StealthHealth Member


  • Post links - I'm here to learn.
  • I've not watched that one yet but will do so. I think the Revive Stronger channel is good but ANYTHING my Martin MacDonald seems to be brilliant. I have much respect for him.
  • Of course fat burning takes over but not at a greater calorific rate than that of the previous glycogen usage rate!! The energy conversion rate is dependent upon the energy usage- not the fuel type.
  • Completely incorrect - Time in fasted state is not what drives weight loss - it's net calorific balance. Re: your example. A 1600 calories deficit in one meal or spread over the day will yield the same results - meal timing makes no difference. Wanting more is subjective and irrelevant to the argument since you've…
  • I was questioning the concept that chains "can increase resistance at the top of the lift and keep it the same at the bottom." - I don't think that that is the case, but it is the case with bands.
  • I strongly agree with the stuff that @stanmann571 has posted but wanted to add: In a recent podcast interview with Martin MacDonald he talked about the most aggressive weight loss possible without muscle loss and specifically referenced some work he had done with Alan Aragon on the subject. His view was that, based upon…
  • Surely bands, not chains?
  • Your diet looks terrible - devoid of vegetables and quite low on fiber. I get the convenience and control-ability of shakes but if you are going to go down that route (and personally I don't recommend it) you need to be cramming vegetables into your other meals and maybe even in your shakes. Calorific excess is one part of…
  • I ran a MFP account for MrsStealthHealth for a number of months - I would plan our foods and input all the data into both out accounts. Much to my dismay, other than the first couple of weeks, she failed to lose weight (which was her goal - I'll state that I love her no matter what her size but I'm happy that she wants to…
  • From examine - "Creatine monohydrate can be supplemented through a loading protocol. To start loading, take 0.3 grams per kilogram of bodyweight per day for 5–7 days, then follow with at least 0.03 g/kg/day either for three weeks (if cycling) or indefinitely (without additional loading phases)." My opinion - yep, you'll…
  • Short answer, maybe, but the evidence is weak. From Examine "In prolonged exercise and somewhat related to the antifatigue effects, an increase in fat oxidation is noted with BCAA supplementation; this is thought to be related to the glycogen preserving effects of BCAAs." The studies (3) were done on 10, 7, and 7…
  • Yes, I think it's a beginner plan - but that is what OP was looking for (I think?)
  • I've never attempted a weighted version - I'm far too concerned with dealing with the burn and trying not to fall over to do any type other than "body-weight-whilst-clinging-on-to -something-sturdy-for-dear-life"
  • Can confirm - pistol squats = humbling experience!! Also - Sissy squats.
  • How many calories did MFP give you when you plugged your stats into the app?
  • Still not really much information but for a 30 year old man, 5'10" weighing 278lb and a sedentary lifestyle you'd be looking at about 2700 cals to maintain. For a loss of 1lb per week you would be eating about 2200 cals per day.
  • Well that's part of the problem.. when we get invited out to a friends and they say "Oh, the weather is going to be nice, We'll have a barbeque" - I know this means crappy cheap burgers and sausages. But even taking that into consideration - I don't even like barbecues when I'm cooking the food! I like barbeque style food…
  • I don't like eating at Barbecues - I like some of the foods but not many but I really don't like standing in someones garden, with a slow drip feed of (often) crappy food. I also, don't really like donuts. They look nice the taste is blegh!
  • Tailored by Woody Wilson IIRC from his Instagram posts during filming of Series 2 of Ballers
  • I suspect this is more of an effect of being in calorific deficit for some time. Depending on how close to ideal weight you are, dieting can be hard on your general energy levels and some people find that exercise is harder than they would expect. If you're getting to low %BF and/or you've been dieting for a long time…
  • Dare I say it? But it appears to me that Feinman is (probably for click bait or as a talking point) setting up a straw man with the statement "A calorie is not a calorie". I'm pretty sure that he is aware that there are people who use that statement in the true scientific way as a "unit of energy is just a unit of energy"…
  • I was commenting, similar to jesspen91, that the serving size caught me out. So you second option. Was/is that something that I shouldn't have done? I'm still confused. "To be fair".... To who?
  • re: The stuff in bold. I don't think I understand what you're saying.
  • I've mentioned this before and I will again (such is my pain at the discovery) but Pop Tarts - sold in boxes, inside the box is a silver plastic pouch which contains 2 pop tarts. I assumed that the nutritional information was for one serving, i.e. a pouch containing 2 pop tarts - but No!! a pouch is 2 servings!! The cruel,…
  • * Avocado's. * Breakfast cereals - although not really that calorific according to nutritional info on the packet when I weighed out one of my typical bowls I was eating two portions and often hungry an hour later* I don't usually eat breakfasts, and when I do it is not cereal, but I've learn that when I'm trying to add in…
  • Perfectly possible to exercise well without a gym.
  • I think that on a practical basis, that if you feel like your doctor is giving you poor advice then you should be quatinoing that advice there and then. So, in your example, when your GP recommends that you switch to brown rice you could have asked why that was their recommendation.
  • You seem to be correlating two different things here... Initially you say that your Doctor gives, in your opinion, poor advice but then go onto ask the question about our reliance on western medicine. Which is the debate topic? That some doctors give poor advice or that we rely on western medicine too much?
  • Add in calorie dense foods - Nut butters, Ice cream, Pop tarts, chocolate, oily fish such as mackerel, bacon, avocado, cheeses.
    in Gains Comment by StealthHealth July 2017