with her grandmother. They were on there way to get ice cream when they were T-boned in the door my daughter (4) was sitting by. She had her hand out the window when it was hit. She had a bone deep laceration to her index finger which also severed the tendon and did damage to her knuckle joint. She has 3 broken bones in her hand as well. She also had glass smashed into her face by her nose and cheek. She had emergency surgery to repair the ligament and finger and also to remove the glass and repair her face (it looked like hamburger) She will be just fine but we all know when our babies are hurt its very scary.

Because of all this stress and medical emergencies I have binged and binged and cried and ate junk and just completely ignored how I was treating myself. Food is not helping me cope and I am completely DISCUSTED with myself! How do I get out of this rut? My uncle may not walk again.. and I pray he does because he saved my Dad's life from that bull! MFP is all I have for encouragement. I do not get it at home.


  • mamo1014
    mamo1014 Posts: 129 Member
    You have been through a lot but you made it through it all. Your uncle is alive, your daughter and father are also alive. Start concentrating on the good you have now. Also put your uncle's recovery as a have to be strong for him. You sound like a woman who is strong in her beliefs and that will get you through this. Refocus from the bad to the good. My prayers are with you and your family.
  • Listen, here love2run....sounds like you are there for EVERYONE.....except YOU!....You have been through alot and so wonderful that your Dad and daughter are OK...prayers for your uncle.....but, really, you must look out for you and be kind to sound like a wonderful young is not your friend! Come here and write about your feelings....that will probably help! Good luck!
  • softdemonplaya
    softdemonplaya Posts: 27 Member
    You can do this. Start from this point and move forward when it comes to getting back on track with your eat and weight loss. Unfortunately we can't change yesterday but we can definately make sure tomorrow is a better day. I'm sorry to hear about your family members and what they and you have had to go through. It is such a helpless feeling when you can only do so much to help them. Stay positive, and my thought and prayers are for sure with you and your family.