aalley5 Member


  • aalley5
    aalley5 earned the 250 Inspirings badge.
    You received 250 Inspirings. Looks like you're popular around these parts.
    October 2
  • aalley5
    aalley5, SmallerCyndi2012, StephL0711, Mom2M_and_O, qualitymama and 2 others were promoted to Member.
    September 16
  • loridianehood33
    Hi Aalley5, I am trying really hard to join the BLC but just can't seem to get it right. I got to the join button, clicked on it, posted a message but I do not understand where to post my copy and paste portion as it will not allow me in the discussion at all.
    August 25
  • aalley5
    aalley5 earned the 2,500 Comments badge.
    Another day, another comment, another badge.
    August 3
  • aalley5
    aalley5 earned the 25 Insightfuls badge.
    You received 25 Insightfuls. You're posting some good content. Great!
    July 22